Apologies for lengthy answer. Yes, Krishna is sanskrit for Black, also for dark blue. Also means the Existence of Knowledge and Bliss.
Here's a picture of the Black Madonna & child of Montserat, France and another black Madonna
There are more similarities than just the name. Check out these links. Christ & Krishna sound identical and their lives and stories are identical as well.
The advent of each Savior was miraculously foretold by prophets.
The fallen and degenerate condition of the human race is taught in the religion of each.
A plan of restoration or salvation is provided for in each case.
A divine Savior is considered necessary in both cases.
The necessity of atoning for sin is taught in the religion of each.
A God, or Son of God, is selected as the victim for the atoning sacrifice in each case.
This God is sent down from heaven in each case in the form of a man.
The God or Savior in each case is the second person of the Trinity.
Chrishna, as well as Christ, was held to be really God incarnate.
The mission of each Savior is the same.
There is a resemblance in name -- Chrishna and Christ.
Chrishna, as well as Christ, was incarnated and born of a woman.
The mother in each case was a holy virgin.
The same peculiarities of a miraculous conception and birth are related of each.
Each had an adopted earthly father.
The father of Chrishna, as well as that of Christ, was a carpenter.
God is claimed as the real father in both cases.
A Spirit or Ghost was the author of the conception of each.
There was rejoicing on earth when each Savior was born.
There was also joy in heaven at the birth and advent of each.
Chrishna, as well as Christ, was of royal descent.
Their mothers were both reputedly pious women.
The names of two mothers are somewhat similar -- Mary and Maia.
Each had a special female friend -- Elizabeth in the one case, and the wife of Nanda in the other.
Neither Savior was born in a house, but both in obscure situations.
Both were born on the 25th of December.
Both, at birth, were visited by wise men and shepherds.
The visitors were conducted by a star in each case.
The rite of purification was observed by the mothers of each.
An angel warns of impending danger in each case.
The incumbent ruler was hostile in each case.
A bloody decree in each case for the destruction of the infant Savior.
A flight of the parents takes place in both cases.
The parents of one sojourned at Muturea, the other at Mathura.
Each Savior had a forerunner -- John the Baptist in one case, Bali Rama in the other.
Both were preternaturally smart in childhood.
Each disputed with and vanquished learned opponents.
Both became objects of search by their parents.
And both occasioned anxiety, if not sorrow, to their parents.
The mother of each had other children -- that is children begotten by man as well as God.
Both Saviors retired to, and spent considerable time in the wilderness.
The religious rite of "fasting" was practiced by each Savior.
Each delivered a noteworthy sermon, or series of moral lessons.
Chrishna, as well as Christ, was called and considered God.
Each was both God and the Son of God (so regarded).
"Savior" was one of the divine titles of each.
Each was designated "the Savior of man," "the Savior of the world," &c.
Both expressed a desire to "save all."
Each sustained the character of a Messiah.
Chrishna, as well as Christ, was a Redeemer.
Each Savior was called "Shepherd."
Both were believed to be the Creator of the world.
Each is sometimes spoken of, also, as only an agent in the creation.
Both were the "Light and Life" of men.
Each "brought life and immortality to light."
Both are represented as "the seed of the woman bruising the serpent's head."
Was Christ a "Dispenser of grace," so was the Hindoo Savior.
One was "the lion of the tribe of Judah," the other "the lion of the tribe of Saki."
Christ was "the Beginning of the End," Chrishna "the Beginning, the Middle, and the End."
Both proclaimed, "I am the Resurrection."
Each was "the way to the Father."
Both represented emblematically "the Sun of Righteousness."
Each is figuratively represented as being "all in all."
Both speak of having existed prior to human birth.
A dual existence -- an existence in both heaven and earth at once -- is claimed by or for both.
Chrishna, as well as Christ, was "without sin."
Both assumed the divine prerogative of forgiving sins.
The mission of each was to deliver from sin.
Both came to destroy the devil and his works.
The doctrine of the "atonement" is practically realized in each case.
Each made a voluntary offering for the sins of the world.
Both were human as well as divine.
Chrishna, as well as Christ, was worshiped as God absolute.
Each was regarded as "the Lord from Heaven."
Chrishna, as well as Christ, had applied to him all the attributes of God.
Was Christ omniscient, so was Chrishna.
Was one omnipotent, so was the other (so believed).
And both are represented as being omnipresent.
Each was believed to be divinely perfect.
Was one "Lord of lords," so was the other.
Each embodied the "power and wisdom of God."
All power was committed unto each (so claimed).
