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didn't god give us the ability to lust to ensure the continuation of our own species?

non believer but interested in your opinions

2007-07-22 07:25:26 · 25 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

tootsie - quit being so rude and intolerant, you're making christians look bad.

2007-07-23 09:32:55 · update #1

25 answers

Lust is any intense desire or craving for self gratification.
Thinking of self first is contradictory to Biblical thought.

2007-07-22 07:30:20 · answer #1 · answered by G 4 · 5 3

Because lust often has a way of leading to adultery and premarital sex. People also tend to disregard possible consequences of their actions while under its influence. Finally, it causes a disconnect with reality. Since none of us are perfect, real relationships involve real people with real flaws, thus requiring compromise and work to sustain. Lust does one of two things to a person. Either one treats the other person either as an ontological superior (as god) and ignores the other's faults, flaws and foibles, while finding one's self so full of blame so as to not to merit the other person's love or as an ontological inferior (as sub-human) and ignores one's own faults, flaws and foibles, while finding the other person so full of blame as to not merit one's own love.

"didn't god give us the ability to lust to ensure the continuation of our own species?"
All that we require for that is love,. which differs from lust in that we're not blinded to either our own or the other person's faults, but rather we can accept both for what they are: errors created by a fallen world.

2007-07-22 19:09:16 · answer #2 · answered by Deof Movestofca 7 · 0 0

God gave us the right to chose, the ability to sin. He didnt give us lust for His own reasons, but for ours. just like He gave us bloodlust, right? bloodlust is definitely a bad thing, i think we can all agree. lust is bad because of one of the commandments: do not commit adultry. lust can never be satisfied, right? so you will always want more, and if you act on those wants, then you will be?
commiting adultry.

tada theres your answer. lemme know if u have more questions.

2007-07-22 14:31:28 · answer #3 · answered by ~*[{BasKeT CasE}]*~ 2 · 0 1

Sexual desire as such is not something to be ashamed of. As you rightly point out, God gave us the ability to ensure the continuation of our species. Also, sex is an expression of love that, as a sign of its goodness, brings forth more life.

Lust is an uncontrolled desire. "Uncontrolled" is the key word here.

2007-07-22 14:42:08 · answer #4 · answered by mle_trogdor2000 2 · 2 1

Desire, in my opinion is different than lust.. lust implies a lack of control.
To desire your husband or wife sexually is natural, and normal, and I agree with what you said, as (desire) being part of what encourages a continuum of our species.
Even to be attracted to and desire someone who may be a potential partner, in my opinion is "normal" we have certain triggers as humans.. I think running with it, and having lack of control of your own thoughts, is LUST and where the issue is.
I have great spontanious and fun sex with my husband and I am a Christian. I am gussing that's not an answer you'd like to see, because it's easier to be intolerant based on silly misconceptions.
And you're not REALLY interested in our opinions. You're intersted in being a thumbs down bandit... LOL wow..
There's my 2 cents, have a great one.

2007-07-22 14:33:44 · answer #5 · answered by ™Tootsie 5 · 2 2

lol, no God did not give us lust and lust is not a bad thing it is just a thing good nor evil the point here is self control all that is being said is learn to control yourself the mastery of yourself is the ultimate purpose in life and to not be lead by mindless self indulgence

2007-07-22 14:30:34 · answer #6 · answered by AGI_SUPREME 2 · 0 2

Lust outside of marriage. Lust and attraction are different. I don't think about guys sickly. I notice a face before anything else. Besides, since we follow the Bible, we obey it.

2007-07-22 14:30:51 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 1 2

Lust by itself is not the bad thing, since this is simply the manifestation of our physcal drive to procreate and to express our atraction for another human being, what is sinful is the misuse of this drive. When we yield to it for selfish purposes other than the expresion of love for another human being within the context of matrimony as an institution to safeguard the continuation of life within a society and to educate the children and prepare them for life.
Lust is the disordenated passion operating in us for the sole purpose of self-satisfaction regardless of the worth, dignity or feelings of the other person after which we lust. By using other people for our own selfish physical satisfaction we deny that other person the dignity and worth that he naturally and inherently poseses as another human being and we turn them into an object existent only for our sole satisfaction, and in this last aspect resides the sinfulness of a lustful action. But if this is expressed in the context of the love between a man and a woman, in order to express love (to give, to prodigate cares, selflessly) and in the permanent state of matrimony, this physical drive is not sinful, on the contrary is most wonderful and enjoyable and blessed by God in all and through all, God gave us that not only to procreate but for our enjoyment as well, also to safeguard the fidelity of a couple for one another. Married people are encouraged to participate often in the conyugal physical act (sex!) and as often as they feel, the more often the better.
God bless

2007-07-22 14:36:51 · answer #8 · answered by Dominicanus 4 · 1 2

Sex is only legitimate in the context of marriage. Heb 13:4 "Marriage should be honored by all, and the marriage bed kept pure, for God will judge the adulterer and all the sexually immoral."

2007-07-22 15:06:20 · answer #9 · answered by Steve Amato 6 · 1 2

Likely used a tool of fear to keep man in line.

I suspect that at some point in history that things were out of control; so putting the fear of god into the masses calmed things down. The lies were useful for lust, theft, and other anti-social behaviors. The lies were believed and thus ultimately they came to written word and spread.

2007-07-22 14:35:09 · answer #10 · answered by noah > U 5 · 1 4

Why is eating to much such a bad thing?

Why is smoking to much a bad thing?

Think about the answer to those questions and you will find the answer to yours.

2007-07-22 14:38:41 · answer #11 · answered by Damian H 2 · 2 2

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