Hmm..... well, Jesus was put on Earth (according to Christians) to save us from our sins. So, Jesus needed a body to be accepted by the population as a human, a human that could feel pain. So when he was crucified, he felt pain. So this took away our sins.
You know what? I have no idea. Ask a Christian.
2007-07-19 13:23:59
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
What was meant by "perfect sacrifice" is that in the old testament animals used to be killed by sheding of there blood for sin but those sacrifices never really changed people. So God wanted a way to have a sacrifice that was sufficiant for all sin a sacrifice so there were no need for anymore blood to be shed for our sins. Since Jesus was God he was sinless so to sacrifice a sinless man Jesus who came froma spirit that felt no pain, misery or sorrow was a perfect sacrifice. Even though God is all knowing he was a spirit that did not get stabbed, beat, etc. But as Jesus he felt love, heartache, the thorns on his head, the whips on his back and the nails in his hand. For the sins of others not his own because he was sinless. The body was never created to go to the Earth anyways (JESUS DID NOT GO TO THE EARTH BECAUSE HE WAS RESURRECTED, HE OVERCAME DEATH) the body going to the EARTH was punishment for what happened in the garden by ADAM and EVE. Jesus' death was perfect because he was perfect and his sacrifice is the only one we well ever need from that point on to be free from all of our sins.
2007-07-19 20:35:06
answer #2
answered by niki 3
He became the perfect sacrifice because it did away with the rituals that the hight priests use to do for the forgiveness of sin. They would go unto these temples where only they could enter and they would take your sacrficial offering and slaughter them and this supposedly washed away your sins. NOT. Jesus was created by the holy spirit, clean of all the sins, lived till he was 33 without sin, carnal or otherwise. The blood that he shed, made him the ultimate sacrifice. Just as we are all born for a purpose, that was his purpose.
2007-07-19 20:27:57
answer #3
answered by sassy 2
Jesus is the perfect sacrifice because he is God manifested in the flesh. When Jesus died, he willingly and obiedently gave himself. There is no greater gift that anyone else could give.
When Jesus died he had to take on the sin of the world. At this point he was seperated from God the father. This hurted him so much that he cried out to God "Father why have you forsaken me?".
It hurted Jesus the man because he was human just like you and I. He needed his body while he was here to carry out his mission. He was born to die but lived in the process and still does today.
2007-07-19 20:26:07
answer #4
answered by blesssedservant 2
He came to this Earth to die,and be an example to us that one can be born, live a perfect life and die.
Now the purpose of it all was to be an atonement for our sins, and in order to do so he had to go through the same exact things that we would from birth too death .
He was tempted by the devil and never sinned, was a perfect example of a human being without sin and he died for our sin's.
2007-07-19 20:37:55
answer #5
answered by michael t 3
It was just a needed step in the process that enables up to obtain eternal life. He had to be born, grow up, suffer with his mortal body, die AND be resurrected. This was to enable us to repent and save our souls from hell.
Don't forget that not only did he die (like everyone does), but he suffered the pain of everyone's sins and carried his own cross to be crucified on. It wasn't the fact that he died, but all that he suffered in exchange for the right of His children to call to repentance. Before Jesus, if you had led an immoral life, you didn't have the option to repent because the price to pay for the sin is life. That's when Jesus gave his life for ours.
I hope this kinda makes sense. I'm sure someone else can put it more eloquently than I did.
2007-07-19 20:29:41
answer #6
answered by Blueyed Surfer 2
Man calls it a perfect sacrifice. The Bible doesn't. Man may say this because of the fact that Jesus was God's son. The point of Jesus' death is how deep his love for all mankind is.
2007-07-19 20:22:36
answer #7
answered by Matt 3
Jesus' sacrifice is referred to the atonement.
The word atonement means "At one with God." When we are one with God we are at the same spiritual level, morally clean, perfect in every way, without sin.
The only way that could happen was for Jesus to take the sins of the world upon himself, he was without sin, so the sacrifice was taking all of ours upon himself when he had none to repent of.
This is why people say that Christ is the Savior of the world and that he died for our sins.
His body is not the issue, the issue is that he died taking upon himself what was not his...all the sins of the world.
2007-07-19 20:35:14
answer #8
answered by Querida 5
The Bible says He tasted death for all men. (Hebrews 2:9). This was not merely physical death, but spiritual death. He was cut off from His eternal fellowship with the Father. This is why He cried "My God, My God, Why have You forsaken Me?" This a a quote of Psalm 22 and a prophecy of the crucifixion. Jesus wasn't just mouthing words - the Father had forsaken Him.
The Bible says He became sin, who knew no sin, that we might become the righteousness of God in him (II Corinthians 5:21). This is why he refers to Himself as being likened to the serpent that was lifted up upon a pole (see John 3:14, Numbers 21:6-9).
Jesus suffered infinitely upon the cross, because He was an eternal Spirit (having no beginning or end, but transcending time and eternity) (Hebrews 9:14)
That is why it can be said of Him:
"For by one offering He has perfected for all time those who are sanctified. "
Hebrews 10:14
2007-07-19 20:29:52
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
Hi Linz, thanks for a great question. Adam was a perfect man, and to redeem mankind from Adams Sin (never does the bible say EVES sin) Jesus had to be perfect like Adam.
So one perfect life ransoms the sins of another perfect life.
Ransom meaning a perfect equal pay off!
Jesus, being born HUMAN in form, grew up in a human household, understanding human imperfections, and loosing his Adopted Father quite young and taking over the family carpentry business to feed his mother , brothers and sisters.
When his best Friend Lazarus died, Jesus felt the sorrow All humans feel from the indignity of death!
See, He was a Man perfect as Adam, and worthy of paying the ransom price of ONE life FOR ANOTHER, to regain lost territory.
JESUS, felt the pain, physical agony of torture, mental agony of knowing his own pain, and that his Mother watched it. That He God's son was being accused of defiling His own fathers name and subversion of the entire Jewish Nation.
ALL LIES. He felt all the physical agony and the mental anguish that any of us would, YET, He remained faithful until death. There for freeing us of the grasp of Satan into eternal death of the grave!
2007-07-19 20:45:38
answer #10
answered by bugsie 7