The reason is simple .
Jesus christ never claimed himself to a god .it was his diciples who deserted him at the arrival of the Roman guards to take him for before the pilate tha made him god after he was crucified . jesus prayed to god before the Roman guards came to take him and he asked god "Eli , eli , lama sabachthani" -" My god , my god , why hast thou forsaken me ?". so he was araid of punishment and death ,like any man ..
In christinity one actions ae no timportant , sins are generously forgiven whatever be their gravity ,inchest , molestation , rape murder and whatnot will all be pardoned .the only requirement is accepting christ as God . Soit ios cler from this hat he disciples were keen on making Jesusa god and so devised a mechanism that was most atractive and less demanding - that is no imporantce is given to one's actions .as every sin is simplyh forgiven and the qualificatioin to ensure a place in heaven is most simple - that is accepting Jeus as god .
but accordin gto the Hindus , one's action s are most imporantant and sins shall never vbe forgiven and every one has to undegoi punishment for his sins .even the Gods are not exempted . Most of he epics ar meant to convery this point . A classic example is the fate of Lord shiva the most powerful among the trinities . He who was feeding all beings in the universe had to go begging for food with the skull of Brahmma as the beging bowl as it stuch o this hand when he nibbed one of the four heads of Bahmma while in a rage .
I t was a sinful act and as a consequence he had to suffer Brahmma hathi , the effect of offending Brahmma in anger .
Fate is the rule of nature which is one of the qualities of god in creation , sustenance and annihilation.. No body escapes the rule .
So any one who commits a sinful act is to uderg o punishement for the sin.So also one's deeds are more imporantent than his belief in God .Good deeds ar ethose that ar edone as sacred duties as a offering to god wihout any expectaion for its fruit - with detachment .since such a poerformance of duty is a devotion to god , one who does it becomes virtuous entitled to the protection of dharma and n teven the gods could kill him.even if htey so intent . soperfomance of durty is the sacred sacrifice to god in Hinduism.
As regard the killins ordered by Krisna in the battle field , read the following :
societ consits of people four classes wiht specific duties assigned to them.
.!.Those who are required to learn vedas and teach vedas and perform pujas and yagas and giuide people in the day to day life like astrologers , teahcers and perfromance of yagas and rituyals ar biorth and death ar Brahmins - not a caste , but a class performing these duties .and thewy requiere a strong, intelligent and wise head
2. Those who are to rule the country , administers the rule of law and justice and protect the people from invasion and enemies as soldiers and dispence justice and punish criminals require a strong and bold heart . They are kshatriyas - not a caste but a class
3. rhose who are engaged in production of food grains and sitribution services in the society provide for the stomuchs of the society- that is satisfy the hunger oand thirst of hte society.they are vyasa - not a caste but a clas s
4.thsaw sho are engaged in all sorts of hard labour and essential services and all claenans unclean sevices , need stron legs and limbs and shoul duse cointiances .they ae the shudtras .-not a caste -but a class
Krsihna requoires hese four classes of ment toprfrom thier duties as a sadred ofgering togopd as a sacrifice wiothout any expectation of the fruiit pof thier actioin - with detchment withour bias and fear of favour .
So Krishna exhorts people toperform their sacrd duty as a sacriofice to god with detachment .
Now these teachngs ae iven to Arjuna in the battle field whre Arjuna sees his teachers ,Gand farher and cousins and other blood relations ready to fight him and kioll him.theyu are oin the side of Adharma .
it is he duty of he King as a warrior to fight and kill those who
perpetuate sins and wrongfiul acts and this he as to do as one wihout any fear or favour and without any attachement .It is duity to destroy the evildoers .
I is here lord krisna tells /Arjuna o fight and kill the enemies in the interest the establishing dharma .
Krishna does ot advice Arjuna just to figh for peasureoffor not following his faith or not believong in the Hindu gods or fo rnt accepting himas god .
He tells peopole to perform their duty.the same way he does incessantly without any expectatioin even in an order to sustain this world .
Tha is why he says that he would be taking avatar every yuga in case if evil doers aound and dharma is destroyed : Parithraanaaya sadhu naam
vinasaaya chthukruthaam.
Rama avataar is also for the establishment of Dharma and killing of the evil forces .
dharma sansathbanaarthaaya
Sambavaamy yuge yuge .
To pretect the innocent hamless piou people and todestroy evils and estalish the dharmic way of lif e, he will take avataar every Yuga .
So what Krihna advises Arjuna is not an expansionate ware fare , but the dutyof protecting dharma .the war against terror and destruction.
