That which is flesh returns to dust. But GOD is in the heart, and gives us strength to overcome. GOD is our inheritance, and makes HIS temple within us. We are sinners, but we are forgiven, by GOD who is in our hearts, and being strengthened when we are weak we overcome.
The Douay-Reihms Catholic Bible reads:
Psalms 73:26 For thee my flesh and my heart hath fainted away: thou art the God of my heart, and the God that is my portion for ever.
GOD who dwells in us saves us, though the body of the flesh grows weak, weary and dies . ..
LOVE your neighbor as yourself.
:responsorial edit: I like the answer about making a meal. I think of the HOLY EUCHARIST. JESUS says labor for the food which does not parish. JESUS gives us LIFE by HIS FLESH and so we are united of the flesh. Thus in a literal sense JESUS is in us, and we are in JESUS.
LOVE your neighbor as yourself.
2007-07-21 02:07:32
answer #1
answered by jesusfreakstreet 4
Romans 7-14
2007-07-21 09:20:55
answer #2
answered by Edward C 1
This is one of my very favourite passages. I like it because it reminds me that even when things are so tough I don't know how to go on, that God will be my strength. The idea that God is my portion says to me that He is always just what I need. Think about when you serve dinner and you give each person the amount that you know they need - well God gives us exactly what we need for our circumstances - our portion. I stuff up, my heart betrays me, but God is the strength of my Heart and my Portion - forever!
2007-07-21 09:06:56
answer #3
answered by rachannah 1
I thought that I already did! Did you not understand it?
Peter was a great example of this, but if you have to, look at David.
David failed utterly when he had a man killed so that he could marry the man's wife. ( He had to cover up the fact that he already made her pregnant)
But God once again forgave David, and God became his strength and his promise; his 'portion' forever!
You can do the same, no matter what you do, God will forgive you. He is our strength because all we have to do after we stumble is to look to Him again and He will allow us to continue in His grace. We have to trust Him!
2007-07-21 09:08:59
answer #4
answered by Christian Sinner 7
His thoughts here dwell with delight upon his own happiness in God, as much greater than the happiness of the ungodly that prospered in the world. He saw little reason to envy them what they had in the creature when he found how much more and better, surer and sweeter, comforts he had in the Creator, and what cause he had to congratulate himself on this account. He had complained of his afflictions (v. 14); but this makes them very light and easy, All is well if God be mine. We have here the breathings of a sanctified soul towards God, and its repose in him, as that to a godly man really which the prosperity of a worldly man is to him in conceit and imagination: Whom have I in heaven but thee? There is scarcely a verse in all the psalms more expressive than this of the pious and devout affections of a soul to God; here it soars up towards him, follows hard after him, and yet, at the same time, has an entire satisfaction and complacency in him.
2007-07-21 09:12:46
answer #5
answered by D2T 3
I'd say it means that my body my physically fail me (my health may suffer, or I may become so weak I cannot go on); my heart my feel like it's broken, but through God I can go on forever.
This reminds me of a passage that reads, "If God is for me, who can be against me? Romans 8:31"
2007-07-21 09:09:41
answer #6
answered by Judy 5
Grace - Joy - Mercy,
the best person to explain this is the only person who can give you a 'deep revelation' of this scripture. This person is the Comforter, who is the Holy Ghost....He shall teach you all things and bring all things to your rememberance...
2007-07-21 12:50:17
answer #7
answered by Cal Seham Channel Blouker 2
I guess you didn't like the answers the first time you asked this.
Appreciating the need for reliance on Jehovah, Asaph added: “Whom do I have in the heavens? And besides you I do have no other delight on the earth. My organism and my heart have failed. God is the rock of my heart and my share to time indefinite. For, look! the very ones keeping away from you will perish. You will certainly silence every one immorally leaving you. But as for me, the drawing near to God is good for me. In the Sovereign Lord Jehovah I have placed my refuge, to declare all your works.”—Psalm 73:25-28.
Like Asaph, we have no one but Jehovah on whom to rely for true security and comfort. (2 Corinthians 1:3, 4) So instead of coveting anyone’s earthly riches, let us serve God and store up treasures in heaven. (Matthew 6:19, 20) Having an approved standing with Jehovah should be our greatest delight. Even if our organism and heart should fail, he will strengthen us and give stability to our heart so that we do not lose hope and courage amid adversities. Intimacy with Jehovah is a priceless possession. Letting it go would spell calamity for us along with all who abandon him. Like Asaph, therefore, let us draw close to God and throw all our anxiety upon him. (1 Peter 5:6, 7) This promotes our spiritual welfare and moves us to tell others about Jehovah’s wonderful works.
Remain Loyal to Jehovah
Asaph was troubled because he saw evildoers prospering in Israel, his homeland. In among Jehovah’s loyal servants, there were “wicked people” guilty of boasting, haughtiness, violence, scoffing, and fraud, and who denied that God knew what they were doing. (Psalm 73:1-11) What a warning! To please Jehovah God, we must refrain from displaying such traits as pride, violence, scoffing, and dishonesty. Like Asaph, let all servants of Jehovah ‘come into God’s grand sanctuary’ by assembling regularly with His loyal worshipers. Indeed, let all who love Jehovah ‘draw near to God,’ relying on him to sustain them amid sufferings, regardless of what others may say or do.—Psalm 73:12-28; 3Â John 1-10.
2007-07-21 09:05:22
answer #8
answered by rangedog 7
Reliance on oneself may fail but reliance on God endures.
2007-07-21 10:05:04
answer #9
answered by wind m 4
I'm depressed but I know I will overcome with God in my heart.
2007-07-21 09:03:33
answer #10
answered by Anonymous