This is an interesting question. My personal thoughts about religion are that religion was created by man to celebrate the God/Goddess (which ever you prefer - no disrespect is intended) Worship is not something created by Him/Her. Due to the fact that we have such diversity, we have many different ways to celebrate and worship. The fact that one religion speaks out over another or claims to be the only right choice is simply human competition. Seriously, what God/Goddess would instruct his/her followers to kill other beings or torture others because they don't agree!
2007-07-20 05:17:19
answer #1
answered by butterflimoon 2
Your statement of Christianity is not accurate, let me clarify...
Under Christianity, "ALL have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God". Not ONE is righteous. By logical necessity if all have sinned, and God is just and holy, then we are in big trouble. If he is just, then there will be accountability for our transgressions. What God provides through his mercy, is an external agent, in the form of Jesus Christ, who bears the price of sin, and lived a perfect life that the believer gets credited for in a 2 way transaction known as justification.
So Christians are redeemed sinners. Nothing more, nothing less. The gift of grace is open to all who will confess Christ as Lord and Saviour. The Bible has pretty much been tranlated throughout the world. People are free to reject it, but do so hopefully understanding the consequences of that action.
In Islam, salvation is by merit. Hopefully you have done enough to earn it, and you trust on God's mercy. One of the issues I have run into in discussing Islam, is that if I say I did not find the Koran persuasive, then I am told it is because I did not read it in the original language, because if I understand it, I will, by definition, accept it.
In terms of why people are born where... Any answer I give to that would be speculation. What Paul writes is that the law of God is in the hearts of humanity, that we are therefore aware of a transcendant moral law, and that all of creation points at the Creator. In this day and age, there are few who will not have the opportunity to hear about Christ.
Soli Deo Gloria
FYI, Moses died about 1200-1300 years before Christ was born. Therefore, he did not order any killings on the basis of not believing in Jesus...
2007-07-20 12:13:22
answer #2
answered by doc in dallas 3
You are terribly misinformed about the Christian!!!
There are three persons in ONE GOD i.e. Trinity (Father, Son, Holy Spirit). He is also HOLY, HOLY, HOLY! He is the Alpha and the Omega. The Beginning and the End! He is infinitely self sufficient and has no need of us. BUT, Moved by this Infinite love, Infinite Mercy, and Infinite Provision, He has created all things, that you see and do not see.
God has given us body and soul, in His image. The body made from dust shall return to dust, but the soul is the eternal gift from God. So to be with Him, the soul WILL NEVER DIE, enjoying Him forever in the vision of His glory.
Nature in every other form that you know, has been created by Him for the benefit of Man.
Further more, He wants to be more intimate with Man, so He humbled Himself and became Man, in the person Jesus Christ. He walked among us mortals, showed us the way to live so that we may be enabled unto the glory of paradise.
Christianity DOES NOT say that they are pure. All and every human from Adam is a sinner, except the messias, Lord Jesus Christ and His Most Holy Mother, Mary, the Immaculate Conception. They are above the law, i.e. free from original sin and actual sin and every shadow of sin.
At the time of creation, the host of angelic spirits were shown the future by God.
Lucifer(Angel of Light), was a very handsome, and intelligent spirit, one of the seven that stood before the throne of the Almighty. In God's plan all the angelic orders had to worship the Second Person of the Holy Trinity when He would become Man, alongside honor the Woman clothed with the Sun, Mary, as the Mother of God. This angel (Lucifer) rebelled and took along with him 1/3 of the heavenly spirits. At this rebellion, Satan swore against the Mother of God and her offspring, to bring ruination to all of creation, since Adam. He lost all his beauty but not his intelligence nor his power. He was hurtled from the heavens by Michael, the victorious archangel, into the infernal abyss, his abode forever. So all confusion you see and know is due to his (Satan) doing, hence all different religions, and the endless battle between Good vs Evil goes on.
Then Adam and Eve were sent into exile, i.e. Earth. Paradise now is the reward for all those who labor under their trial and tribulations, (crosses) united with the Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity of Jesus Christ.
This war will continue to be so, until the end of time. The day you die is the end of your time. In that hour, remember to accept the Lord Jesus Christ as your personal savior, if you want eternal life.
May Our Merciful God move your conscience to find the truth.
2007-07-20 16:21:26
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
Religion is man-made and not god -made . religions were creted by men with specific purpose of their respective communities . It ws the greed for power and influence over a lage section f he people and the accumulation of immense wealth to the church and mosque that the heads os religions want to enlist more people to their respective fold . since the hindus , the buddhists , the sikhs and religons akin to the Hindus do not hae the greed to accumulate immense wealth to the temples and so they do not take sany special efort or evngelical work top aenlist more people to their respective fold .
the bais principles of these religons differ very widely .In he case of the Hindus , it is eradicatioin of the self that is important and the final goal and it amounts to renuciation . in the case of Christainity , it is enrichment of he churcha nd the enhancement of the comforts of the headsof he religions that are imporant . so thythe is compulsory in those religions .Islam also collecs thythe. Hindu temples do nmot collect thythes and does nt require any one evn of he status of Buill Gates to apy any money to the temple .it is left to the sweet will and pleasur opf he devotees to drop anythng or not in the hundi box . people even put theoir shaven hair in the Hundi as mark of their surrender of ego and arrogance ..
Just as we have a veariety of foods in the stoires , yu have a number of brands of religions . it is left top the individuals top choose to buy anything that appeals to him.but one thing is sure , Noi relkigins does explain to theoit new recruits , the full implicaion of joining that religions.the fact of the individual eing required to pay one-tenth of his income ot the church or mosque is nt tols before one converts to the new religion .the fact that in the case of Islam the entry is a oneway affair and that once a person joins that religons ,he surrenders hios freedom to the authrity of the clerics and he could ner hope to come out of that religion for any reason and at anytime as he woud be punished and the clerics woud claim exemption and special treat ment on grounds of religious freedom to do anyting to any member of that religion.
