I decided to ask a few questions today to see just what the modern person (Christians and others) thought that "bearing false witness" meant. I got 17 answers and all of them said, lying!
Many Christians seem to have a poor view about Pagans, Wiccans and Heathens because they "believe" that these different groups worship the devil and they do evil things to people. Unlike our Christian cousins, we are not Christians denying our Christianity but people who truly believe in other Gods and Goddesses. The "fundies" are constantly parading born again Pagans who turned away from the devil and returned to Jesus. The fact that they found a Pagan or Wiccan who admitted that they were Wiccan/Pagan would not state that they were devil worshippers, cause we don't believe in the Christian devil or the Christian God.
So are Christians willing to admit that they having been bearing false witness against us?
20 answers
asked by
Society & Culture
➔ Religion & Spirituality
Hate Boy, you live up to your name.
Alder, your answer sounds very... convenient that your religion doesn't believe in other religion's Gods and Goddesses. I HERE BY STATE TO YOU, THERE ARE OTHER RELIGIONS THAN CATHOLICISM AND OTHER GODS AND GODDESSES. THERE FOR YOU HAVE NO REASON TO SAY YOU HAVEN'T HEARD OR DON'T KNOW. I don't believe that people choose to be ignorant so they can do what they choose and hurt others.So what do your say now?
17:02:13 ·
update #1
Friendshipband, we aren't Christians so what difference does it make what the other Commandments say? When you state that we are something that we aren't you are bearing false witness and you are the one that they were written for.
17:07:24 ·
update #2
The Brian, thank you for our openness concerning this question. I think that if we held the same beliefs as your religion then you could state that we sin, but we don't. Our religion is about being the best we can be, taking care of our communities and treating the land as the living thing that it is. And believe me we have just as many overzealous and strange followers as any other religion. I can't tell you how devastating being made a pariah in our communities hurts. All we want is for people to see us for what we do and not gossip about things they think we do. The idea of having my pets killed and my house burned down is always sitting in the back of my mind.
17:19:59 ·
update #3
Detriot, your religion has to expand its consciousness to include the idea that there are other religions and other God/Goddesses. The mindset that you describe is akin to what people during the time of slavery believed about African Americans. Whites thought they were better than blacks and many honestly believed that, but it didn't make it true. Maybe we should call ourselves the Children of the Land of Nod. Those people who existed along side of Adam and Eve and therefore didn't eat of the apple.
17:33:54 ·
update #4
Griffter, the biggest complaint about the philosophy of Christianity is its need to push the responsibility off on something or someone else. The devil made me do it... You are saying that it is alright to be ignorant. There is a small minority who bear false witness. How about calling these blasphemers to task and teach them that we are good people and that we only want people to let us be and not try killing us before they know us.
I don't know anyone who has or would call the Christian God a false God. We just don't worship him or follow his religion.
17:48:44 ·
update #5
Butterflymoon, great answer. Hopefully other people will read it and say that maybe they have been to hasty in their ideas concerning Pagans and Wiccans. Then all of a sudden reality kicks in and we find ourselves having to defend all that we believe to people who won't listen, don't care and they only want to teach hatred and ignorance. It is sad to say that ignorance can be taught!
17:53:55 ·
update #6
you can be a 'good witch' wiccan.but to a true christian it is not of god.thus if it is not of god then it's antichrist.to a christian ANYTHING or any one outside of jesus christ ,that conflicts with his teachings is wrong.
2007-07-17 16:55:14
answer #1
answered by ronbo 7
This is how the conclusion is reached.
You worship other Gods and Godesses. We as Christians believe that putting other Gods before the our God (the God from the Bible) is a sin.
Now, do I believe that Pagans and Wiccans actually worship Satan? No.
However there are some who categorize sin as worship of Satin.
I think that this is where a lot of people come from with that.
I make it a point to try not to pass judgment on others, and I'm just trying to illustrate where people who say that are coming from.
The first time I met some pagans I was told by others that the people in question "worshipped the Devil."
A lot of us don't understand.
Anyway, I'm not trying to offend, but to explain.
God bless,
2007-07-17 16:53:46
answer #2
answered by The Brian 4
It's a tought question. If you belive Coke and Pepsi are the same thing and you said you drank a coke when you drank a pepsi were you lying or were you simply wrong. For the most fundies are not lying as they see it. They are just wrong. Also there are a lot of fundies who are simple ignorant on the matter There are those out there who are tring to make their point and are bearing false witness, but they are the minority. Unfortuntly they are also the loudest. Us Christains would be better off to say you worship false gods rather than claim you worship satan. Just as pagans/wiccans claim that Christains worship a false God.
