The only "holy day" JWs celebrate is (as they have already said) their solemn annual remembrance of Jesus' death. When it comes to what you and I call a holiday, the JWs spend much of their holiday time at conventions. Some also 'pioneer' for a couple of weeks or a month - they devote much more than the usual time to door-knocking. So you could say they have a tradition of going to conventions, and pioneering.
2007-07-23 08:46:45
answer #1
answered by Annsan_In_Him 7
Hi Jess, sorry for the slow response, what has been said as regards the memorial is true. Jesus commanded that we remember his death and commemorate it every year at the time that coincides with the jewish passover nisan 14.
Jehovahs witnesses do not celebrate many popular or traditional holidays such as christmas, easter, birthdays and halloween as many of the customs are actually derived from pagan teachings and events. hope this helps.
Many jehovahs witnesses celebrate their wedding anniversary, as there are not any pagan roots connected with this. Some choose not to, but it is personal choice.
2007-07-22 17:28:43
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
The only one the bible command to conmemorate Jesus´s death.
Friday 3:00 Pm Nisan 14 Year 33 C.E.
Luke 22:1-19 Specially verse 19
That Date given in the book of Exodus 1500 years before Exodus 12:1-5 give the day 14 and 13:1-5 gives the month ABIB the first month, later change its name to NISAN (Esther 3:7-8). (DATE OF PASSOVER and Jesus died in passover)
This year April 2 (Monday) near of 18 million people around the world in 238 countries and 100,000 congregation gathered to conmemorate that.
By the way that is why we know when is Jesus birthday (15 Tisri) this year September 29 but the bible don´t command to celebrate it, Jesus never did it.
his birthday is exactly six month after his dead according to the book of Daniel.
2007-07-22 17:15:52
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
Nissan 14.
2007-07-23 03:24:32
answer #4
answered by keiichi 6
Hi Jess, below is a link that speaks of Jehovah's Witnesses I hope you find it helpful in your questions.
God Bless,
2007-07-22 17:20:00
answer #5
answered by Chris_His_Servant_7 4
There are no holidays except for the passover, once a year...Is is kind of like a comunion but no one save fer a very few who believe to be elect, partake.
My best friend says that the real reason thet JW's don't celebrate holidays, is because they are cheap.
Learn more
2007-07-23 19:48:18
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
I thought they didn't believe in holidays.
2007-07-22 17:16:30
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
"achtung..." and "moises..." are giving you accurate information
these other people try to cute down a faith that they evidently know nothing about
2007-07-22 17:31:44
answer #8
answered by sugarpie 4
The most significant "Memorial" one could observe is, of course, the Memorial of Christ's death. It is sometimes called "the Last Supper" or "the Lord's Evening Meal". Jesus directed true Christians to commemorate that "Last Supper" and the day of his death; notably, nowhere in the bible are Christians instructed to ignore the day of Christ's death and instead commemorate Christ's resurrection. Frankly, that ignores a Scriptural principle...
(Ecclesiastes 7:1) A name is better than good oil, and the day of death than the day of one’s being born
(John 15:13-14) No one has love greater than this, that someone should surrender his soul in behalf of his friends. You are my friends
(1 Corinthians 11:23-25, NWT) The Lord Jesus in the night in which he was going to be handed over took a loaf... Keep doing this in remembrance of me.” 25 He did likewise respecting the cup.. Keep doing this... in remembrance of me.”
(1 Cor 11:24, 25, NEB) "Do this as a memorial of me.”
Christ Jesus himself personally celebrated and explained the significance of that Last Supper to his followers (see Matthew 26:26-29). Apparently Jesus Christ established the occasion to supercede the Jewish Passover, which occurs after sunset on the 14th of Nisan (a month of the Jewish calendar).
(Luke 22:14-16) At length when the hour came, he reclined at the table, and the apostles with him. 15 And [Jesus] said to them: “I have greatly desired to eat this passover with you before I suffer; 16 for I tell you, I will not eat it again until it becomes fulfilled in the kingdom of God.
Sadly, it is only a minority of professed Christians who follow the BIBLICAL pattern for the Last Supper which was established by Christ himself. Sadly, most of Christendom ignores Christ's celebration and instead follow unrelated human traditions which purport to honor Christ, but in ways unconnected with what Jesus Christ established.
Like the former Passover, those Christians who commemorate the Last Supper have also done so on the date corresponding to Nisan 14, which generally falls between late March and mid-April. Interestingly, Christians in the centuries immediately after Christ's impalement were sometimes called "Quartodecimans" which literally mean "fourteen-ers"
There are fundamental differences between the Memorial which Christ Jesus instituted and the so-called "Easter" which Christendom adopted from pagan worship of the Anglo-Saxon goddess Eostre (or Oestre). While most Easter celebrations merely repackage pagan fertility festivals and concentrate on eating, decorating, and frivolity, the Last Supper focuses on the value of Christ's sacrifice and the sober obligation of Christianity.
No serious bible student pretends that Sunday is the sabbath; Christendom primarily reveres Sunday as a vestige of pagan Sun worship. It is true that Christ was resurrected on a Sunday, but Christ's resurrection was never intended for commemoration
(Matthew 15:6-9) You have made the word of God invalid because of your tradition. 7 You hypocrites, Isaiah aptly prophesied about you when he said, 8 ‘This people honors me with their lips, yet their heart is far removed from me. 9 It is in vain that they keep worshiping me, because they teach commands of men as doctrines.’”
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2007-07-22 17:17:48
answer #9
answered by achtung_heiss 7
They do not celebrate holidays. Not even their own birthdays.
2007-07-22 17:16:08
answer #10
answered by ♥♥The Queen Has Spoken♥♥ 7