One instance I woul dlike to quore here . If a father-in -law rapes his daughter -in-law , he is rewarded by the religons and the daughter -in-law the victim is punished .the daughter -in-law ceases to be the wife of the son and she becomes the wife of he father , the rapist .Is it not wonderful ? thjre have been two such instances in India recently.. In the case of the oher commuities , the rapist whosover he is , would be punished for rape .but the Muslim ather -in-law is rewared by allowing him to have as wife or concubine the victim he had raped . This is the respectful treat ment hat is given to the women in that society. A convert is not told of this positin before his conversion to Islam. How many women in that society would be revealing the fact if they had been raped by their father-in-law in that community ?
2007-07-21 02:58:13
answer #4
answered by Infinity 7
Islam is a way of life, it consists of believing in one god and muhammed as a messenger. we believe the Jesus is also a prophet.
However, this alone cannot warrant yourself as a muslim, you have to act according to your beliefs, ie manners and behaviour. In otherwords, following the islamic way of life.
2007-07-20 12:05:15
answer #5
answered by LOTR Fan 5
so ur saying were puppets and god is playing with us eh hello?? god gave us a brain to think with right? he also told us to get knowledge. so we should use that brain to get knowledge and correct our selves to the right path and ignore the wronf but before ignoring we should see why the other religions are wrong.
2007-07-20 12:12:00
answer #6
answered by fariya 3
Islam literally means submission of your own will under the Divine Will of the Almighty. Please know that Allah is an Arabic word which is a conjugation of the words AL or The, and ILAH or god, any god, thus THE GOD, Almighty.
Muslims do not believe everyone has to convert to Islam. Quran 2:62 says :Believers (Muslims), Jews, Christians, Sabeans and all those who believe in One God and the Day of Judgment and do good works have nothing to fear or to regret.
This verse is repeated almost word for word in Chapter 5, verse 69, indicating that Islam does not claim salvation for only Muslims.
The insistence on One God is based on unity that some day would be formed between all nations as creatures of the same creator. You clearly make that point, that if Allah was the Creator, it is He who gave freedom to one and all to believe or not believe.
Muslims believe that too. Allah has given freedom in our belief system to obey him or to disobey Him. Both actions have consequences. None of His orders or commands are to the detriment of humanity as whole in our belief.
Ultimately peace in our belief will come only and only when all people are treated as equal and all worship the same entity together in peace. However, it is not allowed to force people to believe, although inviting people to your faith is allowed and even encouraged, as we believe that our path will lead to salvation of all mankind.
Muslims must believe in Jesus also. Christians do not believe they are the only ones that are pure either. Christians believe that Jesus died for our sins so our sins are cleansed through Jesus. Muslims do not believe anyone but God Almighty can clean our sins. Thus unless you believe in God and ask for his mercy, your sins may never be cleansed.
What is sin? but disobedience to the Commands of God. What does the Lord Almighty command? to treat his creatures fairly, to do good to your parents, to feed the hungry, to protect and provide for orphans and the downtrodden. Islam also requires the good people to fight back those who attack you. Islam allows punishments to those who rape, rob and murder the innocent on Earth.
Some ruthless and crooked Muslims have time and again used Islam to rob and loot themselves. Some have committed terrorism in the name of our faith through misunderstanding certain verses from the Quran. But, all Muslims agree that the final criteria to be a good Muslim is to follow our Prophet, who neither robbed the weak nor killed any innocent.
In fact his rules in battle were NEVER chase anyone who is running away from a battlefield. Never kill someone who is wounded and can not fight any more. Never kill anyone who has lost his weapon or his weapon has been broken. The purpose even in battle was only to defend yourself from those who would kill you if you did not fight back. Many who converted to Islam did so out of sincerity. YOu can not force people to convert. Even if one forces someone to convert, you only get their body, not their mind, heart and soul, which will internally remain defiant, as the Lord Most High has made us strong willed.
It is clear that Muslims ruled India for one thousand years, yet Hindus are the majority. If Muslims really forced people to convert, how do you explain so many Hindus in India?
The All powerful allows people to be not only born in other faiths, but he does keep the choice in religions alive so each individual can choose who suits him the best. He just wants all people to connect to Him from one door or another.
In my mind's eye, the Lord Almighty is like the Sun which is visible from the mountains and the vastness of the Ocean and the desert sands or the jungles. From each venue the Sun's is visible above a different environment, yet, the Sun is common to one and all. Similarly, the different religions are like these environments. All people are looking up to God in one way or another and thus are all sustained.
I personally believe Allah/Brahma/God/YHWH are all names of the same Entity, the Almighty. Just as our mother is called by different names by different siblings, some may call her mata, some mom, some maa, and others mummy or Mommy, they know and the mother know who is being called.
Foolish people fight about the name of the Almighty, when he sustains one and all. Ignorant people call names and are unkind to anyone, when they should know that YOUR GOD made everyone.
I love you for asking the question. Just do good to your parents and neighbors and ask for Guidance from your Lord and if you are good in spirit and giving, perhaps you will be guided if you need guidance or kept firm if you are already on your way to the correct path towards Brahma/Allah.
I hope this makes sense.
2007-07-20 16:46:38
answer #7
answered by NQV 4
The core of both religions are the same, belief in One God, but we both have different ways of worshiping Him.
2007-07-20 12:04:59
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
They are both just myths. Don't spend too much mental energy on the obvious contradictions.
2007-07-20 12:43:31
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
The foundation of Christianity is solid, rock hard. Not misplaced at all.
2007-07-20 12:06:45
answer #10
answered by Anonymous