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I am an open-minded person who likes to learn about all different religions. It helps me to figure out what I believe in. I used to study with Jehovah's Witnesses, but I ran into some serious issues that became obstacles to my being able to accept some of their philosophies. For example, is it true that you don't accept people into your church who smoke? That you kick people out if they don't pay their taxes? Is it true that you believe that women should be subservient to men? A few years ago some witnesses came to my door during a time when there had just been a majorly destructive hurricane in our country. I asked them if they were here to collect donations for the victims of the hurricane. They said no, that their church had already sent aid to their brothers and sisters. I asked them to clarify: did they mean that they sent aid ONLY to those who were Jehovah's Witnesses? And they said yes. Does "love thy neighbor" mean only love those who are of your faith?

2007-07-22 00:24:20 · 13 answers · asked by It's Ms. Fusion if you're Nasty! 7 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

13 answers

The abuse that goes on in the JW cult is horrendously UNDER reported. I am not just talking about the child and sex abuse , in this instance I am referring to the longstanding degradation of women in ALL levels of that organization. I am/was personally involved of more than a few situations where church elders and ministerial servants bought into the whole women are subservient philosophy and the abuse they dole out is just awful. The terror tactics that cult uses keeps MANY women and children silent for fear of losing friends,family, and ostracizing from the cult. The smoking thing is also true. My sister was dis fellowshipped for among other things smoking. (Smoking is what started the invasive investigation by the cult elders). The taxes thing , I am not sure about that. The helping out only victims of the cult after natural disasters, let me tell you. I was a member of my states building committee (in charge of the erection and construction of buildings to further the witnesses) and I was asked to go help out in 'assisting' members rebuilding effort after such disasters. We were directly ordered NOT to assist anyone else but our own members. That was heart wrenching. I knew I had the skills and equipment to help others and the desperation that these other families had was devastating, but I was not permitted to help them. I am so glad you stopped your 'studies' (read brainwashing) with the witlesses.

2007-07-23 23:40:05 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 3 3

Hi. Is it true that we feel that one cannot truly follow the Bible and willfully break the law, that even Jesus supported, of paying what's owed to Ceaser? Yes. Do we feel smoking is wrong? Yes. Do we feel women should be "subservient" to men, yes and no. The Bible lays down that, the head of the child is the parents. The head of the Wife is the husband, however, it no where says she is to be a secondary citiczen. Case in point the Bible is full of examples of women who served Jehovah faithfully, and who were just as loved and important as men. As for the thing about the hurricane, the love thy neighbor comment was a simple answer. Clearly love thy neighbor doesn't mean simply love him who agrees with me. What they were most likely explaining was the fact that, like most families, we strive to make sure the needs of our brothers and sisters are met, we gladly help others in need.

2007-07-27 14:57:54 · answer #2 · answered by Ish Var Lan Salinger 7 · 0 0

I truly appreciate your open-mindedness, something that I could never be while I was a JW.
I also had and have serious issues over their philosphies.
During the 1970's smoking became one of the "sins" that could cause you to become disfellowshipped. Prior to that, many JW's smoked.
I have never heard of a JW who was "kicked out" for not paying their taxes, but I don't have proof that it's never happened.
I also found it hypocritical to only help the JW bro/sis when Jesus plainly taught that everyone is our neighbor and we should help all people.
As far as JW's opinion on women, they support Jesus' words quite literally when he taught that women should be in subjection to their husbands. Some take it alittle too far in my opinion (such as my ex husband), sometimes what is taught and what is practiced is quite different.

2007-07-24 02:36:14 · answer #3 · answered by Carol D 5 · 2 1

I wonder which JW's you were studying with...?

I have gone to many JW"S kingdom halls and many that go there smoke and taxes has almost never been a subject that was brought up..

Woman subservient to men..?? Please.!! No one is subservient to anyone other then Jesus and god.. We respect each other and yes, the man is the head of the house hold but not in any way that is subservient way..