So ama as a king performed hs duty as a sacrifice to god .in his avataar as King in the human world .
the religons which teaches love and affection wr espred by holy crushade .by war and force and killings.
when Osama destroyed two towers and killed three thousand people , the US did not show him two more towers and another three thousand people to kill following
the teachings of Jesus .
The Us Goernment followed the advice of Lord Krishna to fight aginst the evil and destroy it .That is the war against tterror.
2007-07-23 09:49:33
answer #1
answered by Infinity 7
dear tell u frankly the war u heard of was not the war of blood but basically was the war against EVIL.......the bad who are curse to society....that was not agianst any particular human being but war against there evil far as jesus and buddha or any other are concern they also told the same but in different style or way that suits there senario....if they were in the place of RAM of KRISHNA they must have done the same .....but they had different duties to there were already lot of bloodshed in there time..n they had to check those .....while that was not the situation of RAM or KRISHNA
2007-07-22 23:13:14
answer #2
answered by wild gal 2
whatever is born is to meet in the end whatever is the way. if evil was born during Ramayana and Mahabhartha , then it has to be eradicated . Duryodhan was so egoist that there was no solution except war , hence there are some evils which could be eradicated by the war only.this war was nonviolent war. suppose if someone came to kill you in your house , and you do not have any alternate to save yourself ,then what will you do.
Hare Krishna , Hare Krishna , Krishna Krishna , Hare Hare ,Hare Rama , Hare Rama , Rama Rama, Hare Hare
2007-07-22 23:12:42
answer #3
answered by KrishanRam(Jitendra k) 3
Even on seeing, some would never understand. Your problem is that you see all these fightings and peace and life-styles, from which you have to construct your own life, the exclusive distinction for your contribution to the world in one way or the other. Both Ram and Ravan are our teachers. Worship both of them, because it is YOUR life.
2007-07-22 22:51:56
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
i individually have faith that "have not Met You yet" via Michael Buble and "Love song" via Sara Barallies have the suited comparable track, i admire them the two, yet I SWEAR, they sound in simple terms approximately precisely the comparable. BQ3: humorous you asked, i've got theory that for as long as i'm able to keep in mind and by no skill gotten an answer.
2016-12-10 19:18:49
answer #5
answered by donegan 4
You shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free.
False prophets always get found out sooner or later.
2007-07-22 22:54:41
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
All those guys are in the grave and can't help you. There is one living guy left, Jesus. Find out more about him and go with that one! This one is real / the truth but you need to do the homework / get your own answers ! Good Luck.
2007-07-22 23:53:57
answer #7
answered by Mildred S 6
i wish i understood more about the hindu religion so that i might find a helpful answer to your question, because there HAS to be one, i would think...the hindu people i have known (not many, just a few) have been among the most peaceful and gentle people i have met...
2007-07-22 23:29:32
answer #8
answered by spike missing debra m 7
Because bloodshed is the best way to answer. When ur enemy is holding AK47 to kill you.....thinking about peace is rubbish thing to do......
2007-07-22 23:30:35
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
That is precisely the difference between saints and God himself.
non-cruelty, love compassion charity, mercy are all human traits and have been fixed by religions/societies to tame the animal in us... so that we can progress further.
These ethics and morals are for this transitory human beings only.... below us these ethics do not exist... and above us they dont exist either.
Fire will burn anyone coming into its contact...not caring she is burning a saint or a thief... because fire's Dharma is to burn.
Natual disaster do not spare good people ...because they are following their Dharma.
There is nothing called morals and ethics in Nature... and similarly God is not bound with the Morals and ethics fixed by human society for their own progress.
What we call cruelty... is not cruelty in the eyes of god. for example All the demons killed by Krishna got Moksha. Ravan himself got Moksha after being killed by Rama, because Ravan was great worshipper of shiva and a learned man... and only his ego was a hinderance in getting Moksha
So Shri Ram, by killing him freed his soul from the encasement of ahankaar.
Wars and disasters are bad for us.. but God uses them as a tool for changes.
Because in god's eyes no one is killed.. soul is immortal... it is like we take a baby from drawing room and make her sleep in bed room.... for drawing room baby is gone ...but baby is very much in the house.
You please re-read the definition of unconditonal love and compassion... as if we see these things with our human conditioned brain..they may look like tyranny.
A doctor amputates the rotten arm or leg.. will you call him cruel ? should he not show unconditional love on the leg and leave it and pat it with love ???
2007-07-22 23:21:33
answer #10
answered by ۞Aum۞ 7
This shows that not all religions speak of the sane god. Not all religions are the same. So only one religion can be correct.
2007-07-23 02:34:08
answer #11
answered by RB 7