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1 An absolutely FAULTLESS person - Fulfilling all Righteousness & The living Word

2 A PROPHET who foretold His own death & resurrection, thru His sacrificial love for us, to forgive our Sins

3 The CREATOR of the universe - MIGHTY GOD, full of Power and the Miraculous

4 A TEACHER whose doctrine must be accepted - We must keep His commandments

5 The final JUDGE of the world - We will all stand before Him, when we die

6 The only way to eternal life, thru FAITH in Him - He took the penalty for our sins upon Himself

7 GOD HIMSELF, in the form of a man - Without the shedding of blood, there is no forgiveness for sins.

The Bible can do that no other book in the world does, it accurately predicts the future. A great many prophecies have already been fulfilled up to the smallest detail. In the brief life of Jesus, there were 300 fullfilled in detail. He also appeared to over 500 people at different times,after rising fr

2007-07-18 12:32:14 · 29 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

29 answers

Obviously, you're a believer and you would like to use this medium to reach others to make us believe also. I've read your posting, and I'm taking the time to respond, so you're getting your wish.

But, your argument is circular. You say that prophesies were fulfilled in Jesus' lifetime. Obviously, you are saying that the Bible made a prophesy, then the Bible tells that it was fulfilled. I could do the same thing. Watch.

When I was five, I foretold that on July 18, 2007 I would be posting on something called Yahoo Answers on something called "the Internet". Today it came to pass!

You see why a circular argument is useless? To those who don't believe, it doesn't prove anything. If someone chose to "have faith" and believe what I just wrote about my prophesy, then there would be no way for you to shake their "faith". They simply believe and you do not.

The same problem exists when it comes to religious faith. Unless you can quote actual prophesies and then provide uncontested historical proof that they came true, I for one will not believe with you. I myself have looked up these supposed prophesies in the Bible. They are all ambiguous. They speak of two horned rams and seven armed beasts. Earthquakes and storms (not much of a stretch to say there will be major earthquakes and storms in 2000 years!). They speak in riddles mostly, and those things that are connected to reality (like storm or war references) are so vague and predictable that any of us could say the same thing now, and it will come true within the next 2000 years. Also, it should be said that what many people such as yourself are calling "prophecies" weren't meant that way. They were speaking about specific things. The woman on seven hills is Rome. I've even seen old coins in museums that are from Rome that have seven hills on one side. Everyone back then knew that seven hills meant Rome. So many supposed predictions weren't predictions. They were comments on society at the time, in the same way that songs of years ago had coded meaning, or paintings from some eras had coded meanings that everyone understood.

The funny thing is, if you weren't trying to convince us, and were instead trying to think about your question from your own perspective, you would see that you do have an argument for the Bible being "inspired".

It was written over thousands of years by many people, across generations. Yet it has an underlying theme. It has meaning. There are truths in the Bible that are as true of people today as they were 2000 years ago. That's pretty amazing in and of itself. The fact that there is an overall theme (1. Place God above all else 2. Treat others as thyself) can be used to argue that it is inspired.

The word inspired doesn't mean that God came down and wrote the books. It means that the people who wrote it were inspired. If you believe in God--as you obviously do--then you are free to conclude that it was God who inspired a variety of people over thousands of years to write these books that relate to each other.

Of course, if I wrote a book this year that fit in perfectly with the Bible and seemed to have all the proper meanings and symbolism, you would then have to decide if I just decided to write a book that fit in with the 66 books of the Bible, so I studied hard and did it. Or if God inspired me to write it.

2007-07-18 13:39:55 · answer #1 · answered by silverlock1974 4 · 0 0

There is archaeological evidence that some places in the Bible existed, true. This, however, is the same as saying that Harry Potter and Sherlock Holmes existed because there is archaeological evidence of London. There is very little evidence of any specific events in the Bible, and much against (e.g., cities supposed to have been conquered by Joshua did not exist at the time, etc.). Bible prophecies are vague enough that they can be fulfilled several times, and still be claimed as "proof" of other things. There is nothing specific. And many non-scientific facts as well. There are no reliable non-Biblical account of Jesus. People will die for things they believe are true, even if they're not. People were willing to die for Jim Jones, David Koresh, and a goodly number of other lunatics. Koresh, in particular, claimed he was the return of Christ. If people were willing to die for him, does that mean he was right? The few places where the New Testament could be matched to historical events, it has failed miserably (e.g., birth dates for Jesus ten years apart, Nazareth didn't even exist at the time, no record of a massacre or the release of prisoners at the Passover, etc. etc. etc.) Given an unlikely event such as the spontaneous resurrection and assumption into heaven of a person, the simplest assumption is not that the resurrection and assumption happened, but that someone made up a story, stole a body, etc. Occamk's razor says the most likely story is true, not the least likely. If this assumption were to be correct, then every missing person could be said to have died, resurrected, and been assumed bodily into heaven. Hey, there's no proof it didn't happen, so it must be true, right? Your final statement is based on big "if", and circular logic. More likely he simply believed he was the Son of God. There are plenty of people on the streets of New York today who believe that - if you don't believe them, why believe in a Judean anarcho-communist hippie?

