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3 answers

For the same reason God created so many different kinds of beautiful tropical fish and birds. God is an amazing Creator and the Bible says that what He has created makes plain to us how glorious He is.

2007-07-22 16:09:51 · answer #1 · answered by Martin S 7 · 0 0

There is no way everyone came from two jews in a garden. It is scientifically impossible as every race has different traits that are exclusive to that race.

One example: You could take a group of Japanese and move them to South Africa in isolation, and in 500 years they would still be...Japanese! Show me any case where 2 Chinese ever produced an Indian or Caucasian baby. It has never happened.

Sorry Christians, it is more than skin color, and skin color alone is fixed and does not alter by "the equator". That is nothing but a silly excuse, even using "evolutionary" arguments to back up your silly myth.

2007-07-22 22:47:54 · answer #2 · answered by ? 2 · 0 1


2007-07-22 22:40:46 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 3

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