Jesus compares the kingdom of heaven to ten virgins who went to meet their bridegroom. 25:1
Jesus shows disrespect for his mother and family by asking, "Who is my mother, or my brethren?" when he is told that his family wants to speak with him. 3:31-34
Jesus will reward men who abandon their wives and families. 10:29-30
In the last days God will make things especially rough on pregnant women. 13:17
Even Mary had to be "purified" after giving birth to Jesus. Was she defiled by giving birth to the Son of God? 2:22
Males are holy to God, not females. 2:23
Peter and his partners (James and John) abandon their wives and children to follow Jesus. 5:11
Jesus, when told that his mother and brothers want to see him, ignores and insults them by saying that his mother and brothers are those who hear the word of God and do it. 8:20-21
Abandon your wife and family for Jesus and he'll give you a big reward. 18:29-30
Jesus tells Mary Magdalene not to touch him because he hasn't yet ascended -- as if the touch of a woman would defile him and somehow prevent him from ascending into heaven. 20:17
16 answers
asked by
Society & Culture
➔ Religion & Spirituality
The Muslims say the same thing, that their passages are taken out of context and used without supporting versus. So I guess religions are not that different after all. One could take a passage written some 2000 years ago, during a time of peace, or in Islam a time of war, and twist it to be ugly you SEE.
19:05:11 ·
update #1
straight out of the bible 18:29-30
Abandon your wife and family for Jesus and he'll give you a big reward.
No mistake
19:17:34 ·
update #2
I got it out of the Bible, but here is a source that I just looked up for you about 18:29-30
19:23:47 ·
update #3
You are taking all scripture here out of context. It is obvious that your perception is all wrong. Maybe you need to do more studying rather than playing the 'pick-n-choose' game. Nu?
2007-07-21 18:59:23
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
They are all Patriarchal and they all derive from the Judaic root so they have to be sexist.
The dominant male role in the formation of social groups has led religious beliefs to follow similar paths, possibly as a way to reinforce the dominance of the Patriarchal system as being empowered by God or possibly simply a recognition of the status quo.
It does not make the system right or unchangeable but it does reflect the major western development pattern.
Eastern Dharmic religions do not share the same male based attitudes but more tend to ignore sexuality in terms of spirituality and treat it as a totally independent phenomenon.
For example, Buddhism does not have positive or negative opinions on masculinity, femininity, homosexual or lesbian orientations and does not connect any of these with spirituality. Being gay and a Buddhist is not a conflict.
2007-07-21 20:38:57
answer #2
answered by John B 4
I am a Muslim. However I would like to answer your question in short and to the point. Christians are not discriminatory against women as a tradition. Jews I do not know so I would not like to comment. Muslims? Yes most of the muslims unfortunately are discriminatory against women though this is not what The Holy Quran teaches them. This is a traditional evil among various communities which will take lot of time to mellow down.
2016-04-01 06:37:23
answer #3
answered by ? 4
Where are you getting your information from? John 18:29 says "29So Pilate came out to them and asked, "What charges are you bringing against this man?"
SO WHERE the heck are you getting "abandon your wife and family for jesus and he'll give you a big reward"
2007-07-21 19:06:04
answer #4
answered by Amy Clark 5
Yeah, to an extent. You just named all 3 of the main abrahamic religions, all of which are based around the same astrological ideals and stories. They're all just variants of each other.
2007-07-21 18:58:29
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
Hmmmm, Yes.
The answer is sort of in the question, isn't it?
There are dozens upon dozens of more examples to support you point here.
If you think that treating women as chattel (property) is a little sexist, then the answer is definitely yes.
2007-07-21 19:01:12
answer #6
answered by Atrum Animus AM 4
I think to an extent they all are, but I'm an Atheist. The religions all reflect the archaic times it seems. You seem to only reference Christianity, sources for the other religions would be appreciated.
2007-07-21 18:57:10
answer #7
answered by Corey C 2
These quotes are taken out of context and are like sound bites . If you read the verses before and after them you will see the true meaning...,,,,,,,, if you really want to see the truth.
2007-07-21 19:01:12
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
i'm christian, so all i know is the bible. yah, to an extent its sexist, but you can't just take out bible verses like that without any other verses to support the context of the meaning it portrays.
2007-07-21 19:00:13
answer #9
answered by antran007 2
What freak *** Bible studies have you been taking?
Galatians 3:28
There is neither Jew nor Greek, slave nor free, male nor female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus.
Wisdom is always personified as female.
The early church fathers refered to themselves as brides of Christ.
Those virgins you speak of were not for the groom they were the bridesmaids you idiot.
Jesus did not tell Mary not to touch Him because she was female.
He never commanded anyone to abandon their wives and childeren.
Over half of your so called references don't even reference a book of the bible and the other half you've rewritten and perverted.
2007-07-21 18:58:55
answer #10
answered by Michael B 4