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2007-07-23 10:21:21 · 25 answers · asked by scarface 2 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

25 answers

That is one of my favorite things to point out to people that are of the mindset that there had to be a creator, because there is a "creation".

If we KNOW energy cannot be created or destroyed, then why continue with this line of questioning? People have no problem believing that a god has always existed, even though there is no evidence to back this claim up.

However, when one of the fundamental laws of science proves that the universe has always existed (or at least it's reasonable to assume it has), suddenly they have a problem with it.

Well, guess what, folks? The bible was the science of its time. Science has come a LONG way since then. All you need to do is get with the times. There's plenty of books out there to enrich yourself with. Other than a fear of hell, there is no longer any reason to continue deluding yourself into believing ancient mythology.

2007-07-23 10:27:36 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 2 1

I think you have asked a very important question and deserve a far better answer than you are likely to receive from many who are disdainful of religion and any talk of a God or Creator.

Before I try to give a brief, and hopefully intelligent, answer I must clearly state that I am biased. I know that there is a living God and that He "created" this world and all about us through His Son Jesus Christ.

Let's take the word "create" and use in its place "organized" and we begin to get a clearer picture of what happened. As an example of this think of how your parents created you. There was no magic, no mystery, no voodoo, as science has done a pretty good job of explaining the process of human reproduction. In fact, your creation is just the reorganization of already existing matter into a new form. A question! Elements and matter are organized into a human body but where does the spark of life and intelligence come from? Is it created from nothing? Is it organized from something else?

Science is, in reallity, only man's effort to discover the laws God uses to organize matter into worlds and everything around us. Scientists have done pretty well in some areas but but are still in the dark in others. And that is to be expected if we believe that in comparison to God's knowledge and abilities we, the human race, haven't even learned to crawl out of our cribs yet.

By "organizing" the earth from existing materials He neither had to create nor destroy matter.

There is so much more to talk about here but I hope this sheds some light on your question.

2007-07-23 18:33:45 · answer #2 · answered by greenthumb 2 · 0 0

Science and God are both correct.

Matter cannot be created or destroyed. Matter can be transformed. This is what happened in the "creation". God did not create something out of nothing.

God organized the heavens and the earth out of preexisting materials. This flies in the face of centuries of Christian tradition, which insists that God created the universe ex nihilo (i.e., “from nothing”). The doctrine of ex nihilo creation simply cannot be found in Genesis or anywhere else in the Bible. Ancient Jewish writings teach that God created the universe by giving form to formless matter. It was not until the second century after Christ that Christian thinkers began, under the influence of Greek philosophy, to teach creation ex nihilo, and the doctrine only gradually gained wide acceptance.

In Genesis 1:2, the Bible describes the Earth's condition as "Tohu Va-Vohu" (Hebrew: תהו ובהו), "formless" and "void". In most Bibles the phrase is translated by various combinations of adjectives with which translators attempt to capture the flavor of the primeval terrestrial moment which "Tohu Va-Vohu" describes

Prior to the beginning of the Christian era, the ancient Greek Septuagint (LXX) translators of the Hebrew text rendered this term as "unsightly and unfurnished" (Greek: ἀόρατος καὶ ἀκατασκεύαστος) which is an understanding of Earth's primordial status quo at the moment in time. It parallels the Greek concept of Chaos.

2007-07-23 17:51:54 · answer #3 · answered by Someone who cares 7 · 0 0

Actually, technically speaking this is not true. "Matter" can be created and destroyed. However, scientists' current understanding of the universe states that matter and energy can only be converted into one another but that there is a conservation principle that underlies this conversion.

I was trained as a physicist a while back and this whole "science vs creation" thing is really silly, in my opinion. Science does not purport to explain why things happen or to describe what happened *before* the Big Bang (according to current theory). A belief in a creator god and current scientific dogma can be a perfectly consistent and rational belief.

Some science today attempts to explain what happened before the Big Bang - ludicrous, in my opinion. Such theories are hogwash as science and fundamentally based on a faith of sort. Science is based fundamentally on observables - whether or not we have the equipment, know how or wherewithall to test, meaure or observe phenomena now. No test is conceivable that would measure what occured *before* the beginning of the universe itself unless one makes an assumption that powerful laboratory experiments can be used as proxies for the powerful energies at the beginning. However, any true physicist/cosmologist knows that theories are not scalable in this fashion. Why can't a scientist believe that the universe was created by a divine universal being and the measure of this today is felt in the background radiation of the cosmos? Why couldn't evolution be the mechanism through which an omnipotent being created life and intelligence in the universe?

