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i just got hdtv today and i cant really see a difference on alot of the channels. i also have an hdmi cable. is there anything i can do/buy to make it picture come in clearer? especially on the local channels?
are there settings on the tv that would be better? eg. color, brightness, contrast etc.
(hd dvr through time warner cable)

2007-07-17 16:19:39 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous in Consumer Electronics TVs

3 answers

Well remember, we have numerous LOW DEF channels, and a select few that are HI DEF...

AND TV shows have to be RECORDED in HD also.....

So you need an HDTV and an HDMI (or component) CABLE...YOU have those.

You have an HD cable box too.....

NOW all you need is to watch an HD STATION <> an HD TV SHOW (there's an HD box on the TV show in the Guide on Time Warner's Guide)

You have all of those together and your picture should look spectacular.....

You'll notice it mostly in the grass and the bark and the mountains in the background and the edges and details....
It'll be sharper, brighter and the colors will POP at you!

2007-07-17 16:54:13 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

First off, you have to realize that 95% of the Television you watch is not filmed in HD, so you cannot see it. It has to be filmed with an HDTV camera for it to be HD. Check your channel listing for the HD channels, but even though its an HD channel does not mean that all its programs are in HD. It kinda stinks sometimes, but it is getting a lot better.

Just hang in there, and get to know what programs come in HD or not. If they are not HD, they will only look as good as a regular television.

2007-07-17 16:29:22 · answer #2 · answered by teepeetop 4 · 0 0

congratulations you have discovered the secret that no HDTV salesperson is going to tell you...


Wait until the new TV season starts around August/September. I understand many of the shows will be in HD.

2007-07-17 18:46:43 · answer #3 · answered by gkk_72 7 · 0 0

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