Homosexuality is often referred to as a "lifestyle." But it's not a lifestyle, because there are all kinds of gay people living all kinds of lifestyles. A "lifestyle" is a specific way of living as in an "active" lifestyle. Gay people are constantly devalued in conversation, even to the point where our existence is reduced to a mere "lifestyle."
14 answers
asked by
Michael B - Prop. 8 Repealed!
Society & Culture
➔ Cultures & Groups
➔ Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender
Hankerlounge: No, I've not asked this question before. I just went back and double checked. Sorry, but you're confusing me with someone else.
00:16:56 ·
update #1
They emphasize this term because they want to underline the idea that homosexaulity is a "choice", a "style", a "fashion". You see, such subtlety supports the notion that homosexuality is not a natural state for anyone, but an aberrant decision on one's part. They reserve for themselves the status of naturalness, for being the way it was intended to be.
Such rhetoric does diminish the lives of gays, lesbians, bisexuals, and trans-gendered persons, because it confers an inferior status on everyone who doesn't conform to the supposed norm. It totally invalidates any consideration that the norm for one may be different than the norm for another.
It is the subtlety of such language at its most insidious: mainstream society sees homosexuality as a life "style", that they feel may be left at one's choosing.
Thank you for bringing an excellent discussion topic; until we recognize the part language plays in shaping our lives, we will never be able to truly free the minds of society at large from its ideas that are shaped by such words.
2007-07-22 17:54:55
answer #1
answered by Jack B, sinistral 5
Could it be because "gay" people have more style? All the ones I ever knew did. But as a writer and old stodge I still protest about the theft of the great words "gay". What's wrong with mono-sexual or something? Gay used to invoke gaeity in general, laughter, dancing. It was also applied to a horse inadequately gelded (also called a "rig"). Language, especially English, is too marvelous to be merely exploited for PR reasons, or misused. We are all impoverished by that, because every word is a concept with rich associations (consider the horse) - and without those, we cannot think clearly. Good luck.
2007-07-22 17:55:22
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
Okay I agree that they say that, but most people really only care about them selves. My point being, My brother is gay which I love him very much by the way, and I have Accepted his decision in life, but my brother doesn't like my Lifestyle, I had three bi-racial children and he disagrees with that, But it is alright for him to be gay, Even tough I am no longer with the father of my Children and married a white man he can't stand to be in the room with me so who lifestyle is at question here? I would never question his or anyone else gay. So that was a very loaded question by the way.
2007-07-22 19:17:11
answer #3
answered by flannelpajamas1 4
A lifestyle is a way that you choose to live your life. I think that everyone has a lifestyle. Just watch that Changing Spouses show. Some people are overly neat and some people are just downright dirty. Some people are promiscuous while other are celibate. Some people are religious and others are partyers. Everyone has a lifestyle.
2007-07-23 03:30:41
answer #4
answered by nubiangeek 6
Its just one of the many ways ignorant people like to bring down those they disaprove of.
Just like the gay "agenda" ... I still don't understand how having an agenda can be such a bad thing.
Although i'm still waiting for head office to fax it to me so maybe i'll find out more when I get my copy.
Perhaps I also need to enquire about how I should be conforming to the 'homosexual lifestyle' because i'm not sure i'm doing a very good job.
2007-07-22 17:59:54
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
People still view it as a choice and that is what it boils down to. Like when people pick the lifestyle of gothic and prep. Even thoughs "lifestyles" have people that think very differently and really isn't a choice... to a degree. It's debatable.
2007-07-22 17:38:18
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
I am SO SORRY. I used to say "lifestyle". I had no idea it was an insult until one of my gay friends called me on it. I'm so glad he did because otherwise I never would have known.
2007-07-22 20:44:09
answer #7
answered by For Da Be Dan- Liza p 3
Well, everyone live a lifestyle, no matter of what sexuality. Anyway, I won't be bothered about whatever others say about LGBT people. I live my lives, happily.
2007-07-22 17:48:22
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
It's an ignorant term, some people think we choose to be this way and that were all the same...I don't like, and I do sometimes correct people when they use it...but you know people are gonna think what they want...you just have to know who you are and ignore certain people.
2007-07-22 17:48:44
answer #9
answered by Moxie! 6
Some people can imagine anything beyond their own life choices.
2007-07-22 17:41:25
answer #10
answered by God 6