Chrishna performed many miracles as well as did Christ.
One of the first miracles of each was the cure of a leper.
Each healed "all manner of diseases."
The work of casting out devils constitutes a part of the mission of each.
Each practically proved his power to raise the dead.
A miracle appertaining to a tree is related of both.
Both could read the thoughts of the people.
The power to detect and eject evil spirits was claimed by both.
Both had the keys or control of death.
Each led an extraordinary life.
Each had a character for supernatural greatness.
Both possessed or claimed a oneness with the Father.
A "oneness with his Lord and Master" is claimed, also, for the disciples of each.
A strong reciprocal affection between Master and disciple in each case.
Each offers to shoulder the burdens of his disciples.
A portion of the life of each was spent in preaching.
Both made converts by their miracles and preaching.
A numerous retinue of believers springs up in each case.
Both had commissioned apostles to proclaim their religion.
Each was an innovator upon the antecedent religion.
A beautiful reform in religion was inaugurated by each Savior.
Each opposed the existing popular priesthood.
Both abolished the law of lineal descent in the ancient priesthood.
Each was an object of conspiracy by his enemies.
Humility and external poverty distinguished the life of each.
Each denounced riches and rich men, and loathed and detested wealth.
Both had a character for meekness.
Chastity or unmarried life was a distinguishing characteristic of each.
Mercy was a noteworthy characteristic of each.
Both were censured for associating with sinners.
Each was a special friend to the poor.
A poor widow woman receives marked attention by each.
Each encounters a gentile woman at a well.
Both submitted unresistingly to injuries and insults.
General practical philanthropy and impartiality marks the life of each Savior.
Each took more pleasure in repentant sinners than in virtuous saints,
Both practically disclosed God's attempt to reconcile the world to himself.
The closing incidents in the earth-life of each were strikingly similar.
A memorable last supper marked the closing career of both.
Both were put to death by "wicked hands."
Chrishna, as well as Christ, was crucified.
Darkness attended the crucifixion of each.
Both were crucified between two thieves.
Each is reported to have forgiven his enemies.
The age of each at death corresponds (being between thirty and thirty-six years).
Each, after giving up the ghost, descends into hell.
The resurrection from the dead is a marked period in the history of each.
Each ascends to heaven after his resurrection.
Many people are reported to have witnessed the ascension in each case.
Each is reported as having both descended and ascended.
The head of each, while living on earth, was anointed with oil.
There is a similarity in the doctrines of their respective religions.
The same doctrines are propagated by the disciples of each.
The doctrine of future rewards and punishments is a part of each system.
Analogous views of heaven are found in each system.
A third heaven is spoken of in each system.
All sin must be punished according to the bible teachings of each.
Each has a hell provided for the wicked.
Both teach a hell of darkness and a hell of light.
An immortal worm finds employment in the hell of each system ("the worm that dieth not.")
The arch-demon of the under world uses brimstone for fuel in one case, and oil in the other.
The motive for future punishment is in both cases the same.
Each has a purgatory or sort of half-way house.
Special divine judgments on nations are taught by each.
A great and final day of judgment is taught by each.
A general resurrection also is taught in each religion.
That there is a "Judge of the dead" is a doctrine of each.
Two witnesses are to report on human actions in the final assizes.
We are furnished in each case with the dimension of heaven or "the holy city."
Man is enjoined to strive against temptation to sin by each.
And repentance for sin is a doctrine taught by the bible of each.
Each has a prepared city for a paradise.
The bibles of both teach that we have no continuing city here.
Souls are carried to heaven by angels, as in the instance of Lazarus, in each case.
A belief in angels or spirits is a tenant of each religion.
The doctrine of fallen or evil angels is found in both system.
Obsession by wicked or evil spirits is taught by each.
Both teach that sickness or disease is caused by evil spirits.
Each has a king-devil or arch-demon with a posse of subalterns or evil spirits.
Both bibles record the story of a "hellaballoo" or war in heaven.
Both teach that an evil man can neither do nor speak a good thing.
Both teach that sin is a disadvantage in the present life as well as in the future.
The doctrine of free will or free agency is taught by each.
Predestination seems to be inferentially taught by each.
In each case man is a prize in a lottery, with God and the devil for ticket-holders.
Both make the devil (or devils) a scapegoat for sin.
Both teach that the devil or evil spirits as the primary cause of all evil.
The destiny of both body and soul is pointed out by each.
The true believers are known as "saints" under both systems.
Saints with "white robes" are spoken of by each.
Both specify "the Word of Logos" as God.
