Recently, I met a pious man who told me his story. He had a question similar to yours.
Jesus appeared to him and was telling him how there was a young girl who was lost somewhere in the middle east. (The man was very poious and when Jesus talks he listened and did not question him for any details - the point of the story is how Jesus acts). The girl was not a Christian. Her faith was Judaism and she did not believe in Jesus. However, she called for help from the depths of her heart. Jesus appeared before her and walked the girl to safety.
The pious man asked, "But she does not even believe in you!"
Jesus answered, "Did she not pray to God?"
The pious man asked again, "Why are there so many different faiths and religions, all in the name of God?"
Jesus answered, "Do they all not lead to faith and love for God?. I permit other religions to exist for they all increase faith in God"
So, Jesus is aware of all the different faiths and all the atrocities. It is not that the religions are bad or wrong, it is the followers of any given faith are so ignorant that they misinterpret the religions and become fantatics in their own way - they have too much ego! They think they can understand the infinite wisdom and love of God by merely reading a book!
2007-07-17 15:16:51
answer #1
answered by Bhavin D 2
I think Jesus Christ, would be sad the way the world was being blown to bits, and the amount of unnecessary killing going on.
2007-07-17 21:48:30
answer #2
answered by ? 5
Hard to say really what he would feel but I am thinking that he loves everyone and prays for peace and happiness with in us all. I mean, he gave his life for us...and he was not judge mental...does that make sense? Sorry, if I did not give the answer you wanted but I'm not sure how.
2007-07-17 21:44:31
answer #3
answered by tn2vegas 6
Bhavin D should get best answer, that was beautiful.
People spesak of Muslims as if they are Osama bin laden's followers. What did anyone think before 9/11?
2007-07-18 21:58:11
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
Lol to the first one.
Jesus would love anyone and everyone the same.
Were all his beautiful creation and each one of our
lives is dear to Him. He wouldnt dis anyone. Hes like
the best friend thats always there for you. Lol, he grew
up in that area. He for sure was accustomed to the Islamic
culture. Jerusalem was a place of multiculturalism.
2007-07-17 21:46:39
answer #5
answered by Krumpli leves 3
I believe he would show them the same regard he showed the pharisees and saducees. that they pretend to honor God with much attention to laws but no love for their neighbor. jesus would say that bin laden serves the devil, his father, for his fruit is violence. Jesus would have his followers reproach and offer forgiveness and true faith in God to muslims. if they would not recieve the message, he would have us "wipe their dust off our feet" and leave them to perish from their own device.
Ummm...for all these "scholars"...muslims have only existed since Mohammed started the religion in the 7th. cenury A.D. DUH... Prior to Mohammed, they were mostly polytheistic nomads/tribesmen.
2007-07-17 21:56:09
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
S'cuse me? The Muslims have been around before his time. He makes no mention of them then because he is only interested in his teachings to "his" followers. Seems his followers didn't listen too well, did they?(Americans, and Christians) so I figure he would be disappointed. Didn't teach them(Americans and Christians too good)
2007-07-17 21:49:01
answer #7
answered by ButwhatdoIno? 6
I concur with jtx99. The Jesus I've heard about would unconditionally love them and offer his embrace. The Muslims of today would receive the same treatment. The sheep that stray are always welcome back to the Shepard.
2007-07-17 21:45:33
answer #8
answered by ToolManJobber 6
Jesus preached Love, he would have Loved Muslims. Period.
2007-07-17 21:41:58
answer #9
answered by jxt299 7
They were around in his time, but back then they were called Persians. And we all now about the way they felt, mate. Just as they feel today, except they use boom, boom instead of sticks and stones!
And I can state pretty much he would have felt the same then as he does now, look at them lord, still rock-apes with attitude, but I got to love them, they make great entertainment.
2007-07-17 21:50:34
answer #10
answered by james m 1