My father was an atheist and when he died JW's come to my house to offer help with moving and selling and cleaning his house. Yes, they knew he was an atheist.. There's you 'love thy neighbor'.

Also if a JW uses the word church then they are not that good of a JW. It is called a kingdom hall..

Sorry you had a bad experience.. You should try again with someone new..

2007-07-22 00:36:23 · answer #4 · answered by LadyCatherine 7 · 1 3

For our own good and out of respect for our loved ones and our Creator, the Bible stipulates that we should “cleanse ourselves of every defilement [pollution] of flesh and spirit.” (2 Corinthians 7:1)

The Bible’s viewpoint regarding addictive substances that would make us slaves both of a habit and of the men who traffic in the habit: “You were bought with a price; stop becoming slaves of men,” states 1 Corinthians 7:23.

is it true that you don't accept people into your church who smoke?

Correct, but long before anyone decides to become one of JW's they have usually been studying the bible for while with the Witnesses and during that time they have been making changes gradually to their lives.

That you kick people out if they don't pay their taxes?

No one gets "kicked out" unless they been told to stop their incorrect behavior and they refuse to do so.

For us, worship of God means, living by God's standards in the way we treat other people such as… not stealing; being honest (even with taxes); not lying; being kind etc. As well as telling other people about God, the Bible, and Gods purpose for the earth.

It also means not celebrating things that we believe the Bible shows God does not approve of such as Christmas, Easter, and other religious holidays. Part of our worship also involves not getting involved in politics.

Is it true that you believe that women should be subservient to men?

Women have a very important roll in the congergation. They are the main ones that do the “door to door” work and the bible study with interested ones.

As far as in the congregation, generally women do not have any responsibility. If there are no baptized capable men in a congregation, then women can take on the role that men usually have. When doing so they are required to have some form of head covering as a sign of respect for the “headship” of men. - 1Cr 11:3, Eph 5:23.

2007-07-22 18:17:23 · answer #5 · answered by keiichi 6 · 2 2

Only those who are baptized stand to be disfellowshiped if they smoke. But they refuse to baptize any interested person until they quit! That means they are saying you cannot be a Christian if you smoke tobacco. Hum... some strange interpretations of scriptures involved in arguing that point.

Honesty is required (and quite right too) so fiddling anything is a serious matter.

The women NEVER pray in front of the men, or give public talks or do any teaching from the platform; not even any of the women anointed with 'holy spirit' who will 'rule as kings and priests' from heaven. None of the office bearers are women unless there simply are no men available. But the majority of members are women and they put in by far the greatest number of hours prosyletizing.

When it comes to natural disasters individual JWs help as much as they can (and not just their own) but all the money and initiatives come out of their own pockets. The Watchtower Society plays no national or international part, nor is it linked to any relief agencies.

2007-07-23 09:04:44 · answer #6 · answered by Annsan_In_Him 7 · 1 5

Yes, Jehovah's Witnesses believe that someone who practices smoking is guilty of "gross uncleanness with greediness", and disqualifies himself from association with the Christian Congregation.

(Ephesians 4:19) Having come to be past all moral sense, they gave themselves over to loose conduct to work uncleanness of every sort with greediness.

(Galatians 5:19-21) Now the works of the flesh are manifest, and they are fornication, uncleanness, loose conduct, idolatry, practice of spiritism...those who practice such things will not inherit God’s kingdom.

(Ephesians 5:3) Let fornication and uncleanness of every sort or greediness not even be mentioned among you

(Colossians 3:5-6) Deaden, therefore, your [urges] as respects fornication, uncleanness, sexual appetite, hurtful desire, and covetousness... On account of those things the wrath of God is coming.

The matter of taxes is not as obvious, since there can be conscientious misunderstandings of the maze-like tax code. Still, a Christian who is convicted of almost any serious crime is likely to be disfellowshipped from the congregation.

Jehovah's Witnesses do not believe that women should be subservient to men, and in fact the bible plainly teaches that many women will be 'kings and priests' alongside Christ Jesus.

