Khalid E
people over here dont understnad what u r saying coz satan has closed it eyes its 100% true what QURAN tells is correct and scince is proving it today just think what ALLAH and PROPHET MUHAMMED told us 1427 years back scince is proving it today that show how beautyfull our QURAN and ISLAM is
peace be with u
keep it up
2007-07-17 04:54:38
answer #1
answered by Haroon 3
One sea is hogwash, and the other reason.
There is no place in the world where two seas meet, that there is a hard and fast barrier as such. There is always a melding area where seas meet. It may be small, but you will always find a gradiation. You cannot find a place where if you draw a line, one side is salt, and the other side fresh. The so-called barriers are actually areas where regions meet. Warm waters flowing in one direction, and cool in another will have different temperatures, different salinities, and remain somewhat together, but there will be an area of turbulence between them, where the waters mix, and there is no fixed "barrier". sorry. You are misinterpreting science.
What the article calls a "zone of separation" is garbage. An estuary is an area that varies between salt, brackish and fresh water. Creatures and plants that live there are capable of survival in a wide variety of salinities simply because there is no hard and fast "zone of separation". The environment is always changing. This is the area where the waters mix, not where they are separated.
2007-07-17 05:00:43
answer #2
answered by Deirdre H 7
Pretty feeble to try and prove either the Bible or Koran through vaguely scientific statements. They were not written as Science books ! Science comes from theorising and experimenting with the natural world, with hard work and some inspiration of mind (some of which could be from God of course).
One thing we can claim in the christian world is that we haven't greatly hampered the advance of Science for the last 5 centuries - priests have attempting to interfere at times, but the teaching of Christ has forbade the censoring control that many statements of Mohammed encourage.
2007-07-17 05:17:03
answer #3
answered by Cader and Glyder scrambler 7
I think that even in ancient days, people had eyes, and that even ancient sailors could clearly see that in areas where two different seas met, the waters did not easily mix. No one needed either the invention of science or a scientist to teach them common sense.
I hate the modern idea that ancient people were somehow stupid, and could not observe nature without some miracle to guide them. Maybe they did have supercomputers or atomic bombs, but they still had eyes.
2007-07-17 06:48:51
answer #4
answered by Randy G 7
Something just doesn't add up here. You start out by saying ," Another Question for non-muslims ". Okay, what's the another question ?
At the bottom you mention that modern science recently discovered etc etc etc. Where ? Give some exact locations, so we can check them out.
"Holy" books say a lot, and much of what is written in them can't be proven by science or close examination.
What your "question" is could be called promotion.
This isn't the place for that.
2007-07-17 04:59:07
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
What do I think about it? So what? I know God's real and the Bible is way more accurate than the Koran. Besides, did you know the Koran says that Jesus is Messiah and Muhammad himself in the Book of Sure(I thinks that is how it is spelled) says that he is nothing more than a prophet, no greater than any other prophet? So the Koran says that two waters that are different are beside each other....and Isaiah said that a Messiah and Savior would be born of a virgin, a poor carpenter born in Bethlehem, rejected by his people, hung on a wooden cross and beaten and pierced, but no broken bones, give up his spirit, and rise on the third day. A little more specific, true and way more important. :-)
2007-07-17 05:06:11
answer #6
answered by Julia 4
Nothing that paleolithic common sense couldn't figure out.
Since we're off topic and this isn't really a question (although I must admit this is a Khalid E question, in some way), time for a joke:
Q. How do they change light bulbs in the islamic science museums?
A. They don't. They use state-of-the-art torches !
OK this joke is getting old, I know...
2007-07-17 04:57:42
answer #7
answered by par1138 • FCD 4
Have a look to Upanishad. People knew a lots about our Universe already 5'000 years ago .... It is just a matter of getting interested in other Cultures, not just the one of Middle-East (Holy Books related). Inner Light.
2007-07-17 05:11:51
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
Id tend to find the scientificly accurate statments on the quran more intersting and worth looking into if the book didnt clearly disagree and contridict itself like 20 times over. But, interesting research non-the less.
2007-07-17 04:55:13
answer #9
answered by Inle' 2
If the Koran had been specific in the explanation, then it would be believable. But, it is vague, and people use vague statements to "prove" all sorts of things after various discoveries to show that they religion is true. If you need to play these games, then maybe you should question your faith because it is not very strong.
2007-07-17 04:52:48
answer #10
answered by Your Best Fiend 6
So what. If I say that "All bachelors are unmarried men" and "they are unmarried because they are ugly", the first statement being true doesn't mean that the second one is true.
Just like there is a place where the two types of water meet, but it wasn't God as he isn't real.
2007-07-17 04:57:13
answer #11
answered by eckzl 4