2016-05-17 04:41:12 · answer #2 · answered by ? 3 · 0 0


The Divine Inspiration
of the
by Arthur W. Pink

Table of Contents
About This Book



Chapter One: There Is a Presumption in Favor of the Bible

Chapter Two: The Perennial Freshness of the Bible Bears Witness to its Divine Inspirer

Chapter Three: The Unmistakable Honesty of the Writers of the Bible Attests to its Heavenly Origin

Chapter Four: The Character of its Teachings Evidences the Divine Authorship of the Bible

Chapter Five: The Fulfilled Prophecies of the Bible Bespeak the Omniscience of its Author

Chapter Six: The Typical Significance of the Scriptures Declare Their Divine Authorship

Chapter Seven: The Wonderful Unity of the Bible Attests its Divine Authorship

Chapter Eight: The Marvelous Influence of the Bible Declares its Super-Human Character

Chapter Nine: The Miraculous Power of the Bible Shows Forth That its Inspirer Is the Almighty

I. The Power of God's Word to Convict Men of Sin.
II. The Power of God's Word to Deliver Men From Sin.
III. The Power of God's Word Over the Human Affections.

Chapter Ten: The Completeness of the Bible Demonstrates its Divine Perfection

Chapter Eleven: The Indestructibility of the Bible Is a Proof that its Author Is Divine

Chapter Twelve: Inward Confirmation of the Veracity of the Scriptures

Chapter Thirteen: Verbal Inspiration

Chapter Fourteen: Application of the Argument

I. We Need to Seek God's Forgiveness.
II. It Is the Final Court of Appeal.
III. It Is the Ultimate Standard for Regulating Conduct.
IV. It Is a Sure Foundation for Our Faith.
V. It Has Unique Claims Upon Us.

2007-07-18 13:15:47 · answer #3 · answered by Martin S 7 · 0 0

There is historical evidence for the 'house of David' unearthed by archaeologists not long ago. However, there is no scientific proof that the Bible is inspired. However, scientists are just starting to probe the Bible with sophisticated techniques (http://news.yahoo.com/israeli-algorithm-sheds-light-bible-163128454.html).

There is the following that shows a uniqueness to the writings:
The Bible 2 Rule
Bible Proverbs/Parables: The Hidden Meanings

you can read these and others for free at authonomy.com (a Harper Collins website where authors feature their books)

2014-06-23 06:32:51 · answer #4 · answered by Duck 1 · 0 0

Most of the things it says in the bible that will happen before the end of times have. hurricanes, floods and destruction. Earthquakes, wars and even the black plague. The black plague happened how many moons ago? but the world is still here. At least some of the prophecies has been correct on a year, about when it was going to happen and how. Not stating this and that will happen but don't know when.

2007-07-18 12:40:37 · answer #5 · answered by dakota_gal_1968 4 · 0 1

So why has Damascus never fallen?
Isaiah 17:1 The burden of Damascus. Behold, Damascus is taken away from being a city, and it shall be a ruinous heap.

When is Egypt suddenly going to switch to a dead language?
Isaiah 19:18 In that day shall five cities in the land of Egypt speak the language of Canaan, and swear to the LORD of hosts; one shall be called, The city of destruction.

Here are lots more if you want: http://skepticsannotatedbible.com/proph/long.html

"When one reads Bibles, one is less surprised at what the Deity knows than at what He doesn't know."
-- Mark Twain

2007-07-18 12:40:47 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

Okay, you ask for historical/scientific proof, then claim that all these prophecies were fulfilled. Where are these prophecies? When have they been fulfilled. Links, sources, any citations?

You can say anything you want about your particular opinion, but in the end, its still your opinion and not fact.

2007-07-18 12:43:53 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

The decision you have to make is whether you believe that the Bible is '1) history remembered?history written as it actually happened? OR 2) prophecy historicized, a tendentious interpretation of what really happened made to conform to or "fulfill" ancient prophecies?'

2007-07-18 12:39:40 · answer #8 · answered by Dr 8'lls 4 · 3 0

Tis true the Bible is being proven to be accurate, prophecies have been fulfilled, When the bible speaks of peoples, archeological evidence backs it up when at first skeptics and nay sayers say differently openly attacking the word of God for its inaccuracies, but where are those same ones who loudly proclaim the bibles falacies when they are proven wrong, they slip into the darkness. There has been proven historical evidences through out the bible. These and others prove that the Bible is like no other book, it is separate from all other books, it is superior to all books, it is greater and more wide spread than any other book. It has been the best seller for the past century and even in this day and age it is still the best seller of all books in history - Amen and amen

2007-07-18 12:39:40 · answer #9 · answered by ? 7 · 2 5

Why are you asking? Its clear that you have your beliefs and even if there was scientific evidence to the contrary, you would still rely on your faith. Which is fine. But why try to start the argument. Your aren't looking for a "right" answer, you're looking for agreement like some sort of validation, and an argument so you can feel "superior" to non believers. But its a stupid and worthless argument because we non believers feel superior to you and no one is right and no one is wrong and its a big wasted effort to even try to change anyones mind when it comes to ones personal beliefs in matters of faith.

2007-07-18 12:38:29 · answer #10 · answered by slushpile reader 6 · 3 2

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