something was wrong with him mentally...........
2007-07-20 23:05:22
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
If it is 6130 years from Eden to Rev.20:1-6; the 1000 year reign to account for 7130 years all LOST in Eden to all SAVED as that is the time period we are in and no one does the math?
How are people to know when no one does the math? All can be known but the day and the hour. 1Thes.5:1-9,21; If you do any thing it must be right.
The neighbor is warning himself and every one else that Satan has a short time in the end time Rev.12:3,4,6-11,12;
We have been in the end time ever since we got the KJV Bilbe published in 1611 CE. Matt.24: 3, 7, 14, 15, 22, 34, 36 - 38, 45 - 47; It is proper to let all
know the world as it has been know from Eden will end.
Eph.2:7; 3:21; The world with Jesus is without end. John 3:16; 2Pet,3:13;
Rev.21:1-5; The earth and the world must be made as perfect as it was meant to be before Eden.
If this is not the fact, don't worry about it as in death, there is only silence and no thought Psm.49:14; 115:15-17; 146:3,4; Acts 2:27-31; Jesus alone, and
David still in tomb. So I hope for something aside from decay as promised.
2007-07-20 23:18:34
answer #2
answered by jeni 7
Marieanne T.
Great awnser.
Though I see it a bit diffrient.
It said that gen will see the Lord come back. Im with yeah there, but you gota think the bible said no man will live beond 120 years, so you said 70, which is probobly about the low advrage lifespan. But you gota acount for the high ball too.
So im sayin its not going to be any longer then 2060 that we will be here like we are.
2007-07-20 23:55:36
answer #3
answered by robertt223 4
Jesus was a no show for two thousand years:
"But when they persecute you in this city, flee ye unto another, for VERILY I say unto you, Ye shall NOT HAVE GONE over the cities of Israel till the SON OF MAN (as referring to himself) BE COME." MATTHEW 10:23
The disciples of Jesus fled and they fled, and have now perished for two thousand years, with no sign of the return of Jesus.
Unfortunately Christians do not take that as an UNfulfilled prophesy.
2007-07-20 23:07:26
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
the countdown for the return of christ was propheised to initiate wehn Israel became a nation again...which was 1948.
one generation's time from that would see the end of things as we know them know....
1948 + 70 years = 2018
2007-07-20 23:14:02
answer #5
answered by Marianne T 3
He forgot that Christ said to stop predicting his arrival. Christ said he would come back, but while he is gone, we are supposed to be doing his work on earth. Some people are so concerned with is return that they forget to keep working. They are so heavenly bound that they have become no EARTHLY good.
2007-07-20 23:09:03
answer #6
answered by One Odd Duck 6
Because He is coming soon. Remember a thousand years is as one day with God.
2007-07-20 23:12:30
answer #7
answered by oldguy63 7
which joke? theres a lot of them in that book, or am i thinking of the little red riding hood or Humpty Dumpty? i don't know anymore they are all the same genre
2007-07-20 23:08:55
answer #8
answered by hades 3
Jesus was a carpenter.
Tradesmen never turn up on time.
2007-07-20 23:05:37
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
Jesus has a different time clock than we do.
2007-07-20 23:14:38
answer #10
answered by ? 4
Maybe he doesn't have any turps to clean off the paint.
2007-07-20 23:06:00
answer #11
answered by babycakes 5