Thanks for the feedback.
What matters is what John the Revelator was thinking as he was writing.
What matters are the influences on his thinking at the time.
The author was NOT thinking about some nebulous sequence of events way off in the future. He had an audience that was dispersed, and he was writing to them a message of encouragement that he knew they would understand. He knew they would know the meaning of the symbology of the hand/foreheads.
They understood that his message was God is sovereign, and Jesus Christ is Lord. Don't go overboard looking for meaning in every little thing. That's not what he intended and that's not what his first audience heard.
You are reading it too literally. Don't. Take a step back. Read it theologically. It is as if you cannot see the forest for all those pesky trees. Don't get hung up on a word here or a phrase there. Look at the overall picture.
Buying and selling--that's commerce, doing daily business. How might your thought processes and your daily activities influence your commerce? How might your relationship with Jesus Christ impact your daily activities and thoughts?
Have your thought processes and your daily activities ever precluded you or enabled you to either buy or sell?
Of course they have. They do every day.
Tim H
Revelation is one of the most misunderstood texts in the Bible.
Here is a different interpretation of the Revelation.
John was a NT writer aware of OT writings, particularly the text of Deuteronomy.
In Deuteronomy 6 the Lord tells his people to bind the commands of the Lord to their hands and their forehead. Their hands were symbolic of their day's activities and work. Their foreheads were symbolic of their thought life, things that occupied their minds.
God told them to do this because he wanted the activities of their hands to reflect love for Him and others and obedience to his commands. He wanted the thought lives and their minds to be focused upon his commands and love for Him and others.
Now let's talk about the number 666. It is not satan's number. It is man's number. It is the number of fallen humanity.
The number 7 is generally regarded as God's perfect number. The number of the Heavenly Council (the Trinity) is three, and the number of the ends (or directions) of the earth is four. When you combine the Heavenly 3 with the earthly 4, you end up with 7. Seven is also the number of days in a week, and the 7th day is the Sabbath. Incidently, if you multiply 3 and 4, you get 12, another biblical number.
What is the relationship of humanity to God? Humanity falls short. We miss the mark. If God's number is 7, what number would most accurately represent the infinite falling short of that? 666.
When our daily activites are so focused on ourselves instead of God, when our thought processes are focused on ourselves instead of God, perhaps we are living in such a way as if we already have "the mark."
However, if our daily activities are so focused on God, and when our thought processes are focused on God, perhaps that would be reminiscent of Deuteronomy 6--a symbolic "binding" of his word on our hands and head.
We have a choice:
The mark of the beast, (humanity) OR
The mark of the BEST (God)
2007-07-19 16:14:54
answer #1
answered by Tim H 4
The chip impland is NOT the mark of the beast. The mark of the beast is displayed in how we worsip him (our natural selves.) The number '666' refers to nothing more or less than MONEY!
There is not a person in this world that has not ALREADY received the “mark of the beast” in his or her “right hand”—not one! It is impossible to live in this world without being affected in some way by commercialism, money, or the economic structures set up by the societies of the earth.
Jewish custom taught that what one does with one’s “right hand” is a reflection of the actions one makes in his daily life. What one thinks and focuses upon, is represented by a “mark” in the “forehead.”
The greatest portion of our waking hours are spent in pursuit (“mark in right hand”) of the lifestyle (“the image of the beast”) we have imagined in our minds (“mark in their foreheads”) for our families and ourselves. Those who have the mark, or “seal of the Father in their forehead” think of others and how their actions affect the least among us, trying in every way possible to do unto others what they would want done unto them. Nevertheless, because “the beast has overcome the saints,” they too, have the “mark of the beast in their right hand.” They too are unable to live without it in a world which steadily revolves around the idea of doing whatever is necessary in order to assure a secure life for the individual and the family.
A “mark” is left after something has been accomplished or experienced. The works of Shakespeare left a “mark” on the literary world. After a well-attended parade, a “mark” is left by the amount of litter left in the street. Jesus left his “mark” upon the world, and kept the “mark” in his hands and feet, which will one day prove him to be he who was anointed to become the Christ of this solar system. By no choice of their own, the Jews were “marked” for annihilation by Hitler’s regime, and those who John describes as “the saints” of God, receive a “mark” in their forehead as has been explained previously.
If you want to understand not only the "mark of the beast," but also the "locusts," "horses and riders," "frogs," "beasts," and every other symbol in Revelation, the truth has finally been unveiled.
It is found in the book at the site below. It is an AMAZING read.
