Well if its hypothetical then...
If it is as you say then it would suck I agree.
I don't really think dead spirits are necessarily demons in any case. I believe that evil spirits can pretend but we really don't know what happens to people when they die in christianity.
There was a medium in the old testament that actually did bring up a spirit of an actual person.
I think if they can be summoned I'm not sure they would be aware of what's going on in the world of the living. Then again, I don't really know much about it so I can't really say for sure.
2007-07-22 10:47:54
answer #1
answered by Emperor Insania Says Bye! 5
God, Spirit and Jesus are different. I don't believe of the Trinity, I am sure that this theory is man made theory not from God.
God is the only and only one lord.
Spirit is the angle that God sent to Jesus and carry the message to him.
Jesus -peace be upon him- is the messenger of Christianity (and only messenger not god).
This is the truth I believe, what Quran said and what Muslims believe.
I tell you an example: How if you have a job in such company, and you have more than one boss!!! who will you follow if they give you different instructions???
and if you said to me that they always agree with each other, I will ask you... what is the porpose from more that one boss while they give you the same instructions!! one is enough!!
2007-07-23 12:56:01
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
In your extended question you say demons couldn't give a wonderful (or loving) message. Why? Satan is THE master deceiver. What better way to get you away from God than presenting you with a nice pretty package that doesn't fit within the context of God's word? That's why He warned us against mediums and soothsayers. I know you're pretty into what you do, but just because it's all nice and flowery doesn't mean it has anything whatever to do with God. And personally, if my dearly departed whatever just wanted to come back and give me a pat on the back and not warn me of some huge danger I was facing, I'd be pretty skeptical. All these psychic things seem to be nice, flowery stuff. I've not seen many that say "You're going to die at age 42 in a horrible car crash that's going to kill not only you, but your family and the families of 2 other people", but I'm pretty sure that the people who are in crashes such as this would like to have been informed ahead of time. This is why I'm skeptical about these things. The focus is on the spirits and those who channel them, not on God. If it were otherwise, I'd probably still be skeptical, but inclined to be supportive.
2007-07-22 17:54:22
answer #3
answered by Steve 5
Anyone can chuck bible verses about.I guess we have to examine the individual message and the spirit behind it.My Ma is a spiritualist while i am a member of the Mormon church.My only criticism of spiritualism is that it doesnt really give us any instruction at all,it doesnt tell us anything about God or how to be closer to him.
I've been with my mum to one or two of these things and,while there are a select group who i think are talking garbage,there have been some who have impressed me.
The trouble with people in churches,especially the evangelical sort,is that anyone who disagrees with them must be influenced by old nick !.This is a bit silly as surely God is bigger than our theological positions and his kingdom far greater than we can imagine.
There's some deep stuff out there we don't understand and shouldn't pretend to.Some people see demons all over the shop !,if it rains on their church fete then satan must've done it.
All this is adolescent religion and nothing to do with the real challenges of the gospel.
I guess we form our own view.I did and then i joined a church closest to it.Ultimately we act according to our conscience and are judged by its standards too.
That's what i think anyway.
2007-07-22 20:09:31
answer #4
answered by david d 3
You can believe anything, and people do, but the bible condemns all mediums as evil. Those that did so were said to have a familiar spirit. A spirit they were familiar with and not the Spirit of God. There are many spirits in the world and all are evil.
If our loved ones are spirits wandering around trying to connect with us then the bible is false because it says that it is appointed to man to die but once and after this the judgment.
Jesus is the only one who described what happens when one dies in Luke 9:16-31
Jesus said "I am the way, the truth and the life, no man comes to the Father but by me".
He is either telling the truth or a liar, you must decide for yourself.
2007-07-22 17:55:50
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
Hello Pangel,
As a spiritualist, & a medium?
...do you call the spirit to speak with whose love-ones needs to talk to them? or...
...you just sense their presence?
...can you ask them questions? Do they answer?
are you a psychic too? or you can do exorcism too?
Isn`t it dead spirits exists in this world and are just waiting for the second coming of Christ (for judgement) ?
I don`t know if they still can deceive anybody just like in their living states...nor can "right" anything they have done wrong in the living world.
They had their chance once (in the living world)...and that`s it!
I think they can`t even forewarn loveones of what is right & wrong.
If any spirit wants to play with you, con, deceive, suggest bad things, twist your life path, belief & faith to destroy you...then it is a member of elite group of old brother satan!
Please be careful in your talent & profession...we might lose a lovable Pangel~~~hugs for all friend.
Negative sides are all waging war for negativity.
Have you read the "Spiritual Warfare" ???
You should tell us about your interesting, intriguing, mystics-laden profession? Did you study? or just your birth gift?
I am very much interested with you.
Please use your talent genuinely and positively.
Thanks! God Bless !!!
2007-07-23 00:21:16
answer #6
answered by ServantOfTheMostHigh 3
It says in the Bible that the demons KNOW who Jesus is and are frightened. The thing is, what if Jesus IS Lord (as I believe wholeheartedly)? Just to get a broader perspective you should read about how Jesus dealt with demons - it really is amazing.