Religion is not immune to this either. Religious people of all stripes claim that what is set down in their religious texts is "God's word" and therefore often they do not allow for the (comparatively simple) assumption that an omniscient, omnipresent and omnipotent being has not put forth its entire infinite understanding into a finite set of tomes for humanity (or even other species). Why can't evolution be God's mechanism for the creation of humanity? Because your Book which was written 2000 years ago says that Man was created from mud? Perhaps that is all that humans of the time could understand from God, even allowing for the possibility that a deity created the universe. Why can't the universe have been created 14 billion years ago in an awesome explosion?

etc etc etc.

For me, the most prescient questions of humanity are those in our future, not in our past. The melding of science and religion will likely come to pass if we don't completely obliterate ourselves first. In my opinion, for this to happen those of religious doctrine have to accept that the truth about the universe is revealed to us slowly, whether that be through divine inspiration or human endeavor. And, those of science have to realize that their understanding of the universe if fundamentally limited by their need to utilize implicit assumptions to filter a literally infinite set of explanations for finite data and observations into something meaningful and comprehendable... in other words, they need faith, too... in something

HEY! You asked us to express ourselves! =D

2007-07-23 17:46:30 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Science deals with the natural world. Religion deals with the supernatural world. God is a religious concept. A supernatural being is not bound by the rules that govern the natural world. Therefore, if God is real, he is capable of violating the rules that govern the rest of the universe.

By the way, there are some exceptions to the idea you stated. The concept that subatomic particles can lose mass in exchange for matter has been observed and explained by the formula: E=mc^2 (energy = mass times the speed of light squared).

2007-07-23 17:48:29 · answer #5 · answered by x 5 · 0 1

Religion is based on faith (duh) you have faith that whatever it says in the bible is true and that is that. You ask no questions and for me science is just another one of gods wonderful creations, but lots of people in science have no religion and have in my eyes steered it in the wrong direction ( as with what most have done with the whole planet) and science has been known to be wrong, to change they're theory's so i bet one day someone somewhere will create something from nothing (as god did) and they will change they're theory but then some scientist somewhere will say but this does not effect the "fact " that there is such thing as god.(btw you can destroy and create matter) and maybe god created that rule AFTER he built he universe so he could control mans damage to the planet. I guess we'll just have to use our faith to believe he made this.

2007-07-23 17:37:11 · answer #6 · answered by mylittlesecret2203 2 · 0 0

Only God can create. Who cares what science says. They are always getting it wrong, anyway. Can they pretend to know the ways of God? No. They can only know what God allows them to know. Why do you think God tore down the Tower of Babel, and jumbled up their speech? Science exalts itself above the Almighty, and "claims" to have all the answers. Sorry. I'm not buying. And why does everyone have such FAITH in science?? You have to have way more faith to believe a human knows what he's talking about, than a God who actually does know. Jesus said we only need the faith of a mustard seed. Do you know how small that is? Yet, we would have to have giant size faith to believe in anything like evolution. Because, science "reads between the lines" and just "fills in the blanks." Good luck with that!

2007-07-23 17:32:19 · answer #7 · answered by byHisgrace 7 · 0 0

God is Eternal and Infinite and the One Uncaused Cause of all Reality. Human scientists lack the infinite comprehension needed to fully grasp this Reality in Totality.

On the infinite Paradise level, which is the Absolute Gravity force source for all lower level cosmic realities, the eternal force patterns are all created by God in Eternity and thus before the creation of two lower levels: The Perfected Transcendental level and the PERFECTING space-time universe with galaxies.

The space-time galaxies actually had an origin beginning about 900 billion years ago, and they are still being made -evolving to a much larger universe. There will be no ending or collapse to this ever growing and transforming universe.

The Absolute of time is Eternity
The Absolute of space is Paradise
The Absolute of You is GOD

Peace and progress,
Brother Dave, a Jesusonian
large Good News website

2007-07-23 17:40:54 · answer #8 · answered by ? 5 · 0 2

According to Einstein with e=mc2, a little quantity of matter can be converted into large quantity of energy and a large amount of energy can be converted into a small amount of matter.

So if a man like Einstein can conceptualize this, how much more can God conceptualize?

2007-07-23 17:38:11 · answer #9 · answered by Paul K 6 · 0 0

According to science, matter and energy can exchange forms

E=mc^2. I the begining there was nothing but energy. This energy was converted to matter in the Big Bang.
"Let there be light" All matter was in the form of light for the first seconds after the big bang.

2007-07-23 17:28:22 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

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