Damned if I know.
I would think that most of my fellow Christians would realize that God was both powerful and wise enough to have created the world either way....Divine Creation or evolution.
2007-07-17 12:43:07
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
I am Christian, and I am certainly not threatened by the evolution theory. Try not to generalize about a group - always keep in mind that the sentiments of a few individuals may not necessarily represent the sentiments of an entire group.
If the evolution theory IS right, it is the work of God. Evolution, to me, is a very real theory, and it is constantly occurring. Things adapt to adjust to their needs.
Some Christians may feel that it is contradictory to their beliefs, and may take things very very literally. Who's to say that everything in the Bible is literal? There are many metaphors and examples of figurative language. I think that those people need to study up - they would be able to support their logic and arguments far better if they were to look into scientific evidence, for science and religion do not have to be considered mutually exclusive.
However, we cannot deny that evolution is real. We've seen evidence. Evolution exists. So does God. Some people will simply have to realize that the two coexist, and even complement each other. They don't contradict each other. Not in the least.
2007-07-17 12:48:42
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
Ok well for one, good point, I have been working on an idea to put the two ideas together, but not a lotta people are buying it but anyway, evolution has some holes in it, but so does creationism...for those who believe in the Big Bang and for those who believe in an omnipotent being saying "Let there be..." those two ideas are hard to swallow by both factions respectfully...I doubt that the two will be able to coexist (at least peacefully) and as for those who say "Read the Bible" how do we know that the universe was created by someone saying "Let it be..." while we have evidence of the Big Bang...and we don't know how the Big Bang started (though I gotta idea) but then again...I can also say this, "If it's so hard to beleve the Bg Bang, then why is it so easy beleiving in an omnipotent being that was never created create this?" So you gotta look at both ways and then make your choice...
2007-07-17 13:03:18
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
Christians have nothing to fear from evolutionary theory. Some of it is even biblical (micro). Some of it is not (macro). Micro evolution is adaptation of a species to its environment, which is biblical. God created life in all its wonderful variety, well adapted to multiply after its own kind. Macro evolution is what most folks mean when they talk about evolution. Macro evolution is the theory that all life started from a single common ancestor and evolved over millions of years into the variety that we have today. Creation and evolution cannot exist together. God created life. Evolution depends on death to work (via natural selection). All death entered the world as a result of sin, because the wages of sin are death. So, if evolution requires death in order to work, and death is the result of sin, then evolution CAN NOT be the work of God. God cannot violate His nature.
As for being threatened by evolution...that is a huge topic. Lots of folks like to claim how evolution has been proven beyond doubt. It hasn't. Transitional forms are an issue for evolution. The fossil record is an issue for evolution. Genetic mutation is an issue for evolution. Geology is an issue for evolution. Math is an issue for evolution, especially when applied to genetic mutation. Even chance is an issue for evolution. Chance is simply a term that defines the mathematical probability of a certain outcome occuring, given a set of variables, over a specified period of time. However, chance by itself cannot act. Something else must take action. For example, the chance of a coin landing on a particular side is 50%, no matter how many times it is flipped. But that is only if something else (me) acts, by flipping the coin. I could wait a million years, but if the coin isn't flipped...chance by itself can't flip the coin.
Anyway, if you are serious in exploring creation and evolution, check the links below.
2007-07-17 13:01:05
answer #4
answered by D-Rock 3
I am a Christian and I do not feel threatened by the theory of Evolution. I believe that the Bible is the word of God and whatever the Bible says is true. In Genesis is talks about how God created the heavens and the earth. I believe that. It does upset me when people don't acknowledge that I am a person and I get to pick what I believe just like everyone else. I won't jam my beliefs down your throat and I would appreciate the same respect. Just because I don't believe what is popular doesn't make my beliefs stupid -- it just makes them mine.
2007-07-17 12:52:55
answer #5
answered by Marin M 1
Because Christians base their belief on a book that was written hundreds of years ago. If God had used evolution to form this earth then he would have told us about it. But it's not in the Bible ANYWHERE! Not to mention the fact that believing in evolution takes way way more faith than believing in God. How many times has evolution been proven wrong? I would say that Christians are more frusterated by the theory than threatened.
2007-07-17 12:52:21
answer #6
answered by servant 1
I am Christian and I also believe that God works through natural law. I believe evolution is correct in certain areas but as a whole there are some flaws. Eventually religion and science will come together and be reconciled. Unfortunately that day may be the day after the Lord returns for his second coming.
2007-07-17 12:50:09
answer #7
answered by microbioguy 3
Not just christians, I've spoken with Jews who won't even entertain the idea.
They feel threatened because it seems to dismiss some of what they believe as archaic- like a flat earth.
It makes them frustrated because they do not believe it and people who do are just as convinced of their belief in it as they are that it is false.
I remember when I was younger in school a pack of kids were into pink floyd. I was a fan too, but not good friends with these kids, though I wanted to be. One day I started talking to one of them about the pink floyd movie- the wall. I mentioned the fact that the song "hey you" is not in the movie, though it is part of the album. The kid was convinced otherwise. Despite my certainty, he was just as certain that the song WAS on the movie. He took to casually mocking me and dragged his friends over to gang up on me. I knew I was right but nothing I said short of playing the movie for him would change his mind. It was extremely frustrating at the time and it hurt that these kids were putting me down for being ignorant about something I obviously knew more about than they did.
This, I think, is how the christians and other creationists feel when confronted with the theory of evolution.
I'm not saying they are right or wrong. Like you I strongly believe that evolution is reconcilable into religion. It doesn't seem like such a tough leap to me but many people feel differently.
2007-07-17 12:55:33
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
If it was a fact, I would... but it's not and I'd hate to label something stupid as "a work of God". Man took the fact that things change over time, and made it into something unbelievable and even more so, unprovable and teach it as though it is fact. Our children fail science class if they get it wrong but every other year, the scientists find it wrong and change it? If the fossil records actually showed man coming from apesn lizards coming from birds then many Christians would say "yes this is an act of God"
2007-07-17 12:46:22
answer #9
answered by impossble_dream 6
Because they have been taught to have faith in their leaders and not God.
I put a question to the people, believe Jesus or believe your leaders. that Jesus never said He was God only the false teachers and they chose the teachings of the false teachers.
All to common in O.T. writings, They followed the priest's of baal.. Rom. 11:2-4
The Roman Pontiff, chose the age of the earth by counting the years in the pages of their books.
Back in the day the the Pope and the emperor ruled the earth in all matters. The Pope also included in all the roles.. He never figured on our high advanced society. he tried to Galileo. for his role in modern advancement.
Any way you do not know if you are a true Christian to the real Jesus or not..
take the real test, you will not believe it.
2007-07-17 12:57:07
answer #10
answered by john 3
First question: I should say I am rather amused by that "theory".
Second question: it's Charles Darwin's work, not God. In the original book "Origin of the Species", Darwin does not pretend it is a theory, but rather an opinion just like everyone's else but some scientists were eager to make a religion out of it.
2007-07-17 12:51:58
answer #11
answered by Even Haazer 4