2007-07-23 19:14:07
answer #2
answered by smallone 4
You know, you bring up a very good point. But I have to interject something here. You are already 'tagged'. Every credit card, debit card, cell phone, computer....anyone with access to those records can see where (and when) youve been....and what you bought. Have On-Star in your car? GPS?....anyone there knows exactly where you are at any given moment. Employment records, medical records, tax records..etc. They already know everything they need to know about you. From who you talk to to what you look at on the internet.
I dont believe in that whole rapture thing,...just another hoax, but mankind has been trying to associate these programs with the 'mark of the beast' for ions. Just someting else to scare you.
Veri-chips could save lives in hospital emergency rooms not to mention hundreds of other daily tasks.
2007-07-27 21:11:37
answer #3
answered by kajun 5
For all of you who believe that Revelation was written about the past, you are sadly mistaken. Do not be deceived. The book of Revelation is about past, present, and future. If it is just about the past, then why hasn't Jesus returned yet? And where is the new heaven, and the new earth? It doesn't make sense to say that at all. You can't just pick out what you like in the Bible, and leave out the rest! Be assured that there will be an Antichrist who will come to power on this earth. Those who are deceived, will never see him coming. Wake up, people. If you just want your ears tickled, then I suggest you just tear out all the pages in the Bible that don't suit you. You know what will be left? God is good. God is great. God is love. Amen.
He's much more than that! When Jesus came to earth, they didn't believe Him then, either. He is going to come like a thief in the night to those who won't hear and accept His words now. Please don't let that happen. Study the Word, so you will know what is going on in this world, and you will be saved from the wrath of God.
Remember what they said to Noah. They didn't believe there was going to be a flood, either!
2007-07-27 21:16:08
answer #4
answered by byHisgrace 7
hello, I've believed very strongly for some time now that the 'beast' is somehow 'computer' connected. Then one day I read an artical from a reputable evangelist, who said, that if you took the English alphabet and gave each letter the numerical value of '6' , increasing by '6' with each letter. :A=6, B=12, C=18, D=24, and so on . when youve done that , then spell out the word, C.O.M.P.U.T.E.R. then add up the total numerical value and what do you get? "Very interesting, huh?! I thought so too! (you didn'nt think I was gonna' do your 'homework' for ya' didja'?? Rose
2007-07-27 05:59:07
answer #5
answered by God's Fountain Pen 4
Some people thought Social Security Numbers were the mark of the beast.
2007-07-27 16:06:48
answer #6
answered by cameoseashell 1
Revelation is clear - the mark will be on your forehead and on your palm. "On", not "in". I doubt this chip is the mark. The same people said the social security card was the mark of the beast. Identifications are not marks of the beast. That's ridiculous. They're just identifications. The mark of the beast will be on the forehead and on the palm. Not implanted somewhere under the skin, and not on a card. Revelation is clear on this.
2007-07-19 22:52:14
answer #7
answered by the_fish_gate 1
I fully agree with you ,
Technology is used as beast ,
and we need to wake up
But what made us sleep... ???
do u not see the powerful propaganda of TV ,radio and Moveis, newspaper where YOUNGSTERS are lured away from religion and get addicted to drugs, sex, anti christ thuoghts, and lots of such things that causes our sleepiness.
Movies have been great contributors
Now unless all wke up at a time no Pope, single handedly can stop this Veri-chipping business.
if only Pope and presidents and politicians wake up to this issue they could do miracle.. but they will not try..
why invite the disturbance in peaceful process of Enrichment of wallets of rich.
$ is the only weapon every body if affraid of and yet wants it to possess , so Very -chipping will continue
2007-07-27 01:31:20
answer #8
answered by krishprud@yahoo.co.in_KISHORLAL 6
We are already chipped through our credit cards and no one has objected . I really don't think the chip implant will ever be considered practical except in those particuliar cases you have sighted . Anything that can be done with your chip can be done with credit card numbers and social security ID numbers ,so beware of your rights and identity theft now.
the problem will most likely go to DNA rather than chips.
2007-07-19 22:52:54
answer #9
answered by dogpatch USA 7
"He said to them, 'Do not harm the land or the sea or the trees until we mark with a sign the foreheads of the people who serve our God.'" (Revelation 7:3 NCV)
The Bible also says that God has a mark - does this mean that God or the beast will put a micro-chip in us?
Also, as it relates to the rapture, why would God have a mark if His people have already been taken to heaven?
2007-07-21 12:15:15
answer #10
answered by dee 4