2007-07-22 18:03:54
answer #7
answered by Delerious? 3
When speaking of angels, we should not ignore the wicked angels, heavenly creatures who the Bible says rebelled against God. Foremost of these is Satan. A popular book called Ask Your Angels suggests that Satan is merely "an aspect of God" who helps humans strengthen their "spiritual muscles" through constant temptation. Despite Satan's "loving intentions," the authors state, he has over the centuries become mistakenly identified with evil. They add that Satan and Jesus, "while not exactly complementary to each other, are at least on the same side, integral parts of the same whole." These are astonishing assertions, but what does the Bible say?
The Bible makes it clear that Satan is not "an aspect of God" but an enemy of God. (Luke 10:18, 19; Romans 16:20) He defies Jehovah's sovereignty, and his intentions toward humans are hardly "loving." He heartlessly vents his wrath on God's earthly servants. He accuses them before God day and night!* (Revelation 12:10, 12, 15-17) Satan is intent on corrupting them at any cost. His merciless persecution of the righteous man Job exposed his callous attitude toward human suffering.—Job 1:13-19; 2:7, 8.
Far from being "on the same side," Satan and Jesus are diametrically opposed to each other. Why, it was undoubtedly Satan who induced Herod to decree a mass infanticide—all in an effort to do away with the young child Jesus! (Matthew 2:16-18) And Satan's relentless attacks continued right up until Jesus' death. (Luke 4:1-13; John 13:27) Thus, rather than being "integral parts of the same whole," Jesus and Satan are complete opposites. Bible prophecy shows that their enmity is inevitable. (Genesis 3:15) Fittingly, it is the resurrected Jesus who will destroy Satan in God's due time.—Revelation 1:18; 20:1, 10.Many so-called angelic encounters involve communication with the dead. "I had the feeling that my uncle had found a way to reach me and let me know that he was happy at last," says a woman named Elise after receiving what she felt was a sign. Terri similarly remembers a dear friend who died. "A week after the funeral," she says, "he came to me in what I thought was a dream. He told me I should not mourn his departure, because he was happy and at peace."
But the Bible states that the dead "are conscious of nothing at all." (Ecclesiastes 9:5) It also says that when a person dies, "in that day his thoughts do perish." (Psalm 146:4) Satan, however, is "the father of the lie." (John 8:44) He is the one who originated the falsehood that the human soul survives death. (Compare Ezekiel 18:4.) Many people today believe this, which suits Satan's purpose, for it negates the need for faith in the resurrection—a fundamental doctrine of Christianity. (John 5:28, 29) So, inquiring of the dead or seemingly receiving messages from them is yet another facet of the angel movement that is not approved by God.CONTRARY to what many believe, angels are not the departed souls of humans who have died. The Bible plainly states that the dead "are conscious of nothing at all." (Ecclesiastes 9:5) Where, then, did the angels come from? The Bible indicates that they were individually created by God before the founding of the earth. (Job 38:4-7) The size of God's heavenly family may be hundreds of millions, perhaps billions or more! Some angels joined Satan in his rebellion.—Daniel 7:10; Revelation 5:11; 12:7-9.
2007-07-22 17:56:06
answer #8
answered by cuba k 2
I'd like to answer your question with something that happened to me-----true event-----My Dad passed on about 10 years ago. About 6 months ago, I had a dream. - In the dream, someone was knocking on my front door and I opened the door to find Dad standing there-----I felt a rush of happiness at seeing him again! We hugged each other and I said ,"Dad, it's so good to see you. I've missed you so much." ---My Dad said, "Kat, how long has it been since you saw your Uncle Clifford?"--------This uncle is my Dad's last surviving sibling. (All of Dad's 8 brother's and sisters has died of one form of cancer or another,including my Dad, except this one brother.)--------I said ,"it's been a while. Why?" And my Dad said, "I think you should go see him."----------I woke from the dream then, and went to see my uncle the next day. He was terribly ill and very weak. I told him about my Dad, his brother, coming to me in this dream------he cried and thanked me over and over again for telling him about it. He said it let him know that when he dies, they will all be there to meet him! -------- Was it just a coincidence or did my Dad come to me because he wanted me to deliver this message? -- Also, as a result of this, I have continued to visit my uncle who would be quite alone otherwise. Perhaps this was Dad's purpose -- to help the younger brother that he loved so much. -------- Was my dad's spirit sent to me in a dream? --- Was the result of that visitation anything but good? ------I felt no evil and certainly no demon influence in this incident and nothing but good has come of it. ------ There is evidence of spirit activity in the Bible --- and not all of it is evil. ----- My answer is quite long, so thank you for taking the time to read it---Blessings!
2007-07-23 00:03:09
answer #9
answered by Native Spirit 6
Just a guess ---
The dead spirits have not met Jesus,and don't have knowledge of him being a ruler of heavens...
Or it is your version,that Jesus isn't the lord...
BTW,I think that Jesus is an angel,not a god...
And those spirits who claim that Jesus isn't the lord,they probably mean that Jesus isn't a god,he is simply one of them...
BTW Isn't christianity preaching that we are all equals to god?
2007-07-22 20:48:17
answer #10
answered by Laff -Hugs 4all- 5