No it is not rude for someone to ask the same question, as not every one has seen it the first or second time And everyone needs to have a chance to view it. Its not just about you . Its about all of us giving our opinion and hearing the opinions of other ppl. and on this section, we christians are here to give our opinions about what the Holy Bible says. SOme like it, some dont. BUt, I still havent figured out why if they will only reject God, why do they bother coming on here to mock us and hate it, must be down deep searching for something. God tells us we are each give a small measure of faith, and a deep yearning to KNOW, it will stay an empty spot until we put Jesus there. So when ppl are trying to find happiness in all kinds of places, its Jesus there are looing for, but few know that. they look everywhere often, but where the source of all joy, peace and happiness comes from.
You can answer a lot without having to ask a question. where did you get that? I rarely ask a question. But, I answer a lot as I am a serious Bible study student and I love to share what God is showing to me. I count it all as JOY.
As far as Who made God, thats something noone knows, and we wont know tilll we get to Heaven, and then I doubt we remember to ask Him.
Its like the old What comes first the chicken or the egg. Had to have a chicken to have the egg. so where did the first chicken come from. ?? We knows its another egg, huh? Some things are just faith and God will reveal it all later.
Its like those that wont believe in God cuz they cant see Him and dont know where He came from. ... But they will easily believe a big bang theory. well, where did all the gases come from to explode? YOU KNOW, Some things like that we just wont know till we get to heaven. BUt you deceide which is the easiest to believe. For those that wont believe in God and creation, I always ask this question. OK,
IF I walk over to your house tonight and hand you the keys to a brand new corvette and I put it in your driveway, and you run out and say. Whats that> I say oh its yours. YOu say, where did it come from? I saw oh well last night a jillion miles away there was an explosion and this just happened, fell in the years, perfect just like you see it. YOu would be laughing at me all the way to the title place? HUH?
YOU BETCHA> But, ppl believe that this entire planet and we humans and all thats in it, came from a big blow up jillions of years ago , and look how we turned out. Just with humans alone, we have serously intricately made bodies, with amazing nervous systems, vasular systems.. Need I go on? NO, you get the drift. THe moon hangs where it is supposed to, and so do the stars . everything has its place, and this is all just accidnet. You say well we have the gravity. WHo made it?
Did you ever hear the story of the man that told God I can do what you do, and I will prove it, I will make a body just like you did. So he leans down to scoop up the dirt, and God says, GET YOUR OWN DIRT> I MADE THIS ONE>
hahahaha, kinda of is a giggle, but its so true. PPL so easily believe the lies of the devil with no proof. YOu say science prove it, no its only a theory. THere are tons of scheintst that are Chrsitians that write books too and speak, but we rarely get to hear them, unless we know and seek it out. They too have their reasons, but as to where it all just began, we dont know. God says He was always there, and that settles it for us. EIther we have faith to believe or we dont.
But to think we came from a big explosion, rather than intelligent design is ludicrous. Wouldnt you know that new car was planned and made by someone? OF course you would. But we humans and the entire universe just happened from a big bang. PPPL can believe as they choose, but in the end we are all held accountible to God for the choices we make. and nothing is worth, nothing or noone is worth losing out on the gift of salvation for. BUt, we have to choose for Jesus before we die or He comes again to take us home. Since He is coming again, lets all get to know Him more and live for Him and do all He asks us to do. The others in the world we try to impress, they dont save us, heal us or deliver us. Only Jesus does just that. He died for all of us, and He is so loving that He is eager to forgive. Jsut ask and receive, then live for Him and not the ways of the world.
and soon, we will read on here where you are talking like this to others who still dont know. God is a good God. He says to live like Jesus, speak like Jesus, preach like Jesus, and to obey Him fully as He obeyed the Father God, unto all things, even death. He is coming soon. LEts all be ready.
2007-07-21 03:51:12
answer #6
answered by full gospel shirley 6