Call the credit bureau and ask for a copy of your credit report. You have to pay a fee to get this information. When you receive the credit report, it will tell you who the lender is. Then contact the lender to find out who bought a house using your ss#.
2007-07-22 15:26:54
answer #1
answered by Connie 3
Wow great question and other people will benefit. You are entitled to 1 free credit report from each of the 3 credit bureaus:, and
They may be available on line even.Dont pay a company for this, dont enroll in any program, 1 free report is your right. Then you need to put a fraud alert on your credit, will be for 7yrs. This way if someone tries to apply for credit under your you will contacted to verify you are the person that is applying for the loan. Also contact the local identity/fraud department in your area and file a compliant so when you dipute the incorrect account you will have proof you need. Hope this helps and good luck to you!
2007-07-22 15:36:14
answer #2
answered by Etta P 4
Here is what you do...sometimes you can't pinch pennies and need a solution sooner than later.
Do you have a bank? Go to them, speak to customer service, explain your problem...and ask them to pull your credit report for you so you can walk out the door with it. Tell them it's an emergency....they will help you.
Yes, it will be an inquiry against your credit...but this is the ONLY time I would ever advise someone to do that...b/c you need to fix your issue NOW. You have essentially been blocked from your own credit report and need someone who can hand it to you who KNOWS you.
When you find out who the bank them, even if you have to pay for it, get a copy of ALL of the closing documents...DO NOT tell them what you want them for or they will cut you off and not speak to you (I am very serious about that.)
When you get the documents, call the local Secret Service department (they should be local)....they deal with bank fraud (not the FBI). The SS department is under the Department of Treasury and anything that deals with loans like that, is under their jurisdiction. Take every ID you have...all of your mortgage documents...and they will be all over that like flies on a no-pest-strip.
2007-07-22 15:34:12
answer #3
answered by Expert8675309 7
put a FRAUD ALERT on your accounts pronto. Get your reports and then the fun begins in getting the items removed and perhaps involving the police if an indentity theft has occured. You will need a copy of the police report to restore your good credit. The contact information is:
P.O. Box 740256
Atlanta, Georgia 30374
(800) 685-1111
P.O. Box 9532
Allen, Texas 75013
(888) 397-3742
P.O. Box 6790
Fullerton, CA 92834
(800) 888-4213
Best of luck to you, not getting a free report is the least of your problems at the moment I fear.
2007-07-22 17:14:31
answer #4
answered by Iknowthis! 3
You should immediately file a police report for identity theft and mortgage fraud in the community where you live. That you do not know some of the details will not matter ... after you prove your identity to the police, they will find out the details.
To convince the credit agencies, you may need to send them a copy of the police report [which proves to them that the police verified who you are], so get going first thing.
if you have reason to suspect fraud, as you do, the credit bureaus then have to provide you with a free credit report.
this will likely present problems for you for months or years to come ... you'll want each credit bureau to have a copy of that police report so they can include critical details in your report.
2007-07-22 15:36:15
answer #5
answered by Spock (rhp) 7
Call all 3 Credit Bueros and explain to them the situation. There should be no problem with you finding out what is going on after all it is your credit and if there is a house out there in your name if you can find out what city it's in then you can call the department of taxation and find out where the house is located. Hey what's the harm in going to see a house that is in your name and affecting your credit I don't see why you shouldn't be able to just walk in but then again it could have just been a human error after all we do make those.
2007-07-26 05:13:17
answer #6
answered by xoxocrystalxoxo2003 2
no one bought a house using ur ssn its a security question all you do is answer it as none of the above or doesn't apply it just shows that its really you, so all that is is just verifying your I.d.
2007-07-22 16:00:16
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
My suggestion is to contact a site that a friend of mine used when she was a victim of identity theft. They got it straightened out quickly.
2007-07-23 05:15:35
answer #8
answered by Dewey K 2
Was one of the answers "none of the above"? If so, use that as sometimes they use trick questions.
2007-07-22 16:06:48
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
2016-07-22 17:16:59
answer #10
answered by ? 6