Teaching is like taking a vow of poverty. I can't afford it, but every year I want to sponsor a child in my classroom anonymously. I give holiday gifts and clothing, winter and spring shoes as I see the need by looking at the child. I address it to the child with a card signed, "Someone who loves and believes in you very much."
I'm tearing up typing this because last year the mother of such a child wrote a letter saying that her prayers had been answered by my kindness. She said that her husband had recently lost his job. Money cannot buy you the type of joy that I felt then and now recalling this experience. I'm by no means rich, but God always provides my needs and some of my wants too.
I do this through my school's family resource center. Only the director knows. She sends a letter stating a donor who wishes to remain anonymous wants to sponsor your child this year through gifts of clothing, shoes, or toys from time to time. The parent can decline or accept. No one declines. I drop the items into the resource center. It makes all the difference in the world to that student. I never comment on the items unless the child brings it to my attention that s/he got some new shoes as primary students often do. Then I just say, "Wow, cool shoes!" smile, and move on. Although my heart sings all that day!
I was not able to get a job this summer. I believe that random acts like this are rewarded by God's providence. I have not known one day of hunger. My bills have all been paid.
What we do in secret, God rewards openly. I know that by my life!
I only shared because I wanted to inspire someone else to do the same. If you don't have a family resource center in your school, a counselor will also be glad to help.
2007-07-22 16:28:52
answer #1
answered by amazingly intelligent 7
Because this is anonymous, I can mention that I make a point of returning items (unless they're completely insignificant) to the lost and found. In the last year, I've returned an ID card, a credit card, and someone's USB memory stick.
People can be jerks, though. The day after I returned the memory stick, my mp3 player was stolen. This only reaffirmed that I think I did the right thing, since I didn't have to feel guilty at all (and I still have some holdover "Christian guilt" sometimes).
Do the right thing, everyone.
2007-07-22 23:10:14
answer #2
answered by Minh 6
A very close relative of mine when he was 7 years old decided (with no prompting of his parents or anyone else) that he was going to donate all his birthday presents to a hospitals childrens ward. He sat and opened every present and said how much the kids would love these gifts.
2007-07-22 23:10:29
answer #3
answered by Josh 3
Sorry my lord is the only one, other than myself, that knows of any kind acts that were done by myself and he is the only one that should. He alone shall decide how to reward, if any, to bestow upon me later. Peace, Joy, and long life feel-ed with love - AMEN!
2007-07-22 23:13:52
answer #4
answered by S.O.S. 5
I anonymously donated money to a charity program run by a church that I don't personally attend. I was impressed by what they were doing to fight hunger locally. I also plan to donate food items to them.
2007-07-22 23:17:19
answer #5
answered by solarius 7
I gave 2 tickets to a HIM show away to 2 heartbroken teenage girls.
I wound up getting some comp tickets through the magazine I worked for, so I gave mine away to a couple of sad looking kids.
2007-07-23 00:09:46
answer #6
answered by ravencadwell 3
Anonymous is nice! =)
My friend has been sick lately, so last week I made up a huge get-well basket with tons of fruit, chocolates, chicken soup, herbal teas, and flowers and dropped it on her door anonymously in the middle of the night.
She has no idea where it came from!
2007-07-22 23:14:31
answer #7
answered by Heather 3
Can you define "quietly"?
I do random volunteering and donation but I don't make any particula effort to "hide my identity"!
2007-07-22 23:13:34
answer #8
answered by Moodrets 2
McDonald's screwed up my order like usual a few months ago so I threw it out the window and hit a homeless guy by accident. He now works at McDonald's.
2007-07-22 23:12:00
answer #9
answered by Sleepyriggles 4
I've done a few things - what you are doing is great.
2007-07-22 23:09:16
answer #10
answered by Anonymous