Why should you have to become Satan to prove His divinity? Can he fight for Himself or is he sleeping?
15 answers
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Society & Culture
➔ Religion & Spirituality
ouch... truth hurtz doesn't it! that one hit hard...
01:40:55 ·
update #1
it's not a bad thing to have your beliefs challanged. if they are sound they will hold if they are rubish they will fall. i can see the satanic neochristians started to come out, lol...
01:49:57 ·
update #2
let me guess lief, your the poster boy for crack!
01:56:48 ·
update #3
Archie, I like the way you think. This is an excellent question.
MY Goddess needs no one to fight FOR her, She's fully capable of taking care of her own battles. MY fight is with folks who REFUSE to allow ME to follow MY Religion, in the WAY that is most meaningful for ME. I growweary of having people tell me that I'm going to Hell for my beliefs (I don't believe in a Hell of ANY kind at all). I'm tired of people telling me that I'm an evil person for just BEING a Witch. They don't even KNOW me, who I am or what kind of person that I am and try to become. MOST of all, I'm annoyed when people ask me to do some work of Magick, just to prove that Magick actually WORKS. Why should I WASTE my hard earned powers to "put on a little Magick show for them" when they wouldn't believe even AFTER I had done so? Why do "certain people" feel that they have the right, make that DUTY, to tell ME how to take care of my "soul"? Shouldn't they be more concerned about their OWN souls, FIRST? Their attempts at swaying MY Beliefs by becoming HATEFUL towards me (and everyone else LIKE me) only demonstrate that it is THEIR souls that need the MOST attention.
Keep up the Good work, Archie. :)
Brightest Blessings,
Raji the Green Witch
2007-07-22 05:52:19
answer #1
answered by Raji the Green Witch 7
I do not think we have to become Satan at all. And I do not think God is sleeping. I think he is waiting. There are great changes going on right now -- take a look at the unrest on Answers alone. If this is just in writing, imagine the impact all these thoughts and feelings are having on Universal energy.
I think proof of the truth of God is in our hearts. No one can force another to believe as they believe. They can only express their truth and see if it touches another. Some believe that Diana is the One. I think they might be right, because Diana walked the same path as Buddha, Jesus, Jehovah, Mohammed, Allah, Adonai, . . . need I go on with the list of God's names? I think that as One they are all very powerful energies and give us a goal to work toward in terms of our personal growth.
But Satan is a whole other entity. He is the yin, the darkness, to God's yang, the light.
2007-07-22 14:54:33
answer #2
answered by Shihan 5
I understand what you are asking and I agree with you. If you are going to follow a religion and really believe in then you need to challenge it and be sure that it holds up to everything that is thrown at it.
Christianity just doesn't hold up to the challenges. No one seems to care that it doesn't but it has been shown over and over again that there are contradictions and weaknesses within the religion itself.
2007-07-22 19:15:53
answer #3
answered by peace_by_moonlight 4
This will happen at apocolypse.
Anyways get your head on straight or when judgment day comes you'll die with satan.
If God were to start war with satan emidietaly then all hell would break loose not in heaven, but on earth.
Satan isn't alone. Read some stories of the end of the world and what kind of beasts are suppose to arise.
Beasts that are not fearful to rip your head off.
Pretty much he is keeping low to save your *** and keep your head screwed on your head.
Careful of what you ask.
2007-07-22 08:40:48
answer #4
answered by anastasia k 2
No God is true . God exists only in our minds. It is not possible to prove the existence of God scientifically. His existence is based on belief not on proof. A person can believe in God, Angels, Jinn (Genie) but if he wants me to believe in it I would require scientific proof.
Theists say you do not see Oxygen but you believe in it. Why not believe in God? Oxygen can be measured through Physics, Chemistry but the existence of God cannot. I don't think God has an impact in our daily life. Belief in God is just a figment of human imagination.
2007-07-22 09:30:26
answer #5
answered by Saphire4 5
get 'em Archie! NO GOD! NO SATAN!
we got Bush instead of the latter
2007-07-22 10:54:46
answer #6
answered by Lady Morgana 7
You are clever and I am not being sarcastic...a very valid point and yet another way of presenting the idea that there is no god.
2007-07-22 08:45:58
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
God is true and if you read the Bible the Truth shall set you free. Its impossible to become satan. And God needs noting of satan to prove anything.
2007-07-22 08:41:37
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
If young people question why excessive alcohol can be dangerous, I'll point them to your question as an answer.
I believe the whole basis of any world religion is that each believe their god is or was, at some point, on the Earth, so why would anyone follow religion if it didn't have a deity?
2007-07-22 08:47:27
answer #9
answered by Lief Tanner 5
for the God that I belive in, ... well your question doesn't make sense.
for starters MY God does not have any need for me to "prove his divinity" and there is no "satan" to become... per se, and the fact that I have no need to do so is part of what proves my God's nature and completeness.
"fight for himself" ... against who? theres no contest against the God that I believe in. Sleeping? huh? doesn't apply.
non-personal and non-dualistic, infinite and absolute, yes.
2007-07-22 08:41:19
answer #10
answered by RW 6