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god created us imperfect knowing we would sin but still holds us responsible for our imperfections by saddling us with the blame for Jesus' death even though he (god) made up the rule that Jesus' had to die to wash away the sins of mankind that he (god) is responsible for creating in the first place? On top of that we are condemned for not believing such a story and will rot in some hell for eternity even though god being all powerful could change the rules?

I'll admit I'm confused.

2007-07-17 17:56:45 · 38 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

38 answers

thats why ur suppose to ask for forgiveness. HE wants u to assssk

omg why did i get 4 thumbs down >:|

2007-07-17 18:02:16 · answer #1 · answered by theperson 3 · 3 4

No Jack. God created us perfect in the Garden, even knowing that we would sin. Don't parents everywhere bring children into this world with all the expectations of them being good and loving to them, yet always knowing that that is only a pipe dream and that they will suffer sorrows when the child disobeys them?

Nor does God "saddle us with the blame for Jesus' death.." Just like my mother never punished me for the disobedience of my brother, God looks at each individually.

God's rules are set in stone and can not be changed. I've read a lot of others saying the same idea. Even though God is all powerful and create anything, He can not change the rules "just this once". It would be like asking God to make a square circle-its impossible!

We are not condemned because we do not believe "such a story". We are condemn because we do not wish to have the fellowship God offers us and instead build up walls of sepreation between us.

2007-07-17 18:14:09 · answer #2 · answered by John H 4 · 0 0

We weren't created perfect, a perfect couple wouldn't have fallen at the first sign of temptation, and a perfect couple wouldn't raise a murderer.

So you're right (using Bible logic) God created us imperfect, and then blamed us for it. It is impossible to live a perfect life by design. So what does God do, comes down to Earth and leads the "perfect life" to rub it in our faces.

Jesus is then killed by us, and somehow now we are okay to come to God's playpen as long as we accept that we are imperfect, and God is perfect and we're really realy sorry about how we were designed.

My Kia also is sorry.

2007-07-17 18:13:10 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Eh, God created us brilliantly ... Adam and Eve just happened to screw up...

Saddling us with the blame for Jesus' death ... ? Half of us don't even know the great that Jesus did and the other half just doesn't care. So why people are honestly that concerned is more confusing than anything else.

And God sent Jesus to give us that grace. We can sin and not have to live with guilt and we can go to Jesus and wash away our sins. That's why Jesus lived and died. He didn't just randomly choose Jesus after he was born to kill him as the savior.

And on top of that previous nothing, you'd think after what I just said, about Jesus coming and dying for us, so we wouldn't have to live eternity in hell, that the least people could do would be just to accept that God gave His only son to die for all of us, even the ones who have denied Him and ignored Him, you'd think the least we could do was to thank Him and believe in Him and follow His simple plan for us...

But people are just, quite frankly, too darn stubborn.


2007-07-17 18:04:37 · answer #4 · answered by spinelli 4 · 2 1

No doubt you are confused. Jesus was the plan of salvation before the creation. We are all sinners before and after Jesus. Jesus did to come to condemn us but to save us.
All have sinned...Christ paid the penalty do death for all who accept the atonement. Without this penalty being paid you are a sinner and the wages of sin is death. This atonement gives us an opportunity to join a perfect God in his righteousness. You are not punished for not believing in Jesus. Faith is a gift from God and it comes to those who love and seek the truth. Through faith comes revelation of God and a personal relationship with God.

2007-07-17 18:09:19 · answer #5 · answered by djmantx 7 · 1 0

A lot of people are confused,my self your body is a temple you have a heart & soul with in you and you pick your own higher power as long as you are kind, and humble and try to be positive even in the world the way it is,you have a seed in you an das you get older,you will understand ,help others with out expecting any thing,you asked a great question .


2007-07-17 18:11:12 · answer #6 · answered by ? 5 · 1 0

God Loves you and wants you to come home.
All paths lead back to Goddess.
Some are just longer than others.
"Each seeker must find their own path"

If the path you describe confuses you it is not your path.
If you can resist the Christian calling, Christ is not your savior.
Your path will be both clear and unavoidable.
The way you walk is thorny through no fault of your own, but as the rain enters the soil the river enters the sea, so tears run to a predestined end.

hail ERIS
al hail Discordia
Ewige Blumenkraft und ewige Schlangenkraft!

