You are right. To you in your own experience, these may be just words. But the fact is that some people are genuinely interested in other people, and that includes you. The parable is of a stranger who helps another. He helped him because he came across him. People are offering words, maybe because they are not physically close enough to offer that hug or touch. To lots of people similar to yourself, life never seems to go as planned, I think that I am one of them too. However, it is a journey in life and I believe it is that journey that gives others strength, when they see how we have travelled through life.
Later, others may see how strong you were during your life and take comfort that you carried on. The words you wrote above, will undoubtably have an impact on someone who reads/replies to them.
My thoughts are with you.
2007-07-22 23:03:56
answer #1
answered by jebaUK 2
All I can offer is words as well. I sit here with what I think is a diabetic shock. I took my shot and pills but am incredibly weak. I need to get to my parrot to feed her but, can't make it yet. I figured this would get my mind and fingers working and the rest will follow, hopefully.
I recently lost my mother so I too am alone now. I knew I would be no good at marriage so I never did it. So I sit alone among the pine trees waiting. Though no one can understand your pain, I can relate.
The thing that gives me hope is the Bible's promise of eternal life on a cleansed earth. All the other promises and statements of the Bible have come true. So why would it start lying now?
I know from my reading science and medical publications, there is no reason for humans to die; barring injury or severe disease. The cells renew and replace themselves. Doctors are at a loss to explain why it stops.
Does it not make sense as well that the One who made us in the first place can remake or resurrect those who have died? How would it feel to see your late wife and son walking toward you again on a sunny morning? On an earth without fear of robbery, war, pollution? You would know both you and your family are safe and secure. Is this not something to focus yourself on?
The good Samaritan story had one flaw. He could get the man help and heal his injuries. Get him on his feet. He could not give him a good life afterwards though. We can have that literally.
2007-07-21 04:58:55
answer #2
answered by grnlow 7
As I have said before, I am sorry to hear about your troubles- however sometimes we have to just pull ourselves up and start helping those around us. I am not going to share this with you, because I am better than you , I am not. I am just a woman who has been saved by the grace of Almighty God- I have experienced heartache in my life too- for one a chronic illness that has caused pain in my body 24/7 and have a husband who is permanently disabled. Many people who I thought would stand by us, left- including family members at one time- this is not for pity, just to tell you- I could, and have cried myself to sleep at night, however one thing that really changed MY HEART is the knowledge that no one can care for me all the time- I needed to step out, no matter how much pain I am in to help someone else.
May I ask what you are really looking for? Even though Jesus tells us to truly love those around us, that unfortunately does not mean they will. Know that Jesus loves you- I know you want someone with "skin" on- maybe if you went to someone and helped them, you would find the mercy and love you are looking for, I had too.
2007-07-21 05:42:13
answer #3
answered by AdoreHim 7
I can relate to how you feel. I try very hard to answer your questions with love. But, as well intented as I try to answer you, and other people do as well. Somethings that your missing emotionally, in your heart, and mind, and physically..honestly need to come from you. There inside your heart lays the deep truth to how you need to correct your life, and live it fully. Without feeling lost, and hurt. Sometimes, people just can't give you what you need. Because we are human.