Wisdom, too, is personified as God by the holy Scriptures of each.
Both teach that God may be known by his works.
The doctrine of one supreme God is taught in each bible.
Light and truth are important words in the religious nomenclature of each.
Both profess a high veneration for truth.
"Where the treasure is, there is the heart also," is taught by each.
"Seek and ye shall find" is a condition prescribed by each.
Religious toleration is a virtue professed by both.
All nations are professedly based on an equality by each.
Both, however, enjoin partiality to "the household of faith."
The doors of salvation are thrown open to high and low, rich and poor, by each.
Each professes to have "the only true and saving faith."
There is a mystery in the mission of each Savior.
"Rama" is a well known word in the bible of each.
"The understanding of the wise" is a phrase in each.
Both speak figuratively of "the blind leading the blind."
"A new heaven and a new earth" is spoken of by each.
The doctrine of a Trinity in the Godhead is taught by each.
Baptism by water is a tenant and ordinance of each.
"Living water" is a metaphor found in each.
Baptism by fire seems also to be recognized by each.
Fasting is emphatically enjoined by each.
Sacrifices are of secondary importance in each system, and are partially or wholly abandoned by each.
The higher law is paramount to ceremonies in each religion.
The bible of each religion literally condemns idolatry.
Both also make concessions to idolatry.
Polygamy is not literally encouraged nor openly condemned by either.
The power to forgive sins is conferred on the disciples of each.
The doctrine of blasphemy is recognized by each.
Pantheism, or the reciprocal 'in-being' of God in nature and nature in God, is taught by both.
Each has a bible which is the idolized fountain of all religious teaching.
Both have an Old Testament and a New Testament, virtually.
The New Testament inaugurates a new and reform system of religion in each case.
"All Scripture is given by inspiration of God" is the faith of the disciples of each.
Each system claimed to have its inspired men to write its scriptures.
Both hold a spiritual qualification necessary to understand their bibles.
It is a sin to become "wise beyond what is written" in their respective bibles.
Both recommend knowing the Scriptures in youth.
Alteration of their respective bibles is divinely interdicted.
The bible is an infallible rule of faith and practice in both cases.
"All scripture is profitable for doctrine" is the faith of each.
Both explain away the errors of their bibles.
The religion of Chrishna is pre-eminently spiritual no less than Christ's.
Both teach that "to be carnally minded is death."
External rites are practically dispensed within each religion.
The spiritual law written on the heart is recognized by each.
"God is within you," Buddhists teach as well as Christians.
Both recognize an invisible spiritual Savior.
"God dwells in the heart," say Hindoo as well as Christians.
Inward recognition of the divine law is amply seen in both.
Both confess allegiance to an inward monitor.
The doctrine of inspiration and internal illumination is found in both.
The indwelling Comforter is believed in by both.
Both also teach that religion is an inward work,
Both speak of being born again -- i.e., the second birth.
A spiritual body is also believed in by both.
"Spiritual things are incomprehensible to the natural man" say each.
God's spiritually sustaining power Buddhists also acknowledge.
Both give a spiritual interpretation to their bibles.
Each has a new and more interior law superseding the old law.
The spiritual cross -- self-denial or asceticism -- is a prominent feature of each religion.
The duty of renouncing and abandoning the external world is solemnly enjoined by each.
Buddhists renounce the world more practically than Christians.
Withdrawal or seclusion from society is recommended by each.
Bodily suffering as a benefit to the soul is encouraged by each.
Voluntary suffering for righteousness' sake is a virtue with each.
The cross is a religious emblem in each system.
Both glory in "the religion of the cross" as better than a religion without suffering.
Hence both teach "the greater the cross the greater the crown."
Earthly pleasures are regarded as evil by both.
Contempt for the body as an enemy to the soul is visible in both.
Retirement for religious contemplation is a duty with each.
The forsaking of relations is also enjoined by each.
Spiritual relationship is superior to external relationship with both.
"To die is great gain" we are taught by each.
A subjugation of the passions is a religious duty with each.
The road to heaven is a narrow one with each.
The same state of religious perfection is aspired to by the disciples of each.
Faith is an all-important element and doctrine with each.
Heresy, or want of faith, is a sin of great magnitude with both.
Faith in the Savior is a condition to salvation by both.
Confessing the Savior is also required in both cases.
"Believe or be damned" is the condition or 'profess' to believe the terrible 'sine qua non' to salvation by each.
Skeptics or unbelievers are with both the chief of sinners.
"Faith can remove mountains," either with a Buddhist or a Christian.