2007-07-17 18:09:26 · answer #7 · answered by hairypotto 6 · 0 1

He didn't make the rules without seeing the end of them. You have to remember, God sees beyond what we can see. It would appear that you are thinking that He would make a rule and not see it's affects and end, if there would be an end to it.

And we are not blamed for the death of Jesus. I don't know where you get that. Because that's not correct at all.

2007-07-17 18:07:51 · answer #8 · answered by Christian Sinner 7 · 2 1

Hi Jack. God gave Mankind free choice and Mankind has been in rebellion against God since Adam and Eve ate of the forbidden tree of knowledge in the Garden of Eden. Then they tried to hide from God because they knew they were naked. In Genesis 3:8-11 God tells us of the first rebellion of man:

"And they heard the sound of the LORD God walking in the garden in the cool of the day, and Adam and his wife hid themselves from the presence of the LORD God among the trees of the garden. 9 Then the LORD God called to Adam and said to him, “Where are you?” 10 So he said, “I heard Your voice in the garden, and I was afraid because I was naked; and I hid myself.” 11 And He said, “Who told you that you were naked? Have you eaten from the tree of which I commanded you that you should not eat?”

Man has been in rebellion against God since that day. God has not saddled us with the blame for Christ's death. Jesus had to die to fulfill Scripture. His death was the atonement for the sins of those who would believe on Him. In Matthew 16:21 we are told:

"From that time forth began Jesus to shew unto his disciples, how that he must go unto Jerusalem, and suffer many things of the elders and chief priests and scribes, and be killed, and be raised again the third day."

God does not plan to save everyone who ever lived. Jesus died only for those whom He has chosen to save.

I am not sure if you are saved, only God knows that. Perhaps one day in your life He will draw you to Him. All we can do as Christians is spread the Gospel to you. The rest is up to God. God is merciful and does not delight in sending a sinner to Hell. Cry out to him. Try praying the sinners prayer, “Lord have mercy on me, for I am a sinner.”

2007-07-17 18:24:37 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Jehovah created "perfect" man Adam and a "perfect" woman Eve.
The scriptures tell us that Eve was deceived but Adam choose his course in life to leave off serving Jehovah and joined his wife in her rebellion against our All Mighty God.
It is because of Jehovah great Love for "imperfect" mankind that would be born to the pair, that he did not destroy the rebels in the first place.
Also it gives us "imperfect" humans the opportunity to prove our integrity to Jehovah in this great universal issue of Sovereignty.

2007-07-17 18:05:43 · answer #10 · answered by Here I Am 7 · 4 1

What are you talking about? God created man and woman PERFECT, plus the extra bonus of free will (they could choose to obey or not etc). We are not to blame for Jesus's death! It was actually a great show of love towards humankind to send Jesus down here for us. All that we are required to do is show our gratitude and love. According to Mosaic Law (God is one of Justice) an eye for an eye was needed right? So if one man (Adam) sold us into sin, then another man (equal to Adam) was needed to prove to God that in fact a human CAN obey and Wants to obey God's law (see Job where the devil raises this argument with God). There are of course no perfect human beings on earth, so someone had to be sent down. Jesus obviously volluteered for he obviously wanted to prove God right --that humans do deserve another chance. Hell is not a biblical teaching. However Death is the price for Sin. That's the Price. You die because you sin. You don't go to some imaginary place that the Vatican would have you believe. Ashes to Ashes, Dust to Dust. Through Jesus though, you will have the chance to Live Again. On Earth, I believe, because when Jesus did all his ressurecting, he brought them back to Earth, not to heaven. don't you see that death was wiped out by Jesus, that now we are only sleeping in God's eyes, awaiting ressurection? Don't believe that crap about hell. When She ohl, Hades etc are mentioned in the bible, it is a symbol for the common grave of mankind. "The dead know nothing." Ecclesiastes.

2007-07-17 18:01:29 · answer #11 · answered by Starjumper the R&S Cow 7 · 4 2

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