It's not a quite person, it's a quiet person.
Other examples:
There are quite a lot of comics in the closet.
I'm quite tired.
I'm having quite a nice time.
Maybe it means something like "assez." I'm not sure, though. I studied French a hundred years ago.
2007-07-17 01:57:12
answer #1
answered by Insanity 5
0⤋ Unabridged (v 1.1) - Cite This Source
quite /kwaɪt/ Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronunciation[kwahyt] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation
–adverb 1. completely, wholly, or entirely: quite the reverse; not quite finished.
2. actually, really, or truly: quite a sudden change.
3. to a considerable extent or degree: quite small; quite objectionable.
[Origin: 1300–50; ME, adv. use of quit(e), a var. of quit(te) quit1, the meaning of the two forms not being distinct in ME] Unabridged (v 1.1)
Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2006.
American Heritage Dictionary - Cite This Source quite (kwīt) Pronunciation Key
To the greatest extent; completely: quite alone; not quite finished. See Usage Note at perfect.
Actually; really: I'm quite positive about it.
To a degree; rather: quite soon; quite tasty.
[Middle English, from quite, clear, free, from Old French, from Latin quiÄtus, freed; see quiet.]
(Download Now or Buy the Book) The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition
Copyright © 2006 by Houghton Mifflin Company.
Published by Houghton Mifflin Company. All rights reserved.
Online Etymology Dictionary - Cite This Source
c.1330, adverbial form of M.E. quit, quite (adj.) "free, clear" (see quit). Originally "thoroughly;" the weaker sense of "fairly" is attested from mid-19c.
Online Etymology Dictionary, © 2001 Douglas Harper
WordNet - Cite This Source quite
1. to a degree (not used with a negative); "quite tasty"; "quite soon"; "quite ill"; "quite rich"
2. to the greatest extent; completely; "you're quite right"; "she was quite alone"; "was quite mistaken"; "quite the opposite"; "not quite finished"; "did not quite make it"
3. of an unusually noticeable or exceptional or remarkable kind (not used with a negative); "her victory was quite something"; "she's quite a girl"; "quite a film"; "quite a walk"; "we've had quite an afternoon"
4. actually or truly or to an extreme; "was quite a sudden change"; "it's quite the thing to do"; "quite the rage"; "Quite so!"
WordNet® 3.0, © 2006 by Princeton University.
Kernerman English Multilingual Dictionary (Beta Version) - Cite This Source
quite1 [kwait] adverb
completely; entirely
Example: This is quite impossible. Arabic: تÙÙ
Chinese (Simplified): å®å
Chinese (Traditional): å®å
Czech: naprosto; úplnÄ
Danish: helt
Dutch: volkomen
Estonian: täiesti
Finnish: täysin
French: tout à fait
German: ganz
Greek: ενÏελÏÏ
Hungarian: egész(en)
Icelandic: algerlega
Indonesian: sepenuhnya
Italian: completamente, del tutto*
Japanese: å
Korean: ì ì ì¼ë¡, ìì í
Latvian: pilnīgi; galīgi
Lithuanian: visiškai
Norwegian: helt, fullstendig, absolutt
Polish: caÅkowicie
Portuguese (Brazil): totalmente
Portuguese (Portugal): completamente
Romanian: cu totul
Russian: ÑовеÑÑенно
Slovak: úplne
Slovenian: popolnoma
Spanish: totalmente
Swedish: alldeles, fullkomligt
Turkish: tamamen
quite2 [kwait] adverb
fairly; rather; to a certain extent
Example: It's quite warm today; He's quite a good artist; I quite like the idea. Arabic: Ø¥ÙÙ ØÙدÙÙ Ù
Chinese (Simplified): ç¸å½
Chinese (Traditional): ç¸ç¶
Czech: dosti, docela
Danish: ret; nogenlunde
Dutch: nogal
Estonian: üsna
Finnish: melko
French: assez, plutôt
German: ganz
Greek: μάλλον, αÏκεÏά, Ïε κάÏοιο βαθμÏ
Hungarian: meglehetÅsen
Icelandic: þó nokkuð, ansi; verulega
Indonesian: cukup
Italian: abbastanza, piuttosto
Japanese: ããªã
Korean: ìë¹í, ì ë²
Latvian: visai; diezgan
Lithuanian: gana, ganÄtinai
Norwegian: ganske, temmelig, nokså
Polish: caÅkiem
Portuguese (Brazil): bastante, razoavelmente
Portuguese (Portugal): bastante
Romanian: destul de
Russian: доволÑно, вполне
Slovak: dosť, celkom
Slovenian: precej
Spanish: bastante
Swedish: ganska, riktigt
Turkish: bir hayli, epeyce
quite [kwait] interjection
exactly; indeed; I agree
Example: `I think he is being unfair to her.' `Quite'. Arabic: باÙضÙÙبÙØ·Ø ÙÙعÙÙا!
Chinese (Simplified): çç¡®
Chinese (Traditional): ç確
Czech: opravdu
Danish: det er klart
Dutch: precies
Estonian: just!
Finnish: totta
French: d'accord, en effet
German: durchaus
Greek: μάλλον, ναι (εÏιÏ.)
Hungarian: meglehetÅsen
Icelandic: einmitt! sammála!
Indonesian: setuju
Italian: certo, proprio
Japanese: ãã®éã
Latvian: tieÅ¡i tÄ; kÄ tad!
Lithuanian: (tikrai) taip
Norwegian: akkurat!; (helt) riktig!
Polish: WÅaÅnie!
Portuguese (Brazil): de fato
Portuguese (Portugal): exactamente
Romanian: într-adeÂvÄr, de acord
Russian: (воÑ) именно; ÑоглаÑен
Slovak: naozaj
Slovenian: toÄno
Spanish: pues sÃ, asà es
Swedish: alldeles riktigt, just det
Turkish: Kesinlikle; Gerçekten öyle
Kernerman English Multilingual Dictionary (Beta Version), © 2000-2006 K Dictionaries Ltd.
2007-07-17 08:54:39
answer #3
answered by Michelle 2