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Professional rugby teams can be pretty intense, and sometimes a little stressful. While there are times when you need to be serious, I always like to find opportunities to have a good laugh and make sure we still enjoy ourselves.

One of the best ways in the team environment is to play fun, but harmless, pranks on team-mates. I've pulled a few good ones in my time but now the boys are becoming more wary of me. I need a few more tricks to keep up my sleeve and I hope Kiwis out there can help me out.

Do you know any harmless practical jokes I could try?

2007-07-22 12:12:43 · 80 answers · asked by Anonymous in Entertainment & Music Jokes & Riddles

80 answers

Things you need:
1) A pair of your mate's jeans, slacks, etc.
2) Seam ripper
3) A bit of patience
4) Full knowledge your victim wears underwear... let's only victimize the wearer, not the audience!

How to:
Using the seam ripper, carefully take out about half of the stitches in the backside of the jeans.

Getting your laughs:
Take your mate out for a friendly game of pool or something... if you can manage to drop something to entice him to have to fully bend, even better. Pants are guaranteed to rip, publicly, make sure to laugh heartily. Point if you feel the need. :)

2007-07-27 09:34:31 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

I have several that I have either played, had played on me, or seen. Here are a few:
1) rig a portable electric fence unit to the inside door handle. when they unlock the door, or touch any part of the handle they'll "feel it" (you will probably need an alternative entry to the room to 'deactivate it' - it can also be a nasty shock so best not to do it to someone with a weak heart - a low setting is advisable)

2) marmite smeared on a light bulb which you leave on for a few hours leave a penetrating and very unpleasant smell.

A variation of the smell trick is a sardine from a tin, placed in an out of the way place. I even heard of somone pulling apart their friends car dashboard and leaving a couple in the air conditioning ducts - very mean!

3)Duct tape a washing up glove snugly over the exhaust pipe of a car/4x4 - priceless when it blows - very loud bang.

4) peanut butter on the windscreen wipers leaves a difficult to clean oily smear all over the windscreen - could be a bit dangerous so best to do it on a rainy day so they discover the prank before they hit the road.

5) unscrew the showerhead and insert a couple of barley sugars the hot water disolves the lollies and leaves the person covered in a sticky residue.

6)Unscrew the pipe that leads from the toilet cistern to the toilet bowl - water everywhere.

7)Pull the pins from the hinges of their door while its shut. They turn the handle and push the door open and it falls flat - ca be distructive so best to clear a path first.

2007-07-27 09:22:03 · answer #2 · answered by Dave M 1 · 2 0

Harmless Practical Jokes

2016-10-14 00:13:54 · answer #3 · answered by brence 4 · 0 0

A boarding school school oldie, but goodie- put gladwrap across the top of the toilet bowl in your teammates' hotel rooms, put the seat down, and wait for the screams (especially if you've done it at evening time when guys don't turn the lights on when they go to the loo)...

Also, raid the laundry bags. Take all the guys undies, put them in a plastic bag, fill it with water and tie it off securely. Then put the bags in a freezer and don't tell anyone for a couple of days. Just don't be the laundry guy for the team!

2007-07-29 14:14:18 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

, but goodie- put gladwrap across the top of the toilet bowl in your teammates' hotel rooms, put the seat down, and wait for the screams (especially if you've done it at evening time when guys don't turn the lights on when they go to the loo)...

Also, raid the laundry bags. Take all the guys undies, put them in a plastic bag, fill it with water and tie it off securely. Then put the bags in a freezer and don't tell anyone for a couple of days. Just don't be the laundry guy for the team!

2014-10-03 11:17:12 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

The minor ones
1, We glued a dollar coin to the clubroom floor. Watch them try and pick it up.
2, We stuck a nylon wire on a $10 note and hid across the road and waited. Bloody funny! especially the drunk ones trying to catch it.
3, Fish guts in the front grill of a car. It took me 3 days before i noticed the smell and a further 2 days before i found it, although id have to say retuning the favour by tying a dead possum with wire to there exhaust system is a much better come back!
4, On those cold sub-zero nights in the south island clubroom's ,while everyone is inside at the after-match function, why not take the time to go out side with a bowl of water to pour on the doors of the van, so when its time to leave no-one can get in the vehicle because the doors are frozen shut!
5,At Price-giving give a HOT tea-bag a good squeeze and them stick it in the back pocket of the player with the loosest press-pants, every time they sit down they burn there bum and when they stand up it stops, bloody funny!
6, Jack up your mates car until the wheels are just off the ground and if they don't notice watch them try and drive away!

Some more !!!
7, Had a guy i worked with that keeped going on about how good his car was, so a couple of us had a great idea why dont we move his car? so we picked it up with the forklift truck and put it on the back of a rubbish truck! you should have seen his face!!!

8, when i was a kid ,we had this guy that rang the cops every time we jumped the fence at the school pool at night, so one night we fulled a paper bag with horse dung! put it on his doorstep lit it on fire ,rang his doorbell , ran and hid and then watched him proceed to stamp it out, i feel terrible.

2007-07-29 00:28:49 · answer #6 · answered by Riki3 5 · 1 0

1. Get the boys around and spend an hour wrapping every object in someone's room/house (from individual cds to the beds) in industrial GladWrap.
2. Have a party for someone, and get that someone out of the house for the day. While he's out, have his room and wardrobe transported to the party destination, recreate the room and have everyone wearing his clothes, and sitting on his bed and furniture, playing his music.
3. While the target's away, spend a day re-modelling their bedroom or room into 'The Sex Chamber' - cover windows, paint room gaudy pink, paper-mache breasts and appendages onto ceiling and corners using chicken wire/newspaper and paint. (Wiring the main lightbulb through the end of a

2014-10-03 10:38:46 · answer #7 · answered by Bampta Eni 2 · 0 0

My mum's workmate's did this for a mate's 21st- it even got in the Newspaper!
While the whole company went out to inspect houses, a couple of "sickies" stayed behind, and completely gladwrapped the guy's car, with happy birthday underneath! He spent the rest of the morning outside with a pair of scissors trying to cut all the gladwrap off!

2007-07-29 20:38:42 · answer #8 · answered by Lostariel 2 · 1 0

Congrats on selection!

This works well, Ring a mate on his home line. Say you are working for Telecom and there will be tests shorty. Tell them you are running a charge through the line to get rid of static, for no reason should they pick up the phone within the next 5 minutes. Wait 5 minutes and ring (if no answer, great!) Wait 30 minutes etc.. When they finally answer SCREAM like you are been shocked. have a few mates in the background yelling like a major accident has just happened! Works well on Forwards-)

2007-07-31 19:05:02 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

The infamous "Milk Chicken Bomb" is a personal favourite of mine. This deadly little concoction will rain an attack on the nostrils so strong it will bring a tear to even the most courageous All Black.
Ingredients; Small container (empty marmite jar), raw unspiced chicken(skin on) and milk.
Step one; Choose your victim
Step two; Add ingredients into container
Step three; You need to choose a warmer than room temp hiding place for the device as this is the catalyst to igniting the MC Bomb.
After about a week the bomb site will be uninhabitable.

Good luck

2007-07-26 09:28:15 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 3 0

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