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on a side note, it's pretty slow on here today. oh right..it's sunday night.

2007-07-22 16:06:29 · 11 answers · asked by Sam 6 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

11 answers

This is what happened to me:

Everyone has a story, an experience in life. What you need to discover is whether your subjective experience lines up with the objective truths of the Bible, the Word of God. Let me very briefly share my own experience. I was raised Catholic, but I was a full-time sinner. My sin began ruining my life, so I did what lots, perhaps most people do - I blamed God (see Proverbs 19:3). I told God to get out of my life. Scary thing was, He did. He left me to myself and I began to exist in a kind of Hell on Earth. I couldn't laugh, nothing was fun or funny anymore. I felt every day like my soul - the inner "Me" , was sinking into a bottomless Pit as a stone in a pond. But I refused to turn to God. Then one day, when I couldn't maintain my "Cool" anymore, I came home fell on my face in my living room, and a voice spoke into my heart saying "Maybe Jesus really did die for your sins". Instantly, I felt myself transported from the lowest Pit to the Highest Mountaintop. Light, Life, Peace, Joy, Love, and Understanding flooded my soul. I realized for the first time that this Gospel story wasn't just a lot of empty words, but that it was the Truth! Nothing but the Truth could have had such a profound redeeming effect on me. I knew Jesus was alive- that he loved me - that it was for me that he had died on the Cross. I knew instinctively that I was "Saved" - though that was not a word that was ever much stressed in my Catholic background. Still, it wasn't until perhaps a year later, when I started reading the Bible, that I realized that the experience I had - and I didn't know anyone else who had that experience - that it was in the Bible all the time! In John Chapter 3 Jesus described to a man named Nicodemus something called being Born Again. I realized that was exactly what happened to me - I was born again. My nature changed in an instant, from a hater to a lover, from a liar to a truthful person, from a scoffer to a believer. Since then I have come to see that my personal experience, in order to be reliable, has to line up with the revelation of Truth contained in the Scriptures - the Bible. Now I know that when I share my experience, it is not just a matter of opinion - which can be a very dangerous thing when you are speaking on matters of what will affect people's ultimate destiny; but that my experience is based on the proven realities revealed in the Word of God. I have also received the Holy Spirit - in measure when I was born again - in fullness through the baptism in the Holy Spirit, as described in Acts Chapters 2:1ff; 10:44-46; 19:2-7. It is the power of the Holy Spirit in my life that enables me to understand and testify to the truth of God's Word, as written in the Scriptures and experienced in my own life, with boldness and confidence. I hope this gives you some sense of direction into what is needed in your own life - Jesus said once to the Saducees " you are mistaken - understanding neither the Scriptures or the power of God" (Matthew 22:29). Make it your determination to know both - the Scriptures, and the power of God. "For the Kingdom of God is not in (mere) words, but in power" (I Corinthians 4:20). Then you will be able to say, as Jesus said "Truly truly I say to you, we speak that which we know, and testify to that which we have seen...) (John 3:11)

2007-07-22 16:11:47 · answer #1 · answered by wefmeister 7 · 3 2

born again means that cannot be saved without spiritual re-birth. For the person who said that some Christian church said this means you have to reincarnated once before entering heaven, as no idea what they are talking about. No where is scripture does it state this. In Hebrews it says, "It is appointed ONCE for a man to die, and then the judgment. When we are born we have a physical body, and in that physical body we sin. In order to be in heaven, and have a personal relationship with Christ, we have be reborn- not physically but spiritually. We all die, a physical death, however if we are "born again" in the Spirit, we will escape the second death which is spiritual and eternal separation from God. Does that help?

2007-07-22 17:01:20 · answer #2 · answered by AdoreHim 7 · 0 0

I was born right the first time.

2007-07-22 16:11:43 · answer #3 · answered by Phartzalot 6 · 0 0

"Born-again" so that means you have to be reincarnated at least once before you can get in t heaven right?
OK- I'm stirring - but I do know at least one Christian Church that teaches this as what this passage means! After all reincarnation was a common Jewish belief at the time of Christ, so maybe they are right!?!?

2007-07-22 16:19:44 · answer #4 · answered by Tirant 5 · 0 0

Many of them seem to have become exuberant that they have turned their life around after a lot of hardship (alcoholism, drug use, chaotic living environments etc). And I think they honestly believe they are trying to help.

However, what works for them doesn't work for everyone. I think they forget when they are all excited about their new "toy".

2007-07-22 16:12:28 · answer #5 · answered by i_have_cheese_dreams 3 · 0 0

You Rang?

Here I AM!!!

Born-Again (getting your messed up "inheirited from Adam" spirit---Recreated by Asking Jesus to Save (Recreate) You (a spirit, living in a Body).

Dit============to! (means Rapture Ready)

(Pssst!!! only Jesus and me knows what that means unless I already told somebody Else, Oh well)

2007-07-22 16:14:03 · answer #6 · answered by maguyver727 7 · 1 1

Yeah. All the Christians are all fired up from church and they're chomping at the bits to spread that "old time religion"

2007-07-22 16:09:34 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Born again Christians have recognized that they have sinned against a perfect and holy God. This sin has separated us from Him, but He, being a loving God, wanted us to be with Him. So, He sent His Son as a perfect, unblemished sacrifice to pay our debt to God so that we, sinners, could be reunited with God. This gift given freely to all has to be accepted, however, and those that accept this gift of salvation by grace through faith in Jesus Christ die to themselves and are reborn in Christ Jesus. This means that the way that they use to live in their sin is dead and they are reborn in Christ Jesus.

I am reborn and the life that i now live in the flesh I live for Jesus Christ who loves me and gave Himself up for me.

I hope that helps.

2007-07-22 16:15:34 · answer #8 · answered by L.C. 6 · 1 1

Jesus said, "you must be born again" if you want to be in the Kingdom of Heaven. Are you in or out?

2007-07-22 16:09:21 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 2 1

you must be born again of the spirit to enter into the Kingdom of God
Jesus said it

2007-07-22 16:11:41 · answer #10 · answered by Gifted 7 · 1 1

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