I've witnessed to many of them. Most of them try to control the conversation by getting back on to the subjects they are comfortable with, eg a paradise earth, the 144,000, the Trinity doctrine is false, they're the only ones preaching the good news (they're certainly the only ones preaching their own version of it, which means it's no longer the gospel of the Bible). Their training is such that they can rattle off myriad proof-texts, jumping from one end of the Bible to the other, going all over the place and confusing those who are not used to such tactics. What JWs find extremely hard to do is to stick to one chapter of scripture and work through it systematically. I major on Romans chapter 8, the first half, but I have yet to meet a JW who can stick with it. They absolutely HATE considering the reasons why they might not actually be Christians (on the basis of their own beliefs, may I add, not my interpretations of anything).
But the best thing that happens (every time) is that after they've gone, I get to prayer for them. And I keep praying for them, as and when they come to remembrance. One day, in the glory, there are going to be some wonderful reunions, praise God!
2007-07-21 01:57:19
answer #1
answered by Annsan_In_Him 7
I have been visited by a Jehovah's witness and I have to say I have never met anyone from any other religion that had known the bible better; I was very impressed, any person who says that Jehovah's witnesses do not know the bible is probably blinded themselves by there own beliefs.
2007-07-20 15:14:32
answer #2
answered by Wize Guy 4
As one of Jehovah's Witnesses, we are happy to discuss the bible with our neighbors. Yet many feel we are out to convert others so there is an "I'll listen to you if you listen to me" notion. Our goal is simply to "preach this good news of the Kingdom" and let people decide for themselves what they will do, following the example of Jesus Christ. He went to the Jews. The Jews had their own religion, but in many ways it had turned away from the Word of God. (Matthew 15:1-9) All nations have religions of some kind, whether so-called Christian or non-Christian. It is vitally important for people to hold beliefs that conform to God’s own Word, and the efforts of the Witnesses to assist them in doing this constitute a showing of neighbor love.
However as one of Jehovah's Witnesses, we dont feel that "we are right and everyone else is wrong". Yet, anyone who is serious about his religion should think that it is the right one. Otherwise, why would he or she be involved in it? Christians are admonished: “Make sure of all things; hold fast to what is fine.” (1Â Thessalonians 5:21) A person should make sure that his beliefs can be supported by the Scriptures, for there is only one true faith. Ephesians 4:5 confirms this, mentioning “one Lord, one faith, one baptism.” Jesus did not agree with the modern, relaxed view that there are many roads, many religions, all leading to salvation. Instead, he said: “Narrow is the gate and cramped the road leading off into life, and few are the ones finding it.” Jehovah’s Witnesses believe that they have found it. Otherwise, they would look for another religion.—Matthew 7:14.
2007-07-18 12:49:39
answer #3
answered by lynn 2
Trinity - why are you talking about Mormons? The question is relating to Jehovah's Witnesses.
2007-07-20 17:19:24
answer #4
answered by Iron Serpent 4
I've been witness to a Jehovah's Witness teaching a Chinese class mate English, unbeknownst to them, does that count?
My classmate learnt a lot of English.
2007-07-18 12:43:45
answer #5
answered by psicatt 3
It was the other way around for me,
a sister came up to me.
Happened more than once.
We shook hands,
spoke to each other after introductions.
I'd ask her how 'today's' work was going,
what message she was sharing today;
i.e. based on which scripture.
It was quite nice.
Usually, if I didn't have a current magazine
I'd get me 1 or 2.
2007-07-20 14:52:13
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
They attempted to give me a pamphlet and I reached over to give them a christian one and they wouldn't accept it and they sped off in their suv. Mormonism is a cult.It puts the words of Jesus (though often twisted) into the mouths of men alleged to have lived centuries before Christ. It was not only written in a poor imitation of Biblical style; it also undermines the Bible by declaring it insufficient, by adding to and changing many Biblical passages, "by divine revelation." For such reasons as these it could hardly have been revealed by an angel. Additionally, it's story of the ancient inhabitants of America, the supposed ancestors of the "Latter-Day Saints" contains twelve historical errors. The Book of Mormon has been changed hundreds of times, as a point in fact.. . . So even by their own rule, the Book of Mormon is a fraud. But that doesn't matter because Mormons "have a burning in their hearts."
This misleading approach is appealing to Mormon's for a reason: They don't want the Bible passing judgment on their doctrine, because their doctrine doesn't come from the Bible. It comes from Joseph Smith. And it doesn't fit the Bible; it contradicts it.So, the easiest way to deal with this conflict is to give lip service to the authority of the Bible, saying, "Yes we believe it is inspired," and then they take away with the left hand what they give with the right, "but that doesn't matter, because we don't have the inspired Bible anymore. We've just got a cut-and-paste version that's nothing like the original. We do have the Book of Mormon, and the rest of Joseph Smith's writings, though, and my heart tells me these are inspired by God."That's why you won't find Mormon doctrines in the Bible. You'll find them in the Book of Mormon , the Doctrine and Covenants , the Pearl of Great Price and the writings of Joseph Smith. And you won't hear Mormons quote the Bible very much, except when it helps their case. Then the Bible suddenly takes on authority. When they have a verse that seems to make their case--never mind if they lift it out of context, which they do frequently--then they use it. Otherwise, "It's not properly translated."
2007-07-18 12:54:18
answer #7
answered by ... 1
Witnessing to a witness causes a feedback loop resulting in a massive explosion of misplaced spiritual energy. Psycho-spiritual shrapnel and fallout from such an event can obliterate a small room. I mean a REALLY small room. Like a closet. And when I say obliterate, I mean cause minor damage. Really minor. So minor as to be unnoticeable.
2007-07-18 12:45:33
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
Yes, for 6 months I discussed the bible with my sister in law.
One year later I was baptized as a JW. and have never regretted it.
2007-07-18 17:12:46
answer #9
answered by TeeM 7
Yes, several times, they pulled out the scriptures to try and prove how wrong I was. They do that all the time. instead of listening and asking questions then deciding or telling how the feel. they like to "cut you off at the neck". In other words prove your wrong before you even say anything. It sounds like more of a personally issue then anything to me.
I'm sorry, I'm usually tolerant to all religions, but it's hard to be tolerant to people who are so closed that the room behind the door gets darker and the door is more sealed.
2007-07-18 12:47:32
answer #10
answered by Coool 4