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Hi,i am like the rest of you ladies who detestes HAIR. I have waxed,shaved,used creams,i hate shaving cos it leaves my skin, red and pimply. What i was wanting to know was, do anyone use epilators? i mean they are painful right/? isnt that like a slow wax??? i just wanna know what is best to remove hair, creams and waxes are costly and i have made my own home made wax but it was CRAP. i am thinking about buying that epilator but before i do i would like to hear from others who may have used one. Are they worth it???? from a poor hairy female.

2007-07-19 23:17:08 · 18 answers · asked by ? 2 in Beauty & Style Skin & Body Other - Skin & Body

18 answers

i use removal cream such VEET.. it has specification for sensitive skins..

check this out


i didn't feel it hurts and i hate to use razor to shaved

2007-07-19 23:22:53 · answer #1 · answered by NEILISA **Shane's Mama** 6 · 1 0

Veet is pretty good after I use it I use the Epil-stop afterwash to rinse away all the chemicals to avoid irrtiation. I tried Epilator and it sucked completely. It was time consuming and not to mention painful. I just read of a new product coming out this fall in Sephora stores only. It's called NO!NO! and its like a razor that uses heat and with repeated use it's suppose to make the hair finer and softer. If I remember correctly not sure it will be $150. I saw it on IVillage.com. Hope I helped!

2007-07-21 19:09:18 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I use the Braun silk-epil epilator, only got it a few months back but defo the best purchase I've made after spending years messing about with razors and creams. It comes with an ice pack which you can put in the freezer and use to numb the skin beforehand but I've found that I no longer need this - your skin gets used to the sensation of it, same as how it gets easier/less sore to pluck your eyebrows after first few times.

Its not as sore as you'd think and after the first use if you keep using it regularly there will be less hair to remove each time and mine has already started growing back much finer making maintaining it much quicker and easier.

Ok to use on underarms and bikini line too, but best to trim it first so the hairs are a bit shorter, the Braun Silk-epil one comes with a trimmer to let you do this.

It also comes with a variety of heads, I'm now using the one with lots of tweezer bits as opposed to the starter one, the starter head has less tweezer bits so supposedly hurts less for first time users but you just end up going over the same bit over and over with this - the main head you only need to go over once or twice and all the hairs go - less painful and quicker in the long run.

Give it a go..hope this helps

2007-07-20 06:11:28 · answer #3 · answered by Shy Ted 3 · 0 0

I use an epilator all over. Buy an ice one that you put in the freezer and it will only be a little painful. Braun ice epilator is apparently the best. I have got a Phillips one which I love. I used to get waxed which I found way more painful than the epilator. To avoid redness and ingrowing hairs apply loads of Aloe Vera gel after you have done it.

2007-07-19 23:33:14 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

you should shave your armpits and use wax on your legs im sure you could find cheaper wax somewhere, maybe it costs so much cause you alternate methods of removing hair, if you stick to waxing after a certain point hair growth will slow down. ive tried epilators waxing using creams and shaving nothing works like waxing and it makes your skin extremely smooth plus it costs a lot less to wax overall because you only have to do it once every 6 weeks rather than have to shave everyday and epilators always miss hairs and its true it hurts insanely and doesnt remove all your hairs evenly

2007-07-20 01:46:30 · answer #5 · answered by justmoi 3 · 0 1

i have had my epilator for bought a year, its great
at first it hurt like a stinging pain, but now i can barely feel it.
my legs go pimply for about a day bt thn thy r fyn, it doesnt make ur legs smooth because it sort of puckers your skin i think, but i just shave straight after and its really smooth for ages now, like waxing the more you do it the more it stuntsb the hairs growth.
it hurts a bit more under my arms but today its fine.

although its not smooth it makes the hairs thinner nd softer.
i have the babyliss silk-epil and it comes with this cooling glove thing which can help with the pain so i assume that the new one with the built in ice thing would only help even more.

i have tried 2 epilate myn boyfriends chest but he seems to think it kills,i think he is lying lol

hope you are soon a happy hairless female

2007-07-20 03:22:43 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Yes it is a worth buy!!! I use it for years now, The Silk model fron Braun is very good, really lives your sinking like silk. There is also the models wich has the cutting function, so if certain areas u find painful u can use that function. I think it is great cos doesnt make a mess, and u dont have to wait to book a was, if u in the rush to go out, just plug in! It can be painful at certain areas, but not too bad, and gets better at second time....I dont think creams are a good idea, too much quimical to remove hairs and also removes important cells wich should protect your skin!

2007-07-19 23:29:28 · answer #7 · answered by ADDA 2 · 1 1

I used to do permanent hair removal. Even permanent methods require treating most hairs more than once for permanency. Temporary methods get rid of the hair for a while, but can irritate the follicle, causing it to grow at an angle and to thicken.
Epilators are a copy of some of the permanent hair removal methods. They may use some of the same technology, but home models cannot give you the same power as the machines that once cost $12,000. I have serious doubts about their efficacy. If you do decide to buy one, let me know how it goes. I have allowed email.

2007-07-19 23:36:48 · answer #8 · answered by Jeanne B 7 · 0 0

It's infact sunna to remove these hair. Removing upper lip hair is permitted and so is the hair between the brow. Tatoos and plucking eyebrow is forbidden but some rule that you can bleach abit. These rulings are from scholars who back it up with authentic or sound hadiths, you can look in youtube.

2016-04-01 03:26:54 · answer #9 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

Epilate. Underarms, bikini and legs.

Takes a couple of months to get used to it but wouldn't change for anything now. Definitely worth buying. Braun ones tend to be better.

2007-07-20 00:16:37 · answer #10 · answered by Sarah K 3 · 1 1

I get my eye brows threaded. its the best thing as the hair then takes ages to grow back. some of my friends thread their side burns, upper lip. i shave my legs and armpit but only during the summer as i don't get a lot of hair anyways.
hope this helps. have a fab Friday. x

2007-07-19 23:27:02 · answer #11 · answered by Jesuslovesmeyesiknow 4 · 0 0

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