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The first Gospel, Mark, was first committed to paper 40 years after Jesus's crucifiction, in Rome, in ancient Greek. Jesus spoke Aramaic. The other three Gospels were written after Mark.

Whether you believe that the Gospels are Jesus's Word or not is irrelevant to this question; I'm just wondering how many people know that the Gospels were transmitted orally and translated into a different language for many years before the first Gospel, Mark, was committed to paper in Rome, which is hundreds of miles from Jerusalem?

2007-07-21 18:53:28 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

eagletalondl: Do you really think that is an intelligent argument? It's the same as asking if I have absolute proof that space aliens didn't come down from space and write the Bible.

If you do the research, you will find most Biblical scholars, yes, faithful Christians, would agree that the Gospels were first committed to paper decades after Christ's death.

2007-07-21 19:05:14 · update #1

Brian, where does it say Jesus spoke multiple languages to his followers?

2007-07-21 19:06:40 · update #2

14 answers

I thought Matthew, Mark, Luke and James wrote them and their families got royalties for them.


I'm an atheist who took a minor in theology in college.

2007-07-21 18:57:52 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 6 1

Did you know Jesus knew more than one language? He knew Hebrew, Greek, and Aramaic. Yes, I did know it was written a few years after Jesus died...but when you're being chased around the world...kind of hard to write it down, isn't it?

I believe what is written in the Gospel is what Jesus said, His word, but not that Jesus wrote them. We know how far Rome is from Jerusalem, and we know that there are different languages. Look at the pentacost...all the apostles spoke different languages....and many of the Apostles went to Rome...and it paid off, didn't it?

2007-07-22 02:02:41 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

And isn't it amazing how they remembered everything word for word. Why I can not remember anything that happened to me 40 years ago. Imagine how all those different people made up all those rules that Jesus supposedly said in just a few sermons.
I like how all the rules to the Catholic church in particular came to be. Like when you have to kneel, or sit ,or stand, or bless yourself. Or blow your nose. What day to eat fish and what day not to. Maybe it had something to do with the fishermen needing to sell fish at least once a week since they are so surrounded by water over there in Rome. Why were we always going to hell for missing mass on Sunday and now they all go on Saturday night.
How about the fancy dresses the priests wear, green for this occasion, orange for another, purple for another. Did Jesus tell them to do all that too? Where did all those stupid rules come from? Don't insult Jesus intelligence, he didn't worry about what color he wore. He didn't tell anyone to build Kneelers in the church. He didn't have much to say about anything that was written in the bible. Not even those insane Revelations, that I know had to be written by someone taking major drugs or had been completely insane.

2007-07-22 02:26:22 · answer #3 · answered by Cassy 3 · 1 0

Aramaic was the common language of all the Trans Syrian area.Greek was the common language of the world.Mark wrote the teachings of Peter down in 44 A.D. that is 31 years not 40.Matthew wrote his in Hebrew ,Papias a student of John the Apostle said,in about 54 A.D.They were preaching for years when finally people said"Hey ,write down so we can take it to the churches you all can't get to.Then we will read it to them."Luke wrote his and interviewed Mary and others like a newspaper reporter and traveled with Paul.
All that "Late writing "stuff is crap the German Liberals started in the 18th century.

2007-07-22 02:06:35 · answer #4 · answered by AngelsFan 6 · 0 0

But, were not these men eye witnesses of Christ? They were with Him, they talked to Him, they saw Him often, they knew Him very well and dedicated their lives to Him. I don't think they would forget or get confused about things. In 1967 (40 years ago) I was in High School. I can recant many events from that time. JFK was shot in 1963, do you think the people that were in Dallas and witnessed that event have forgotten it? Do you think they can recant it accurately? Of course they can. In 2041 will you remember the events of 9/11/2001? It's not likely you'll forget. Most people will recall the who, what, when, where, how, and why of things quite accurately.

2007-07-22 02:26:42 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

I agree RJR. I was shocked to find out some Christians did actually believe that the apostles wrote their own gospels.

2007-07-22 02:06:37 · answer #6 · answered by Uncle Meat 5 · 2 0

Do you have absolute proof that the Gospels were not written by those indicated? And where do you get that Mark was the first-written Gospel? Open a Bible and read it.

2007-07-22 02:00:50 · answer #7 · answered by eagletalondl 2 · 3 2

Moses didn't write the Pentateuch either. It has been proven that the first five books of the bible were not written until after the Jews returned to Jerusalem from Babylon, several hundred years after the time of Moses.


The Atheist Bible, it could be said, has but one word: "THINK." - Emmett Fields

2007-07-22 02:00:28 · answer #8 · answered by AuroraDawn 7 · 2 3

Don't worry, God is perfectly capable of preserving His word. Crucifiction--ha ha very funny, y'all.

2007-07-22 02:03:24 · answer #9 · answered by Lyle the farm cat 3 · 0 0

what are you talking about, all these were written by these men even luke was a doctor and any doctor is well educated and knows how to write. your other comments have nothing to do with your first statement that they didnt write these when they did.

2007-07-22 02:01:21 · answer #10 · answered by disciple 4 · 2 1

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