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We (Christians) believe that Christ Jesus is God almighty who became man to redeem us.
(If you take a minute to meditate that God Almighty became man you will be filled with awe and wonder - - Truly amazing)
Anyway, I was debating this topic with Jehovah's witnesses members and I don't doubt that Christ is God one bit.
I'm just wondering, what is the importance of Christ being God Himself. We all know that a higher power died for us.
Does it make any difference if that Person is God or someone a little bit lower than God?

Thanks for your Spirit filled answers.

2007-07-22 08:01:05 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

20 answers

see http://www.bcbsr.com/topics/jdeity.html

2007-07-22 08:16:12 · answer #1 · answered by Steve Amato 6 · 1 1

Seeing as how Jesus claimed to be God... either, He is God, or a liar. I believe He's God.

John 13:10 "I and My Father are one".

John 1... In the beginning was the Word, And the Word was with God, and the Word was God....14 And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us.

Philippians 2:5 Let this mind be in you which was in Christ Jesus, who, being in the form of God, did not consider it robbery to be equal with God...

God bless!!

2007-07-22 08:13:52 · answer #2 · answered by BERT 6 · 1 2

you're stable to be truthful, theory isn't admitting a actuality even the demons acknoweledge Jesus exchange into the Christ. His artwork is existence remodeling and your existence remains untransformed. Loving God isnt something you're able to do till ultimately you receive His love first You look to have the mindset backwards by attempting to love God first. take a while and study contained in the time of the gospel of John. Slowly study the claims Jesus makes. Then see how they influence you; my relationship with God exchange into greater on a similar line for years yet i exchange into much less truthful with myself; then sooner or later i exchange into broken, the perfect longing in my existence exchange into to be enjoyed and when I cried out to Jesus to take my existence i as replaced and my existence has been packed with love desire braveness and self assurance. I undergo in concepts Joel the place god says he will make up for the years that the locust had eaten away..and He has...God bless you...

2016-09-30 11:39:24 · answer #3 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

I was raised lutheran, and even then(50 odd years ago)we were NOT taught the trinity. So, I've always known that Christ is God's Son. They are not the same.

God can not lie. I think we can agree with that. God also said: Deuteronomy 6:4 “Listen, O Israel: Jehovah our God is one Jehovah.

The difference come in with justice, and righteousness. Christs life was a test, for lack of a better word. He came here to prove satan a liar, and to show that a man could live unblemished, following Jehovah God's laws. The true spirit of the laws, not what they had become due to the jewish highercy at the time. Then to lay that perfect life down for the salvation of all who believed. He could have failed. Christ as a mortal man could have failed. God on the other hand would/could not fail, ever. That alone renders the test (if Jesus were God) invalid. The whole exercise would have been pointless. The entire ministry of Christ would be moot, especially the prayers. Christ/God praying to himself. That's hypocritical. It dishonors Jehovah.

But, as I know in my heart, Christ, the Son of the Living God, humbled himself, came to earth, and in ALL things directed worship to his Father. He could have failed, but he did not. He did all things for the glory of the one who sent him, up to and including being executed as a criminal.

If one looks at the Hebrew Scriptures, there can be no doubt as to the monotheism of Moses, Abraham, King David, Solomon and the rest. Were they lied to? No. There is but one God.

2007-07-22 11:07:35 · answer #4 · answered by Suzette R 6 · 0 3

It matters because the bible teaches us that Jesus is God. For them to deny that, to meet some need of their own, is to deny the teaching of Christ himself. If they reject the biblical doctrine of the trinity, then no doctrine has any true authority, they all become subject to the caprice of men. Furthermore, God and God alone was qualified to take our sins to the cross, someone a little bit lower than God, would not have been able to bear the penalty for those sins which was the equivalent of spending an eternity in hell for each and every sin. Then, having borne that penalty, come out justified and free of sin so that He could enter into God's eternal heaven.

2007-07-22 08:16:51 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 2

Well since Jesus claimed to be God (and the Son of God) I would say it's pretty darn important.
Otherwise the only reasonable conclusion is that Jesus was insane or a liar for making the claim. Which in each case would negate the basis for Christianity.

2007-07-22 08:05:29 · answer #6 · answered by LX V 6 · 3 2

Because it shows me that God has never changed. That God is our Savior, our Deliverer, our Righteousness, the Rock upon which we stand. It's a fulfillment of prophetic, and to me the revelatory manifestation of God's love for His people.

To go a little further, it's to do what we needed to do from the start of our Christian thinking: Believe God as if He stated the truth. And that's what I do when Jesus said: I and my Father are One. Before Abraham was, I am. And , " But about the Son he says,
"Your throne, O God, will last for ever and ever,
and righteousness will be the scepter of your kingdom."

If God calls Jesus God, then I have no reason to disbelieve that He is just exactly who God called Him.

It's important to me because I want to live a life of faith in God. In order to do that, I have to recognize that what He said is true. As Satan twisted God's word from the beginning of the Bible, so I would expect that pattern to continue through this day. I do not want to get caught believing a lie and 'slip' like Eve did.

2007-07-22 08:10:58 · answer #7 · answered by Christian Sinner 7 · 2 2

I have been wondering this very same thing. Here is an interesting verse to ponder regarding this subject:

John 20.17: Jesus said, "Do not hold on to me, for I have not yet returned to the Father. Go instead to my brothers and tell them, 'I am returning to my Father and your Father, to my God and your God.'"

I'm not sure if Jesus ever actually claimed to be fully God. Definitely the Son of God, but Godself...?

2007-07-22 08:08:20 · answer #8 · answered by Casey C 3 · 1 1

I don't know if it makes all that much of a difference, but I still want to believe what I think is most consistent with the Bible and right now I think that that is that Jesus is God

I think that Jesus being God's Son is perhaps the most important doctrinal issue that there is though

2007-07-22 08:06:57 · answer #9 · answered by Ozymandius 3 · 1 2

In order to appreciate this, we have to come to know more fully, the true nature of God.

It is a very humbling experience. I have not yet had an experience that brings me crashing to my knees, but I have had one or two that made me weep. I would not like that lesson ever again, but for the closeness I felt with my Lord.

2007-07-22 08:24:11 · answer #10 · answered by Shinigami 7 · 0 1

JESUS CHRIST IS REAL the holy spirit confrimed it the blood and the water witness it and he GOD had to come as a men so when we get to the kingdom of GOD we could say you dont know what it like down there on earth sex drugs temptations and JESUS can say but i do i was temped by satan and stood on the word of my FATHER GOD .amen

2007-07-22 08:15:32 · answer #11 · answered by Anonymous · 0 3

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