Both contrast faith with works.
Faith without works is dead -- so teach both Buddhists and Christians.
Prayer is an important rite in each religion.
Private or secret prayer is recommended by both.
Each has also a formula of prayer.
"Pray without ceasing" is a Buddhist as well as a Christian injunction.
Praying to their respective Saviors in sickness and in health is a custom with both.
The custom of praying for the dead is recognized in each system.
It is a Hindoo as well as a Christian injunction to treat enemies kindly.
Passive submission to injuries and abuse is enjoined by both.
The holy Scriptures of both require us to pray for enemies, and feed them.
And even love to enemies is a part of the spirit of each religion.
Hindoos, like Christians, prophesy of a great millennial era.
There is a remarkable similarity in their notions with respect to it.
Both anticipate a second advent or new Savior on the occasion.
The destruction of the world also is to take place in both cases.
And an entire renovation and a new order of things are to be established in each case.
There is almost a constant display of miraculous power in each system.
The disciples of both are professedly endowed with this power.
Miraculous cures of the lame, the blind, and the sick are reported in both cases.
Miracles of handling poisonous reptiles with impunity are reported by both.
Swallowing deadly poison is enjoined by Christians and practiced by Hindoos.
Many cases of the miraculous ejection of devils are reported by both.
The miracle of thought-reading is displayed by both.
The saints in both cases are reported as raising the dead.
"The kingdom of heaven" was to be sought first of all things in each case.
Love to God is a paramount obligation under each system.
And the worship of God is an essential requisition in each religious polity.
"Cease to do evil and learn to do well" is virtually enjoined by each.
All inward knowledge of God is taught as essential by both systems.
A reliance on works is discouraged by both.
Purity of heart is inculcated by Hindoos as well as Christians.
Speak and think evil of no man is a gospel injunction of each.
A love of all beings is more prominently the spirit of Buddhism than that of Christianity.
The practice of strict godly virtue is enjoined by both.
Moderation and temperance are recommended by both.
Patience is a virtue in each religion.
The duty of controlling our thoughts is taught by each.
Charity has a high appreciation by each.
Both make the poor objects of attention.
The practice of hospitality is recommended by each.
Humility is a duty and a virtue under both systems.
Mirthfulness or light conversation is forbidden by each.
Purity of life is a duty with Hindoos as well as Christians.
Chasteness in conversation is inculcated by both.
"Respect to persons" is a sin in the moral polity of both.
Alms-giving is religiously enjoined by the holy Scriptures of both.
Both teach that "it is better to give than to receive."
Loyalty to rulers is a moral requisition of each system.
Honor to father and mother is esteemed a great virtue by both.
The correct training of children is with each a scriptural duty.
"Look not upon a woman" is more than hinted by each.
The reading of the holy Scriptures is enjoined by both.
Lying or falsehood is with each a sin of great magnitude.
Swearing is discountenanced by both religions.
Theft or stealing is specially condemned by both.
Both deprecate and condemn the practice of war.
Both discountenance fighting.
Neither of them professes to believe in slavery.
Drunkenness and the use of wine are more specifically condemned by the Hindoo religion.
Adultery and fornication are heinous sins in the eyes of both.
Both condemn covetousness as a great sin.
Buddhists more practically condemn anger than Christians do.
Both have their apocryphal as well as their canonical Scriptures.
Stories are found in the bible of each which would be rejected if found elsewhere.
Both make their bible a finality in matters of faith.
Both have had their councils and commentaries to reveal their bibles over again.
Numerous schisms, divisions, sects, and creeds have sprung up in each.
Various religious reforms have sprung up under each.
Conversion from one religious sect to another is common to both.
Both religions have been troubled with numerous skeptics or infidels.
Both have often resorted to new interpretations for their bibles to suit the times.
The unconverted are stigmatized by each.
"Knock and it shall be opened" is the invitation of each.
Public confession of sins in class-meetings is known to each.
Death-bed repentance often witnessed under both religions systems.
A belief in haunted houses incident to the religious countries of both.
A superior respect for woman claimed by each.
An idolatrous veneration for religious ancestors by each.
Each sustain a numerous horde of expensive priests.
A divine call or illumination to preach claimed by each.
Religious martyrdom the glory of each.
Both have encountered "perils by sea and land" for their religion.
He who loseth his life (for his religion) shall find it, say both.
Both in ancient times suffered much persecution.
The disciples of both have suffered death without flinching from the faith.
Each sent numerous missionaries abroad to preach and convert.
And, finally, each cherished the hope of converting the world to their religion.
