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23 answers

Nothing, that I am aware of, but nor does it mention directly, to the best of my knowledge, abortion, surrogacy, cloning etc.

The bible isn't written as a legal document, crossing every T and dotting every I. It recognises a spiritual dimension which leads me to think that we should not be preoccupied with physical survival to the point where we are prepared to go to any length's to achieve it. By doing this we are denying the spiritual realm which we should have the faith and courage to accept when our time is due.

Because of the above, I am deeply uneasy about how easy we seem to assume that moving spare parts between bodies is OK. We have to remember, that someone has to die in order for an organ to be made available. People in Pakistan are actually selling them. Does it not lead us further down the road of seeing Human Beings as a collection of spare parts? Given that there are many other medical proceedures in the modern world that also encourage this.

I personally believe that we have set in train a rather dangerous attitude toward the sanctity of human life, one that I am sure we will take to the next stage, perhaps raising questions such as, "should this person be allowed to live" when he can save this much younger person?

Nature also has a say in human transplants. They often fail, and when they don't, it is only because of the administration of anti-rejection drugs. Therefore, even the human body is saying it is wrong. They have also discovered something rather remarkable recently, that is, organs within the body communicate with the brain at the molecular level. The recipient of a heart transplant from an accomplished musician started to display an interest in, and an ability to play, a musical instrument that the donar had played. There is more going on here than meets the eye, and we should be very wary of the unknown and the unknowable.

None of this will cut any ice with people who don't believe in God, or those who are able to convince themselves that it isn't relevant. But can you be so sure? As we head ever nearer to compulsory donation.

Those that agree with organ donation will often say to people like me, what if your child needed one? Could this question one day be, do you want to live a thousand years, or maybe, for ever? They are both unreasonable questions, because I shouldn't be given the choice.

2007-07-16 23:40:14 · answer #1 · answered by Veritas 7 · 0 1

The Bible says nothing about donating organs because the concept did not exist when the writers of the books of the Bible lived.
But, the Bible teaches us to do everything we can to help our fellow man. There is a story of a man who owned one cloak. And another who owned none. So they took turns wearing the cloak.
We must share what little we have with the less fortunate.
And if you are dead...why do you need that organ?
It will just rot in your grave.
Why not let that organ help someone else live?
Why not donate a cornea so that a blind man can see?
Isn't that what the Bible teaches us?
That Christ walked among men - raised Lazersous from the grave- Made the blind see....
If you donate a heart at the moment of your death and it saves a life- have you not done just what Christ did- helped another to live?
Organ donation is your Christian Duty.
Most American Churches, Synagogs and Mosques are coming onboard with this outlook.
Talk to your minister of faith.

2007-07-17 05:07:41 · answer #2 · answered by Evie 2 · 4 1

From the first church founded by Jesus Christ : GREEK ORTHODOX
According to spokesperson, Reverend Dr. Milton Efthimiou, director of the Department of Church and Society for the Greek Orthodox Church of North and South America, the Greek Orthodox Church is not opposed to organ donation as long as the organs and tissues in question are used to better human life, i.e., for transplantation or for research that will lead to improvements in the treatment and prevention of disease.

2007-07-17 05:09:49 · answer #3 · answered by k 1 · 0 1

WWJD? Don't take your organs to Heaven. God knows we need them here.
As for Jewish people not being able to donate organs in order to save a life, wrong.
Organ donation is permitted in the case when an organ is needed for a specific, immediate transplant. In such a case, it is a great mitzvah for a Jew to donate organs to save another person's life. Organ donation is not necessarily limited to dead people: Someone who can afford to spare a kidney, for example, may donate one to someone in need.
And finally, if your daughter needed one of your organs or she would die, would you really be concerned with what the Bible said or would you save your child?

2007-07-17 05:04:56 · answer #4 · answered by Pangloss (Ancora Imparo) AFA 7 · 1 1

obsolutely nothing, organ transplantation was not possible when the bible was written. The bible does say to help your fellow man if he needs it.

so sign up for organ donation your death could save as many as 10 lives! (im not joking)

2007-07-17 05:12:16 · answer #5 · answered by mrzwink 7 · 1 1

In the plain sence no.

for a Christian - Corinthians I 6:20 For ye are bought with a price: therefore glorify God in your body, and in your spirit, which are God's

If giving a body organ can glorify God, but only in SALVATION

It is really a hard question if you want BOOK CHAPTER VERSE. If it is that way - no

God says with the CHristian: Philippians 3:21 Who shall change our vile body, that it may be fashioned like unto his glorious body, according to the working whereby he is able even to subdue all things unto himself.

when we die this flesh will rot in the ground, water, whereever.

Is it a sin. No. Giving blood a sin? No God told you it was all the same blood... Acts 17:26 And hath made of one blood all nations of men for to dwell on all the face of the earth, and hath determined the times before appointed, and the bounds of their habitation;
Acts 17:27 That they should seek the Lord, if haply they might feel after him, and find him, though he be not far from every one of us:

I quoted ALL verses because some groups will you this verse to prove 'we all should dwell together' when God has put boundaries of men.

The life you may save, may lead that person to 2nd chance to believing on Christ

2007-07-17 05:17:51 · answer #6 · answered by readthekjv1611@sbcglobal.net 4 · 0 1

I believe it says: do not give organs to the rich.

Is it not amazing that the only commodity of which the poor have more than the rich on this planet is supposed to be given away for free?

2007-07-17 23:07:19 · answer #7 · answered by kwistenbiebel 5 · 0 0

hmmm... i don't think there was much organ-doning in biblical days, but the bible talks a lot about giving, throughout both the old and new testaments, and Jesus said that anyone who gives as little as a cup of water to a thirsty man will be rewarded in heaven. imagine how much more you would be rewarded for giving blood.

2007-07-17 05:14:13 · answer #8 · answered by That Guy Drew 6 · 1 1

If I can take my organs w/ me when I die then can I take my clothes as well? I'd hate to run around naked in the afterlife. And what about my CD's? And my cash? They might have some nice shops. I hope I can take my weed, hey god grew it so i'll smoke it. hehehe
hey did they do organ transplants 2,000 yrs ago?
People are suffering and dying needlessy before their time. Go to a childrens hospital and tell me you are christian yet won't sign a donor card.

2007-07-17 05:14:58 · answer #9 · answered by Sandy B 2 · 0 2

i will just put it like this... if the bible says it is wrong that a person should not donate organs, then ask for the verse.....
THERE IS NONE :) u r saving a persons life... jesus takes joy when he sees someone help out of the goodness and kindness of their heart....the bible say "ask and it shall be recieved". if someone tells u other wise, it is made up do not believe it.... :)

2007-07-17 05:03:50 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 2 2

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