yes. it is possible.
1. excercise, (run 30 minutes, crunches work your way up to 150 on your front and sides etc, etc)
2. drink water every meal for a week (my brother lost 10 POUNDS in A WEEK just from doing this) right (eat salads, eat lean meats. breads are bad for you.)
4. for lunch at school, bring slim jims, beef jerky, and cheese for quick little things. they have no carbs, bring little things of water. if you want a balanced schedule, go to a nutritionist about a great schedule and have them put you on a special diet that will fit your life style :]
hope i helped :]]
2007-07-21 14:48:06
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
my wife has made a little progress with Weight Watchers [about 20 pounds worth].
Their answer would be that you don't lose 5 pounds in two weeks. It isn't going to happen.
Any method that accomplishes that result would be unhealthy. You'd literally have to omit eating many meals, and that would cause your body to go into starvation defense mode -- which causes lethargy and loss of activity which negates the reduction in calories.
Get real. You are the way you are for these coming two weeks.
One half pound lost per week is a healthy goal. It requires both calorie intake control and increasing your daily exercise.
2007-07-21 21:57:36
answer #2
answered by Spock (rhp) 7
Well you could shed 5 lbs in two weeks, but you have to totally take out the fat out of your diet and eat a bunch of vegs. But depending on your body, you can not isolate where you want the weight to go from.. There is no such thing as spot weight loss. Some people shed from the upper body, before the lower body and visa verse...
2007-07-21 21:50:15
answer #3
answered by fisherman 1
Weight Watchers and exercise did amazing things for my parents they lost about 3-4 pounds in the first week. You can register on-line and just count your points for each day.
You can also try looking up special exercises for toning your inner thighs and love handles
2007-07-21 21:56:09
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
First off, you dont get to "CHOOSE" where you loose the weight from. Contrary to popular beleif excercising certain areas does NOT spot-treat by burning more fat in those areas.
Other than that, keep to a low calorie diet of No Less than 1200 calories per day, and no More than 1300.
2007-07-21 21:53:00
answer #5
answered by moonrat1984 2
My mom goes to wieght watchers and they say that the average of loosing wieght in 2 weeks is 1-4lbs, 1/2-2lbs per week. Just try not eating "empty calories" and exersize alot but not too mcuh. Good luck! :) <3
2007-07-21 21:50:56
answer #6
answered by MoRgAn<3 2
137 pounds isn't overweight, especially when you are as tall as you are. ;)
But if you feel as though you need to shed those pounds, listen to Kayli D. Her advice is really great.
2007-07-21 21:50:08
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
this is from some one with the same problem
all i did was healthier a few miles or around your neighborhood some excercises:)
2007-07-21 21:50:34
answer #8
answered by tiffany™ 1