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are they nearly all dead yet, is that when things start to happen or armageddon starts or ends

2007-07-21 03:53:52 · 19 answers · asked by chris 4 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

19 answers

Another hopeless set of misunderstandings and mis-translations.

This 'magic' number keeps popping up all over the world in all sorts of cultures and all sorts of contexts. It was significant to the Sumerians ( from whence came the legend of Abram, supposed ancestor to all the semitic peoples of the world ), the Vedas, the Egyptians, the Maya, Olmecs and all of their ancestors, and many others.

My take on this is linked to the 'critical mass' theory of how many enlightened beings it takes, physically manifested here, yet awake to the greater 'reality', to start the chain reaction that is leading to the raising of the cosmic vibration of our beautiful blue planet, Earth, Mother Gaia.

I believe that this process is under way at this time, and that a new era of cosmic harmony will result, together with the expulsion of all suffering and pain for the us, children of this realm.

It's not about 'death', it is 'Life' itself.

{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{Cosmic Love}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}

2007-07-21 04:25:41 · answer #1 · answered by cosmicvoyager 5 · 2 5

No one knows when the Great Tribulation and Armageddon will occur. We know we are deep in the End Times right now, but there is still prophecy left to be fulfilled.

The remnant yet alive on earth do not all have to die before this occurs...fore the Bible says if they are still alive.... " Look! I tell YOU a sacred secret: We shall not all fall asleep [in death], but we shall all be changed, 52 in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, during the last trumpet. "

So we see that not ALL will have fallen asleep in death. Also consider Matthew: "22 In fact, unless those days were cut short, no flesh would be saved; but on account of the chosen ones those days will be cut short."

So, we just need to be patient and wait on Jehovah...but a word of advise to those of you who diss Witnesses...on the day you notice the we've STOPPED coming to your door, well, you may want to stop by ours....if it's not shut tight as the door to the Ark was.

2007-07-21 05:05:14 · answer #2 · answered by Suzette R 6 · 0 0

The 144 thousand means that when God returns and this life is over for all of us that 144 thousand will go to heaven to be with him the rest of us will either go to hell or live here on earth in the new paradise that he will create.

The 144 thousand will be chosen representatives from all of the 12 tribes that we all come from.

2007-07-21 06:40:37 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

According to the number of Jehovah's Witnesses who partook of the bread and wine at their annual "memorial" service 4 months ago, about 8,500 are still alive.

As for Armageddon, the organisation has been saying it is "just round the corner" - for over 100 years. New witnesses are unaware of this. Those who became witnesses at the turn of the 20th century thought it was going to happen soon after 1914. It didn't. Then they anticipated it would come around 1975 (although this is denied by their leaders). No doubt they have another date lined up.

You need not worry about when Armageddon will start - no man knows the day or the hour. What you DO need to concern yourself with is your standing with God NOW. Have you accepted Jesus as your Lord and Saviour? Are you in a covenant relationship with Him? Have you been anointed with the Holy Spirit? Unfortunately for all those Jehovah's Witnesses who are not of the anointed or heavenly class, the blood of Christ does not cover them. They have been duped by their leaders into believing that they do not have a heavenly hope and they have to work to earn their salvation.

The number 144,000 has been taken by them as a literal number, although everything else in Revelation is symbolic. They preach a false gospel.

2007-07-21 04:55:16 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 2

Thank goodness for Adams rib!
I was going through the responses you received and good grief,they just dont have a clue!Adams rib is spot on.Also
many mistakingly assume that the 144,000 are from the 12 tribes and they are all jews.But this listing does not match that of natural Israel at Numbers Chapter 1

2007-07-21 04:51:57 · answer #5 · answered by lillie 6 · 1 0

No it is when God puts it into their heart to do this thing.
REvelation 17:17 talking about Babylon the Great, the city that has a kingdom over the kings of the earth and in other places it is religion.
Those 144,000 are all dead by now. That was like Jesus followers, 1800's or something.
It is only a short time until God puts it into the hearts of the leaders of the world to destroy false religion.
Do you know that Muslims is the largest religious organization? It may start with them and then Catholics and down the line.
What he is going to use to cause the governments of the whole world to see them as a threat is still not known to us.
But it does seem to be getting clearer everyday what could cause it. Only time will tell but it is very close.