2007-07-17 17:04:04
answer #3
answered by Griffter 1
It's doubtful that they'd ever admit it, because, honestly, they don't see it as false witness. To them, they're telling the truth - they honestly believe that we worship Satan (either knowingly or unknowingly), whether they reached that conclusion by themselves, or if they based on something they were told by their pastor/read in a book/etc. Then again, the Christians who are likely to spread such claims about Paganism are also the types most likely to stress how we're going to be punished eternally in Hell - by a loving God. ::rolls eyes::
The ones that worry me the most are the "ex-witches" and "occult experts" that show up from time to time, write a few books, and do the presentation circuit. They're the ones who spread a lot of misinformation, and their source material is *highly* questionable. I especially like conspiracy-theory-type claims of rampant infant sacrifice, etc - all of which even the FBI can't find any proof of. If anyone is bearing false witness, it's those folks.
2007-07-18 03:11:07
answer #4
answered by ArcadianStormcrow 6
I am not sure if I would call it bearing false witness or even lying. They just simply don't really know what Wiccans/Pagans are all about really. I was raised in a Christian home. I have read the bible. I was taught from birth that Paganism and Witchcraft was "evil" and that anyone who followed that path WOULD burn in hell if they did not find God and repent.
After many years of searching for that one missing peice in my life, I found Wicca. As I read and reseached this new path I was thinking of taking I realized that this was for me. I was reading of love, kindness and all that I felt was missing in Christianity.
Through Wicca I have learned to take responsiblity for my own actions because I am the one that chooses to do right or wrong, not some "evil" being whispering in my ear making me "sin". If I f*** up then it is my own fault and I can correct my misdeed on my own and not "burn in hell" for it.
I believe that I am a stronger person for having gone out on my own away from my family and found something that doesn't scare me into behaving.
The true evils in this world is intolerance, and ignorance. Plain and simple.
2007-07-17 17:03:35
answer #5
answered by ? 4
Because they are intimidated. It's no longer ok for them to slaughter pagans like they did during the witch burnings (this was all done for control). It's kind of frowned upon now...They are losing their following and it scares them, mainly because their beliefs can no longer be forced upon pagans with torture and murder. It's a bloody history the Christians hold. And, they usually fail to realize all of their myths (the bible), holidays and figure heads (including Jesus) are molded after much older pagan stories and traditions. Or, to be a little less subtle, ripped off and bastardized versions of pagan beliefs, and most are just stolen myths and holidays that have only had the names changed. Anyone with any education knows this. Perhaps ignorance is the answer to your question.
2016-05-21 14:37:19
answer #6
answered by ? 3
I am pegan, but I think they are, well not all, but alot of them.
I agree with you, none of my pegan friends worship the devil (or anything else evil). Many beleive in the 'christian' God, but also beleive in the Goddess, while others follow many gods (some including the christian god).
Anyway, none of us do anything evil or bad, we are all very nice people, and do good with our spiritual beliefs.
Anyway that was a rant, I do beleive we do get a bad wrap though. Just because we aren't "Christians" doesn't mean we are bad, evil, or non-beleivers. Just different beleivers.
Oh and you rarley see pegans going around trying to convert all the christians to the 'old ways', or telling them they are wrong and going to the Obiss when they die, cuz they don't beleive what we beleive. I just though I should add that one.
2007-07-17 16:53:46
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
i sympathise with your ordeal.
but until wiccans pagans and (yes) christians! come to terms with their false beliefs, there can be no reconciliations between good and evil.
secret combinations exist, and evil powers lead the wiccans,
pagans worship false gods, because there are no other gods in heaven but the one God and there is no saviour but jesus.
even though i understand where pagans get their ideas of "other" gods. NONE of them are REAL. Fallen angels falsely Lead people astray to believe in false doctrines with miracles and wonders they can perform.
All witchcraft is rebellion against God, so wiccans dont know the truth either! they are blinded by the instant results of what looks like healing.
what the world needs is not secrets! and christians have some of the worst secrets that are not from God.
2007-07-17 16:54:09
answer #8
answered by Priestcalling 3
No, so what does the 1st of the 10 commandments say
"And God spoke all these words, saying: 'I am the LORD your God…
ONE: 'You shall have no other gods before Me.'
TWO: 'You shall not make for yourself a carved image--any likeness of anything that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth.'
2007-07-17 16:51:14
answer #9
answered by rapturefuture 7
Well, honestly Christians like Catholics like me, believe that the only God is ours.
So any other god can only or a fake or the devil.
No false witness, we really believe that pagans and wiccans worship the devil. No pun intended.
2007-07-17 16:48:24
answer #10
answered by Alder_Fiter_Galaz 4