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33 answers

i think that religion suits the needs of those that follow it. i think that at the root of it, all of the main ones are the same thing. a supreme being or group of beings that created the earth and all the cosmos, a supreme being or group of beings that control everything, one or many we owe our gifts and live to, one or many to worship.

2007-07-20 10:25:04 · answer #1 · answered by ~*[{BasKeT CasE}]*~ 2 · 0 1

What is important is what God's view is. How does He want to be worshiped? Man has the choice, do it or don't do it the way He approves. Man does not decide how God approves. In business, the employees do not define the business; the owner does. At the same time, humans as part of any endeavor, means imperfect execution. we never get it completely right.

The right religion would be defined by the Bible. It would have to follow only the way the Bible sets out. The easiest way I found to advise is to use the Bible concordance or index in the back of the Book. It contains the key words and where it is found in the scriptures. Take any religion. What are the beliefs? Take each one and look up the key words to see what the Bible says.

For instance, the trinity. Look it up. You will not find the word in any index, no matter how thorough. Under "Father" you will find John 14:28 which Jesus says, "My Father is greater than I." That doesn't seem to agree does it? Ask more questions and search for the answers in this manner.

How about God loving to torture people and babies? Many religions teach babies are sent to torture after death. Under babies, is Jeremiah 7:31 this was what some did to their children, sacrificing them in fire to an idol. This is God's view of what they did. Then under "dead", you find Eccles. 9:5,10 that says the dead have no ability to feel anything, be it pleasure or pain or do anything.

Many religions say all you must do is "believe in Jesus". Is this true? Under "saved" is Romans 10:13 it does say "Everyone calling 'Lord! Lord! will be saved." But go on to read the next 2 verses. Asking how will they call unless they know? How will they know unless they hear? How can they hear without someone to preach? Apparently, it takes more than just thinking.

The Bible has more to say on effort. True Christians must always be ready to make a defense for our faith through knowledge. (1Peter 3:15) 1John 4:1 orders us to TEST whether "inspired expressions" we hear originate with God, which is what we have just been doing. We should make sure of all things. (1Thess. 5:21)
Judging by the 28 answers so far, I am not surprised the world is in such bad shape. It is reasonable for there to be only one true religion.

Look up Beroea or Beroeans. They got a good name and fine reputation by delighting the entire Christian organization when, with Paul and Silas there speaking to them, they "with greatest eagerness of mind, carefully examined the scriptures to see if these things were so." That is what we should and must do. There are even more false teachings active today than then. Bigger volume.

The point is, Yes you can find the right religion. It is not that difficult to find. Don't just give up like the first 28 answerers. The world is not completely gray. There are black & white situations. Right & wrong does exist.

2007-07-20 11:51:31 · answer #2 · answered by grnlow 7 · 0 0

This is a very important question, a soul-lish question, on the level of "why am I here" so let your soul lead you in your quest, don't give up, it is not easy, few things truly worth doing are.

To begin, simply study them: research there claims, is there historic evidence to what they say. Do certain timelines line up w/ other?

Keep notes: you have no idea the power of writing things down, just in the way it can clear your head, in analytic and diagnostic studies, cross referencing, and data collection, be open minded to choices you’ve had bad experience with in the past (we have toes, there fore they will be stepped on) but be shrud,
once you feel you have a base level understanding…

Don’t go it alone: seek out answered from others, ask people living lives dedicated to a faith: how do you do it, when did you believe, what do you believe, and does it differ from main line theology, where do you worship and other mechanical, day to day questions. Why, why probably being the most important.

From there ask more people hone one interview from the previous one (this is where taking notes can really help) but don’t be discouraged jerks are everywhere, every religion, every people groups, we all have them

From there take it the next step, look into non-profits based on a certain religious idea, look at church websites etc etc

Do all this while still researching others.

Never give up the search till you have found, don’t confuse persuasive people, and the joy of new experiences w/ the truth.

