ask your mom to ask your sister and if your sister don't look your mom in the eyes when she is talking ot if she is picking at her clothes she is lying about whatevr she is saying. and nothing to do to stop unless your mom prohibits her from seeing the boy
2007-07-18 07:27:17
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
I think you should first be sure that what you tink its true, she might only be curious of what a condom is and maybe she didnt use it, and only fill it with water, you should fallow her for some time and see whats going on. If it tru that she's having sex, well you should talk to her really serious and tell her to stop!.. and if she keeps having sex, get some proof and give it to your mom and get some help to know why ur sister is acting like she does.. Good Luck!
2007-07-18 17:49:22
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
Have a long talk to her about it, of course, as a eleven year old, she knows some things that can happen as a result of sex, but not all things, tell her all that can happen, and that she might not wanna have sex because god forbid, if something happens, and she ends up pregnant, then her life will just be one big struggle, because as an eleven year old, she has a lot of planning / succeeding to do :). I'd just be like "ok, I wont get mad at you, just please tell me-are you having sex, and dont lie to me please!", and if it comes to getting your guys' mother involved, maybe you should probably waitn until its certain that shes doing it, otherwise it'll be a big embarrasment for the both of you. Well, sorry that's all I can think of, but I hope it helped the least bit!
2007-07-18 14:31:08
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
First thing to do is tell your sister that you know she's having sex. Give her the risk factors. Just because she's using a condom, it doesn't mean she's safe. This doesn't mean she will stop. right now she thinks she's doing something big. Real intervention is needed, like telling your parents.
2007-07-21 23:01:37
answer #4
answered by lwheavenlyangel 4
Aye yi yi. You need to confront your sister and tell her everything that could go wrong from having sex. Hide your condoms so she can't get to them, hopefully she won't have sex without one. Then, if she still has sex, tell your mom, she should know what to do. I am 14 and haven't even kissed a boy! More girls should be like me! Good luck!
2007-07-18 14:29:47
answer #5
answered by ... 2
Start calling your mom "grandma" when your sister turns up pregnant.She needs to realize your sister hit puberty not long ago and she is a horny child(not trying to be vulgar) and your mom needs to get her head out of her butt.You can tell her I said so and at your sister's age she has probably "lost it" especially if your mom lets her spend time along with her b/f.Let her read this answer.
2007-07-18 18:58:07
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
Well I think you should confront her but don't put her in a situation where she ends up getting upset and just lies to you. Ask her nicely and don't pressure her... yes she is to young to be having sex but you never the boy might have pressured her. Do you know who the boy is? Have you seen him? Try to be calm about things and if she tells you know tell her what are the consequences by having sex (especially unprotected sex)
2007-07-18 14:33:42
answer #7
answered by Amaya 1
your mom is the problem here. If your mom won't believe you then go to some other adult(an aunt maybe???Or mom's friend) and tell them until someone believes you. Your sister is so young, she will probably be in a mess of trouble if she doesn't get a good talking to soon! Good Luck!!! You must really love her :O)
2007-07-18 14:32:33
answer #8
answered by Noodle 3
gosh this is going to sound terrible, but if you know your sister to be super stubborn, then you might have to manipulate. be like, "uhh, you boyfriend told me about your sex, and i think i should tell you a few things." either she's already had sex or she is planning on it soon, so be sneaky. she'll think you know something and you will probably get something out of her. wow, i cant believe your mom doesn't believe you, mine would absolutely freak. if all else fails, go to an adult you trust, maybe a counselor or teacher, and talk to them.
2007-07-19 01:34:39
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
If your mom won't take charge of the problem then she needs outside help. School counsellor or a call to CPS to start.
2007-07-18 15:37:34
answer #10
answered by connie 5
I agree with cubs 39, but never ever refuse anyone a condom! never! that is the most stupid thing you can do because that is no guarantee to prevent sex. and then what can be the damage....
2007-07-18 15:27:33
answer #11
answered by freebird31wizard 6