coz it says somewhere in the bible (i think in first timothy...i can't really remember where) that a woman is to dress moderately - not with braided or gold or pearls or costly i guess that is where they're getting it from. But I, personally, have never met any pentacostal who has said that!!
Actually, in the bible, the so-called "bad" women used to braid their hair...but it wasn't the kinds of braids that we know one or two long braids...they used to overdo it and wear heaps of braids and put them up around their heads much like a "wreath" and then they used to decorate it with flowers and all different decorations...and they were overdressing...etc...but, personally, i don't see anything wrong with just one or two simple braids, and i don't think God would say that's wrong either.
Does your uncle and his wife wear wedding rings? Just ask says in the bible for a woman not to wear gold...then why does she wear a gold wedding ring? See what he says!
I don't think it's wrong to wear jewellry or wedding rings or clothes...but it's just when people start to abuse those things...and put on too much and overdo it...then it becomes wrong, because why would a woman do that??? There must be some wrong motive behind it there!
2007-07-21 18:58:29
answer #1
answered by ♥ Victory ♥ 3
No. He was personal like the word talks about modest women not to braid their hair or wear jewels and make up. 1 Timothy 2:9-10. Some penacostals take the word of God or should I say parts of it literally. Yet at times even they are prone to lust. Matthew 5:28.
2007-07-21 18:52:36
answer #2
answered by God is love. 6
A few of the local Pentecostal girls here do braid their hair. But most don't. Many of them will put it into a bun, though. I think there may be a Biblical injunction against plaiting or otherwise ornamenting the hair. They believe that a woman's hair is her crowning glory before God, and for that reason, many Pentecostal women will not cut their hair. Also, too much personal ornamentation is considered prideful, and is therefore a sin.
2007-07-21 18:48:09
answer #3
answered by solarius 7
not in all probability, that's completed in a manner that looks expert. do not low value braids basically using fact they're braids. there are quite some thank you to make you're hair look detrimental, yet with a sprint something it may unexpectedly look very stylish. Or any incorrect way around.
2016-10-22 08:13:51
answer #4
answered by lindenberg 4
Pentacostals think braiding hair is a sin?
This is news to me! I live next to one of their churches, and I see them wearing braids, make-up, jewelry, the whole ball of wax. Now, they used to frown upon cutting a woman's hair, but that is no longer considered to be wrong.
2007-07-21 18:52:48
answer #5
answered by ? 6
I've been a Pentecostal for over 22 years and I've never heard anything about braiding hair.
2007-07-21 18:57:05
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
The women are expected to dress modestly, not with " broided hair, or gold or pearls,or costly array" Timothy I 2:9
I haven't seen any of the grown women pentacostals that I know wear anything but long skirts, either. I do not know how much that varies, it may just be in my area.
2007-07-21 19:00:14
answer #7
answered by mari athenan 3
I'm Pentecostal,and I have no problem with it. I get my hair cut regularly and even dye it once in a while. I get tired of the same look all the time,so I change it sometimes.
2007-07-21 19:02:17
answer #8
answered by ? 6
They consider that a womans hair is a crown of glory and as such should not be "defiled" for this to them is going against God's favor.
2007-07-21 18:45:20
answer #9
answered by "Ask Dr. Stupid" 4
I think it has to do with making the hair so appealing for people to notice. Styling hair can be attraction for men or boys. Not to have hair of seduction, something like that.
2007-07-21 18:46:52
answer #10
answered by Anonymous