2007-07-21 04:04:34 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 1 4

From the Jehovah's Witness attitude: The one hundred and 40 4,000 are the chosen few who will serve in Christ's Kingdom in Heaven after Armageddon. the remainder of the ladies and men people who're in God's desire will survive a paradise earth wherein there's no death, soreness, or sickness. it incredibly is astonishing it attractive bluntly. there is an entire lot greater too it, whether it incredibly is the gist. in case you have an interest or compelled, learn it greater for the clarification that there are lots greater substantial factors.

2016-09-30 10:19:06 · answer #7 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

I believe that the beginning of Revelation Chapter 14 is a a different 144,000 - because the preaching of the gospel to the entire world described in Revelation 14:6, which takes place during the last three and one-half years of the age, has to have already taken place by the sixth seal. This has to be true, because in order for the great multitude of Revelation 7:9 to have come out of the great tribulation from every tribe they had to have had the gospel preached to them! There must therefore be two independent groups of 144,000 in my view, as one group would not be identified both in heaven before the great tribulation is over and also on earth being marked so as to be protected from the trumpet judgments which follow that great tribulation.
Those marked on earth are 12,000 from each tribe of Israel that are here to teach and help lost souls to be saved clear up til the very end of the tribulation. They are the Pure in heart being totally committed to God from the beginning of earth history.
My view is two fold. These 144,000 are mentioned in verse 7 and the other 144,000 are mentioned in verse 14 , seven chapters later.
There is mention of the 144,000 in a channeled book I no longer remember that said the 144,000 are beings who were to come and watch and help the earth go through it's transition from the 3rd dimension to the 4th and 5th.
Some went home because they believe in non interference.
Some are above in the ethers watching and aiding in the process. I don't know if this is true but it sounds possible. This would be the second group talked about in Heaven.
Rev. TomCat
Those marked on earth are 12,000 from each tribe of Israel that are here to teach and help lost souls to be saved clear up til the very end of the tribulation. They are the Pure in heart being totally committed to God.
My view is two fold. These 144,000 are mentioned in verse 7 and the other 144,000 are mentioned in verse 14 , seven chapters later.
There is mention of the 144,000 in a channeled book I no longer remember that said the 144,000 are beings who were to come and watch and help the earth go through it's transition from the 3rd dimension to the 4th and 5th.
Some went home because they believe in non interference.
Some are above in the ethers watching and aiding in the process. I don't know if this is true but it sounds possible. This would be the second group talked about in Heaven.
Rev. TomCat

2007-07-21 04:54:15 · answer #8 · answered by Rev. TomCat 6 · 0 1

12 is a power number, as there are 12 vortexes at work on our world, that help to bring the Lifeforce here and "keep" our
world in existence.
The 12 Tribes of Israel is symbolic. Jacob actually had 70 children. Just as the 12 princes of Ishmael is symbolic. Based on this spiritual power, and refers to ALL living beings.
The 144,000, or Elect, are special individuals who stayed True to our Creator. 12,000 from each of the 12 "Tribes" of Israel.They will be called from the 4 corners of the Heavens, when the time comes. To create a spiritual Power that will help Christ to defeat the inlfuences of

2007-07-21 04:08:39 · answer #9 · answered by THE NEXT LEVEL 5 · 0 3

The 144 thousand are the Remnant. God's chosen people, the Jews who are left after the Great Tribulation. The ones who accept Christ as the Messiah. The ones who will be with Him for eternity. The ones who are sealed with His name on their foreheads.

2007-07-21 04:00:18 · answer #10 · answered by byHisgrace 7 · 2 2

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