Happy hunting

If you want to know what I settled on or more of my personal exp, just msg me :)

2007-07-20 10:50:09 · answer #3 · answered by ? 5 · 0 0

There are 17 points of the True Church pointed out in the Bible. These 17 points are:
1. Christ organized the Church (Eph 4:11-14)
3. Must have a foundation of Apostles and Prophets (Eph 2:19-20)
4. Must have the same organization as Christ's Church (Eph 4:11-14)
5. Must claim divine authority (Heb 5:4-10)
6. MUST HAVE NO PAID MINISTRY!!! (1 Cor 9:16-18; Acts 20:33-34; John 10:11-13)
7. Must baptize by immersion (Matt 3:13-16)
8. Must bestow the gift of the Holy Ghost by the laying on of hands (Acts 8:14-17)
9. Must practice divine healing (Mark 3:14-15)
10. Must teach that God and Jesus are seperate and distinct individuals (John 17:11; 20:17)
11. Must teach that God & Jesus Christ have bodies of flesh & bone (Luke 24:36-39; Acts 1:9-11
12. The officers must be called by God (Heb 4:4; Ex 28:1; 40:13-16)
13. Must claim revelation from God (Amos 3:7)
14. Must be a missionary church (Matt 28:19-20)
15. Must be a RESTORED church Acts 3:19-21
16. Must practice baptism for the dead (1Cor 15:16&29)
17. By their fruits ye shall know them (Matthew 7:20)

Why are these things important? Hebrews 13:8

These are the 17 points to the true church as outlined in the Bible. There is only one church that has ALL these points & can be considered the true church of Jesus Christ & that is The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

2007-07-20 10:26:04 · answer #4 · answered by Luv&Rockets 4 · 2 0

True religion according to the Bible is to visit the widows and the fatherless. An organization cannot be of God because the spirit is organic. The real Church is an organISM not an organization. No organized religion can be completely right because it is codified by men who disagree. The Spirit does not disagree with the Spirit.

2007-07-20 10:26:25 · answer #5 · answered by pwwatson8888 5 · 0 1

Well, the word "organized" itself might ought to give you a clue. Do you think there is anything "right" about somebody else organizing your life, organizing your brain, organizing the way you think, and feel, and believe, and organizing all your daily a ctivities to fit in with a certain pattern that somebody else has decided for you that you have to follow in order to avoid a terrible, painful eternal punishment?

If your OK with that idea, hey pick one of those "organized religions" and go with it. I think I'll pass.

2007-07-20 10:27:26 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

No excluding religion is right. None.

Why? 'Cause none of them has been around forever, and since there were people prior to those religions, the implication is that those people are inherently excluded.

Oh yeah ... and even now, since there is no majority religion (at least across the world), that means the majority of the population does not belong to the "right" religion. The implications of exclusion under such circumstances are dire: Billions of people being excluded from God's love, etc.

No excluding organized religion is right. They are all, in their own way, abominations of inhumanity.

2007-07-20 10:25:23 · answer #7 · answered by Elana 7 · 0 1

You assume that only one religion is "right." There are many basic truths which are based on Universal Law and are found in all religions. There are more things on which we agree than disagree. Why can't we come together on what we agree instead of focusing on a shorter list of points on which we disagree? Surely, mutual respect and doing no man harm should be at the top of the list.

2007-07-20 10:26:46 · answer #8 · answered by Buffy 5 · 0 1

If you ask most people, they would probably tell you that the organized religion that they were born into is the right one. After all, God is love and he wouldn't let them be born into the wrong religion, would he?

2007-07-20 10:25:10 · answer #9 · answered by 自由思想家 3 · 0 1

No religion is right. My church is in my heart and brain. I don't beg for money..rape little boys, cause wars, and blow myself up murdering other people. Religion and organized cannot be used in the same sentence unless it's to dominate or eliminate another faith, or collect money from stupid people. Go outside and watch the sunrise, peaceful...that's what God is about.

2007-07-20 10:40:18 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

Organized, like a Union?

2007-07-20 10:22:36 · answer #11 · answered by Royal Racer Hell=Grave © 7 · 0 1

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