Jehovah's Witnesses NEVER seek to collect donations for disaster relief, as the purpose of the Christian Congregation must continue to be primarily preaching. Jehovah's Witnesses rebuilt literally thousands of homes along the Gulf Coast, and no one who requested assistance was refused (Witness or not). If a handful of door-to-door ministers misunderstood the nature of the disaster relief work, that is unfortunate but hardly scandalous.

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2007-07-22 18:10:13 · answer #7 · answered by achtung_heiss 7 · 1 3

Oh my goodness,Witnesses may speak to non members everyonce in a while but if someone is disconnected from the church then nobody will speak to that person,even if they are your son/daughter. Thats a messed up thing to do

2016-05-20 17:50:46 · answer #8 · answered by ? 3 · 0 0

I'd like to offer some reasoning points and scriptures that support them.
Regarding smoking- It is a known fact that cigarettes contain approximately 43 carcinogenic properties including toxins such as benzene, arsenic and cyanide. Wouldn't you agree that smoking would be in direct conflict with the Bible principle found at 2 Corinthians 7:1- "Cleanse ourselves of every defilement of the flesh and spirit"?
Paying of taxes: The Bible clearly states at Romans 13:1-"Be in subjection to the superior authorities...the existing authorities stand placed in their relative positions by God." Doesn't it make sense that this would include the paying of taxes? Jesus himself payed the tax when the question was posed to him by those who sought to stumble his followers(Matthew 17:24-27). As his footstep followers we also seek not to stumble any and adhere to the principle found at Romans, mentioned above.
The seeming subserviance of women- This has been an oft debated hot-button of sorts for both men and women who seek, not to put faith in, but find fault with our faith. I hope I may be able to provide some clarity not heretofore conveyed. The scripture found at 1 Peter 3:7 says, "YOU husbands(men) continue dwelling in like manner with them(women) according to knowledge, assigning them honor as to a weaker (physically) vessel, the femenine one, since YOU(men) are also heirs with them (equally) of the undeserved favor of life, in order for YOUR prayers not to be hindered." This verse gives us the understanding of how important it is to Jehovah that men treat women with repect and honor; with deference to their physical limitations and abilities, as they are equal recipients of God's "underserved favor." The consequense for failure to do so is also clear - their prayers will be hindered or blocked by God thus making a vital element of our faith, prayer, impossible. Besides, women and men simply are different. We were designed differently for the achievement of different, complementary purposes. different does NOT mean subservient or less valuable. 1 John 4:8 states that "God is love." Would a loving God cause any of his creation feel devalued or subservient?
Charity: I think we will both agree that the 'love they neighbor' principle to you refer most certainly does NOT mean only those of the same faith as you. There are countless examples of Jehovah's Witnesses that have come to the aid of their non-believing neighbors in times of natural disasters. I would, however, like for you to consider the Bible principle found at Galations 6:10, "Really, then, as long as we have time favorable for it, let us work what is good toward ALL, but especially toward those related to us in the faith." When disaster strikes we get to work assessing and securing the welfare of our spiritual family first, as ANY family would and if there are services we can offer to our non-believing neghbors in the immediate vicinity such as drinking water, clean up and repair it is well documented that we have and will continue to do so WITHIN our means. Please remember that 'our primary work is to sound a warning that is far more significant than that of an impending storm.' (Please refer to the 6/2006 "Awake!" pages 14-19, published by Jehovah's Witnesses). I hope I have been helpful in clarifying these points for you. Even Jehovah's Witnesses are imperfect and not all of us are as skilled at teaching as others, but make no mistake - God's word IS perfect and that is what you should base your faith on.

2007-07-24 19:47:10 · answer #9 · answered by powkisss 2 · 0 0

love thy neighbor means love them if they convert. If not, move on to the next person. They do no outreach to help the immediate needs of the community in need and consider their preaching as outreach.

this was my experience while being involved with them for 20 some odd years. I'm sure they'll say I'm lying, but I'm not.

2007-07-23 19:54:53 · answer #10 · answered by PediC 5 · 3 2

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