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so some of you dont care, and others of you are so devoted that you would kill to have your religion taught in public schools. if you really want it taught and have prayer in schools(well public ones anyway) then you should not teach only what you want and have the whole truth taught(after all it is a sin to not tell the truth right?)

okay so here it is

A)in history class all the bad things christians have done like killing several women for gaining too much power among the wars they fought should be taught
B)in history you should also look at the history of technology to see if technology was advance enough to build a huge ship with enough food and space to support all the animals
C)using critical thinking skills to find all the contradictions in the bible in english class
D)find the credibility of the bible in english class, they sure as hell arent gonna take just any sources for essays so if you wanna make an essay on why the bible is true, then start doing your research

2007-07-22 15:44:37 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

E)in astronomy to see if the sun really revolves around the earth
F)in biology see if it is really possible for a virgin to give birth to a baby without having intercourse or doing the michael jackson thing
G)in biology to compare evolution to what is taught in the bible and then see what happens when people in their same blood have babies and see if adam and eve alone were really able to create the entire human population alone

its not very convenient is it? but you want the truth right? so go ahead teach it, and then youll probably ask why the "lies" cant be taught

2007-07-22 15:46:04 · update #1

so NOW do you want it taught or do you prefer to keep it like it is and let people get bored in school for your benefit?

2007-07-22 15:48:27 · update #2

some of you dont know what side Im on so look at the letters A-G and then youll see what I mean

2007-07-22 15:54:08 · update #3

I am AGAINST religion in public schools for those who dont know what side Im on

2007-07-22 15:55:56 · update #4

16 answers


2007-07-22 15:47:38 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 3 2

I feel sorry for you. You are so busy analyzing everything that you have missed the point all together. Christianity is about faith. Hebrews 1:11 says faith is the substance of things not seen. When the bible was taught in school kids were taught morals and respect and all of the other wonderful things that have gone to the wayside. I can't say that I understand everything about the bible either, but I have personally felt the stirring of the Holy Spirit within my soul and I know without a doubt that God is real. Maybe you should try to have an open mind and give the Bible a chance.

2007-07-22 16:09:12 · answer #2 · answered by firemanzgirl1 1 · 0 1

I would not be interested in any one religion being included in any school curriculum. I wouldn't be against a class that was about World Religions, as long as it included at least the top 10 world religions, and taught what the religions are about, without giving any opinions as to whether or not any of them are correct. It could actually be an important thing for everyone to learn, because religion affects everything in this world. It doesn't behoove us to remain ignorant of such things.

2007-07-22 16:03:31 · answer #3 · answered by Evelyn 1 · 0 0

I am a Christian who does not want Chrisitianity to be taught in public schools. I want only those who can "..accurately handle the Word of truth.." to teach my faith to my children. I do feel that the public school system is a secular institution and there it is no longer appropriate to teach matters of "any" faith there. The last thing I want is a person who practices witchcraft teaching anything to my child, or any other religion for that matter. I am responsible for passing on my faith to my children, it is a matter of church, not a matter of state.

2007-07-22 16:02:43 · answer #4 · answered by jstef 2 · 0 0

Just to say a prayer in school is going to cause so much trouble. Is what we are doing today working. Kids carrying guns to school and drugs and all of that stuff. It is true we should teach them at home to. But do all kids have someone to teach them. Why is the ten commandments Thou shall not kill. Thou shall not steal. Honor your father and mother that your days may long on this earth. To name a few. I did not say this to offend anyone, but think is what we are doing working.

2007-07-22 16:31:33 · answer #5 · answered by Ron 3 · 0 0

It would only be an elective, which is okay with me. It would not be manditory. One good idea is to make sure it encompasses all religions.

Nobody wants to kill anybody in order to make a religion class. There is equal, non-violent fervor on both sides of this issue.

2007-07-23 05:17:40 · answer #6 · answered by txofficer2005 6 · 0 0

well...excuse me but ur a negitive thinker.
look at it like this, public schools have highest drop-outs and crimes. poorest people are at these schools and the parents don't give a hoot about you and me. therefore you will do evil just to get ahead of the game and be respected.
religion starts with u and ur parents. if not there then you will find your place in society with out religion. guess where that is!?!

2007-07-22 16:07:17 · answer #7 · answered by urstory 2 · 0 0

I wouldn't want ANY religion taught in school unless it is an upper level grades and ONLY if it was comparative religions. No single sided points of view allowed.

For those of you who want religion taught in school, I'm sure you mean YOUR religion only. What if the religion being taught was Wicca, Hindu, Buddhist, Voodoun,etc? I bet you'd have your knickers in a knot.

2007-07-22 16:37:51 · answer #8 · answered by Keltasia 6 · 0 1

When I was a boy we opened every school day in prayer. In music class we sang songs of every kind including hymns and Christmas Carols. There was no teaching of religion like Bible study or anything like that, and everyone was proud to say the pledge with "under God" in it without any problem.
We had a national hymn called "The Battle Hymn of the Republic" and everyone loved to sing it including those in positions of authority in government.

The major crimes in school at that time were running in the halls and chewing gum in class. Teachers were called sir and maam, and children grew up learning to respect all their authority including their parents, teachers and the police among others.

When a child didn't make the team, it was no big deal because you had to prove yourself, and every child understood that. When children got in trouble parents sided with the law enforcement officials.

We could go somewhere and leave our houses unlocked and our keys in the car ignition and nobody would rob our home or steal our car. Kids had a curfew and it was strictly enforced by both parents and the police. Nobody expected it to be any different.

Playboy magazines and other such "trash" were hidden under store counters and sold secretly so nobody would know who bought them. Girls who had sex outside of marriage were called bad girls and even whores and looked down on in society. Boys who seduced girls were called whoremongers and likewise looked on as bad.

Everything shut down on Sunday because most everyone was in church, and no liquor was ever sold on Sunday. All bars and liquor stores were shut down on that day.

Every corner had a Mom and Pop store where kids would walk to and buy candy and ice cream cones and such things and nobody ever was kidnapped, molested and/or killed.
Babies were precious to everyone, and were not killed in their mother's womb.

Older people were respected because they had experience and a long life of blessings to share. It would not be unusual to find young people sitting on the porch steps listening to the older people sharing their life experiences. The attitude was one of respect and in many cases awe.

A child could leave home in the morning and not come home until the early evening, and nobody ever worried about if they were kidnapped or worse. The kids could walk into their friends houses as if they lived there and there was immediate acceptance of them by their friends parents.

The men and women that came out of that generation are the ones who built the world that everyone enjoys today and is trying so very hard to destroy through the ungodliness and rejection of God prevalent in America. The same people who are all too willing to blame God and religion for the many atrocities committed in the name of God by those who many believe were Christians and were not, because they have never really understood what a real Christian is and who God really is in their perverted thinking.

Your baseless and biased accusations prove you are one of them. Get your facts before you come in here with your questions.

2007-07-22 16:58:26 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Based on what I "learned" in school, I doubt the efficiency of any standardized education. They can't teach history, reading or math, I do not want anything to do with any spiritual form being taught in a desk farm.

2007-07-22 15:50:18 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 1 2

No, I do not want religion to be taught in public schools. I want the public schools to cease to exist. There is nothing in our Federal Constitution that gives them the right to exist.

As far as the rest of your question goes: http://icr.org/

A ship with food and supplies for all the animals: http://www.detailshere.com/noahsark.htm

Contradictions in the Bible: http://www.blueletterbible.org/



And Yes, it is a sin not to tell the truth. Do you know the truth?

2007-07-22 15:47:09 · answer #11 · answered by Anonymous · 3 3

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