you dont, let me know where your playing, i'll play with ya!!!!
2007-07-18 08:17:15
answer #1
answered by BIG "D" 2
I play 8-ball alone, simply by being the shooter for each turn. I break the rack and, if I sink a ball on the break, I play that color (stripe or solid). When I miss, I then take on the role of the opponent, shooting at the other color. I then go back and forth until the 8-ball is sunk.
You can do the same thing with 9-ball.
I also sometimes play straight pool, where I set up the rack with the 1 ball on top. I then attempt to sink all of the balls on the table in order.
2007-07-18 15:17:47
answer #2
answered by Paul in San Diego 7
Okay, first of all, if you're talking about Yahoo Pool, ask in the video & online games category (under games & recreation).
If you want to do something competitive by yourself, you can race the Ghost to 7 or 11 in 9-ball. You break and take ball in hand, then try to run out. If you do it, you won the game, and if you don't, the Ghost wins. You can spot yourself, too, if need be; for example, you only have to get to the five-ball. One drawback to this game, though, is you can't play safeties, so just keep in mind your game might change some (or just amend the rules so you can play safe and then keep shooting if you can kick at it successfully).
p.s. The balls aren't shot in numeric order in straight pool (only by coincidence, if ever)...that game would just be 15-ball rotation.
2007-07-18 15:26:26
answer #3
answered by Lea A 5
Try straight pool the link below has the rules but if you miss you keep going instead of someone els going and it will make you a better pool player if you can call all your pockets. Thats how I learned to play pool in my Dads billiard store and now I play my friends and there lucky if they get more than one or two balls in.
2007-07-18 15:46:05
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
Play 8 ball buy yourself, play the stripes first then play the solids then play the 8 ball.
2007-07-18 15:21:08
answer #5
answered by AMHEFT 2
be creative. play alone and pretend like everyone is whatching you and you have 2 get all the balls out(except 4 the white ball). and try to get them out in 6 turns and then keep on playing untill there becomes less and less turns and youll get better. PLEASE MAKE THIS THE BEST QUETION I NEED MORE POINTS!!!!!
2007-07-18 15:12:28
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
I lock the bar up then run 8 ball racks
2007-07-18 15:17:22
answer #7
answered by havenjohnny 6
Paul in San Diego has the right idea.
2007-07-18 17:46:01
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
- try to sink them in numerical order
- take the best shot available
- set up shots, and practice your accuracy and technique
2007-07-18 15:16:03
answer #9
answered by Muse 2
play with two sticks,, or just dream on and play as long as u can sleep.... enjoyyyyyy....
2007-07-18 15:14:00
answer #10
answered by statik_trance 3