2007-07-17 07:32:48
answer #1
answered by bandycat5 5
anointed, the Greek translation of the Hebrew word rendered "Messiah" (q.v.), the official title of our Lord, occurring five hundred and fourteen times in the New Testament. It denotes that he was anointed or consecrated to his great redemptive work as Prophet, Priest, and King of his people. He is Jesus the Christ (Acts 17:3; 18:5; Matthew 22:42), the Anointed One. He is thus spoken of by (Isaiah 61:1), and by (Daniel 9:24-26), who styles him "Messiah the Prince."
2007-07-17 07:33:28
answer #2
answered by deacon 6
The word Christ came from the Greek word CHRISTOS which is the literal translation of the word Messiah that means: anointed. That is why Jesus is called al Masih in Arabic which is similar to the Hebrew word Messiah.
While Krishna is a Sanskrit name.
2007-07-17 07:59:28
answer #3
answered by space lover 3
May be your right but it doesn't mean christ needed to follow krisna. Christ was empty in the bible from 14-28. He had been to easthern for learning karma and darma. He has been called holly"Geza budisatra" He could be a level of 8 budisatra.
2007-07-17 07:33:15
answer #4
answered by johnkamfailee 5
The other poster is right. The Greek word "Chrystos" means oil, so Christ means "anointed (with oil)". It's a title, not a name.
2007-07-17 07:30:10
answer #5
answered by Robin W 7
Remember the movie "My big fat Greek Wedding?"
The father claimed every word came from Greek even words like "Aloha."
In the case of the word "Christ" he would have been correct.
Blessed Be!
2007-07-17 07:34:25
answer #6
answered by ♥Gnostic♥ 4
The spelling Christ in English dates from the 17th century, when, in the spirit of the enlightenment, spellings of certain words were changed to fit their Greek or Latin origins. Prior to this, in Old and Middle English, the word was spelled Crist, the i being pronounced either as [i] (see IPA pronunciation), preserved in the names of churches such as St Katherine Cree, or as a short i, preserved in the modern pronunciation of Christmas.
The term appears in English and most European languages owing to the Greek usage of Christos in the New Testament as a description for Jesus. In the Septuagint version of the Old Testament, it was used to translate into Greek the Hebrew Mashiach (Messiah), meaning "[one who is] anointed." While many Christian writers claim that this term implied a match to the Jewish predicted saviour, some argue that there is no "saviour" concept in the Jewish tradition. Christ more closely means someone appointed by God for a task, such as a 'high priest,' 'leader,' or even 'ruler.'[citation needed]
The Greek term is cognate with Chrism, meaning perfumed oil; in fact Christos in classical Greek usage could mean covered in oil, and is thus a literal and accurate translation of Messiah (just as Saul the King was anointed with oil when he was proclaimed king). The Greek term is thought to derive from the Proto-Indo-European root of ghey-, which in Germanic languages, such as English, mutated into gris- and grim-. Hence the English words grisly, grim, grime, gizm and grease, are thought to be cognate with Christ, though these terms came to have a negative connotation, where the Greek word had a positive connotation. In French, the Greek term, in ordinary usage, mutated first to cresme and then to creme, due to the loss of certain 's' usages in French, which was loaned into English as cream. The word was used by extension in Hellenic and Jewish contexts to refer to the office, role or status of the person, not to their actually being an oily person, as a strict reading of the etymology might imply.
Another theory states that name Christ and the story could have been adapted from the story of Hindu god Krishna because of similarities in their names and life. Both Krishna and Christ are said to have lived a life of a shepherd. In both stories a king seeks and kills children, hoping to kill the divine child. There are similarities in their deaths, with Krishna being killed by an iron-nailed arrow piercing his feet and Christ crucified by iron nails.
2007-07-17 07:29:56
answer #7
answered by mattfromasia 7
Well Krishna is a sanskrit word, the mother of all language, so It may very well be
2007-07-17 07:29:48
answer #8
answered by ebay_singh 2
Its from the Greek Cristos which means "Anointed One" (Messiah in Hebrew)
2007-07-17 07:31:46
answer #9
answered by impossble_dream 6
No. Your knowledge of linguistics is severely lacking, my friend.
Christ is from the Greek Xpistos meaning "anointed one" - from the Hebrew Messiach or Messiah.
2007-07-17 07:29:11
answer #10
answered by Anonymous
no. it comes from the Greek Chrystos
I defer to Father K's superior knowledge in this matter
2007-07-17 07:28:02
answer #11
answered by Anonymous