Well this question is obviously for people who believe in God so I don't see why anybody is even answering.
God protects the ignorant and they may not pary to him but they do believe in something - it may be God to them - we don't know. He has many names all over and they know they were created by something.
They will still be judged
2007-07-23 09:20:38
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
Xtianity does not have a monopoly on the Afterlife, contrary to anything you may have been taught in church or Sunday school. However, assuming that it does, they would get into Heaven under the "...Father forgive them, for they know not what they do..." clause in Jesus' last words on the cross, which, in fact, applies to everyone, not just those who never heard the Gospel (which is almost impossible these days). There is no Hell, but Jesus like gruesome parables. However, if "Revelations" is right there will be a "Lake of Fire", which amounts total destruction.
Giving persons an eternal sentence for something that happened in a finite life is rather petty, cruel and unusual, and beleiving that humans will share an eternal punishment reserved for fallen angels is absurd, but much of what passes as modern xtianity is absurd -- strike the 'modern'.
The only real evidence of an afterlife comes from ppl who have had Near Death Experiences Near Death Experiences (NDEs), and sometimes the see a god, sometimes they have visions of a h@ell or a place of Darkness, and sometimes they only see their dead relatives, much like shamans have done for millenia. I already know that Xtians will claim that anything that doesn't fit in with their beliefs is of the bad 'ol Deb'bil...
Most religions accept the the soul as being real. People have personal souls, but there's more to it. The Soul (or Oversoul), contains many aspects of itself - many aspects and many lifetimes. So ppl have souls, but Souls have people! Your Soul is far greater than your personal soul. "He who sells what isn't his'sin, must buy it back or go to prison!" Some say there are several souls,
The two main souls of the Egyptian religion (there are at least seven)correspond to the modern theory of the conscious (Ba) and the unconscious mind (Ka). The Ba lives on, but with no emotion and little memory of life; the Ka is the unconscious which contains one's emotional Self and the memory of all its past lives, but wanders away, lost, into a self-created fantasy world if it isn't reintegrated with the Ba after death.. The purpose of religion is to unite at least these two souls in the afterlife, creating a "gloriffied body" which eventually is re-linked (re = again, ligion= linked) with the Divine. If you didn't pass Osirus' balance you were fed to a crocidile monster immediately, so xtianity isn't the only religion to have threatened its worshippers with peunishments.
2007-07-23 17:07:06
answer #2
answered by sheik_sebir 4
From everything I've ever heard, God created man. That includes the folks in the National Geographic. Most aboriginal tribes have very firm rules on what's allowed and what isnt. I'm sure God takes that all into account. Interesting question.
2007-07-23 16:20:19
answer #3
answered by phlada64 6
I can't find it right now, but I read a book about this about tribes that are somehow getting reached and finding out about God just in the same way people did back in the OT.
I'll try to find the book for you.
2007-07-23 16:20:47
answer #4
answered by The Brian 4
This can't be answered because nobody has ever died and lived to tell about it. It's as simple as that. The religious concept of life after death is simply speculations found in written documents. You can ask believers of various different religions and will get a different answer from all of them(each response will be correct to the responder and of course incorrect to all other responders). Bottom line is nobody knows!
2007-07-23 16:21:32
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
Well, God says in the bible very clearly that the only way to get to heaven is by believing in Him. In the Old Testament, people didn't necesarily have the bible laying around there house, where they could learn exactly what God has done for us. God reviels himself to people in many different ways... living far from civilized people is not an excuse to ignore Him calling you. However, they do have a disadvantage. Why don't you get on a plane and go tell them about Jesus? :) That's what I did!
2007-07-23 16:20:03
answer #6
answered by Megan A 2
When we die, our spirits will enter the spirit world and await the resurrection. At the time of the resurrection, our spirit and body will reunite, and we will be judged and received into a kingdom of glory. The glory we inherit will depend on the depth of our conversion and our obedience to the Lord's commandments (see Kingdoms of Glory http://www.lds.org/portal/site/LDSOrg/menuitem.3933737ad2ff28132eb22a86942826a0/?vgnextoid=bbd508f54922d010VgnVCM1000004d82620aRCRD&locale=0&sourceId=45af9daac5d98010VgnVCM1000004d82620a____)
God will judge them according to their knowledge during this life. If the Jungle tribes never knew God, They will know him after this life and be taught the gospel.
2007-07-23 16:23:24
answer #7
answered by moonsky 3
They're dead just like everyone else when they die. Ecclesiastes 9:5.
We don't have a soul; we are a soul according to Genesis 2:7.
2007-07-23 16:22:54
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
No one knows who is saved and who is not.
Our souls are built by doing good. An atheist can have a soul.
It is in our nature to know what is good and what is not. We choose how we will act, what kind of person we will be, regardless of culture or religion.
We have many ideas about God, but in reality He cannot be fathomed by our finite minds.
2007-07-23 16:23:09
answer #9
answered by djd 2
I remember listening to someone (I believe a preacher at my church) while I was small about people who have no knowledge of the bible are spared, being that they simply didn't have the resources to know.
2007-07-23 16:23:17
answer #10
answered by it's National Security 4