I can answer you honestly but, not all people will see what I see when I went through all my saddness. When I was at the saddest point of my life..I didn't know what to do, and felt I wasn't good enough to be loved no more. I thought the reason I was feeling this way is because I wasn't worth a cent to another person. But, I said a prayer in my heart that I wanted to be happy. And slowly I started seeing things change. Nothing is done over night, and nothing will make you happier than doing some soul searching. You are the answer to how you will decide how to live. You have the choice to say a prayer, or wonder how and why all the things that happened to you will be better in time. The point is, there are answers to your questions, but you have to find out why, and what you have to do to make things better. I chose to pray to God! It worked for me. Maybe you can say a heartfelt prayer to God and ask him to guide you. You have nothing to lose by trying. And see how it works. :))
2007-07-21 04:40:37
answer #4
answered by SDC 5
There was once a man who refused help during a flood by saying that he didn't need help because God was going to help him. So the man in the boat paddled away in amazement at the mans refusal to get in the rescue boat. Once the water was up to the second story the man with the boat came back thinking the man would climb aboard this time due to the height of the flood waters. But once again the man declined the offer. The flood waters got so high that the man climbed up on his roof to avoid the impending doom, but the waters kept rising. Then a Helicopter came to his rescue, but the man still refused the help stating for a fact that God would save him. The man was found drowned several days later once the flood waters receeded. So what's the moral of the story? If God takes the time to send you two boats, and a lift to get you out of the flood waters, then you better take it. Will you be smart enough to see it for what it is. My point is, God is NOT going to come knock on your door holding a life preserver and then tie it around your neck. That was already done when Jesus died in your place. It's up to you to reconize when God is trying to get your attention. Looks like God is using a TON of people here to help you out, but I don't think you are listening. I don't want to sound cruel but God has spoken to a few select humans over the centuries with a very specific message about His Kingdom, and if you think he owes you some special place in your situation you are too full of your own ego. I'm sorry for all your loses because they are very great, but please think abouth what I'm about to say for just one second. Everyone that is living, has ever lived, and will ever live on the planet will have to go through the same very things you have gone through before God send His Son Back to straighten out the mess we have put ourselves in, so you situation as bad as it is, is common for every person alive. Please seek help if you need it, but you need to leave your pitty party for one, and rejoin the real world! Get off your stinking computer and join a group that Hikes, bikes, swims, eats, and laughs together. And not for God's sake, yours!
2007-07-21 06:00:59
answer #5
answered by skiingstowe 6
It is interesting where you have gone with - the experience of the man helped by the Good Samaritan...
And in times like these I can only offer you silent companionship for the distance is great, I will sit with you... I will pray on your behalf (not that my prayers are better just that it is the least I can do other than offer silent compansionship) - you can keep praying too...
2007-07-21 16:04:53
answer #6
answered by Abbasangel 5
I would lend a hand, but my words can only express so much of the sorrow I feel. I know nothing can really help you to feel better except God, so I hope you keep seeking all of your life and don't give up on happiness.Pity is a natural response when you feel grief, so I'll send mine anyway. May God bless you with understanding and love, and grant you peace from your troubles.
2007-07-21 10:47:02
answer #7
answered by Charles E 3
I do not wish to be a Job's comforter. As you are (to us) in cyberspace it is almost trite to send you hug. God is with you and all of us in our various griefs. I will not list mine because it is not a competition.
Psalm 139:7-9
7Whither shall I go from thy spirit? or whither shall I flee from thy presence?
8If I ascend up into heaven, thou art there: if I make my bed in hell, behold, thou art there.
9If I take the wings of the morning, and dwell in the uttermost parts of the sea;
God loves us through one another and you must know someone near you who you can call on. The good Samaritan was in the flesh. The Internet does not afford us that degree of closeness. I suggest if all of those who believe and read your question will pray in accord that your spiritual need is going to be met by a real person, and that this will happen sooner rather than later.
2007-07-21 04:52:15
answer #8
answered by pwwatson8888 5
LOL good one! I didnt see anything wrong with that joke. Gays can end up in hell for sinning just as quick as I can for sinning. Does being gay get you a ticket to hell? It's not up to me to cast that judgement. I guess we will know when it's time to stand on the carpet in front of the MAN. **Note to Gays** I am not a hater-If you are hungry-I will feed you, If you need help-I will help you. I aint Homophobic either, I just dont agree with that life style.Tha doesnt mean I dislike you.
2016-05-19 03:00:33
answer #9
answered by ? 3
I am sorry for all you have gone through, and people do get wrapped up in their own problems and a lot of times don't see the one who is really hurting, I am one of them and I am here to say sorry and ask that you forgive me as well...If I could be there with you and for you I would be, but I can't so your in my heart and my love as well and all my prayers for you goes up. I am a friend and if you ever need one to talk with you can always write me, because we all need friends just because..
2007-07-21 05:11:36
answer #10
answered by s 2