You cannot make someone do something. No matter how bad you believe something is, there are people that think there is nothing wrong with it. You can't make someone do something. You can, however, accept someone as they are with their faults. I'm sure you have faults as well.
2007-07-16 16:05:54
answer #1
answered by One Odd Duck 6
You can not "stop" anyone from smoking or doing drugs. If a person with a drug problem can be convinced to attend a rehab program, that might be a starting point, but unless the person truly wants to break the habit, whatever it is, that person will most likely relapse. An epiphany is actually what is required! I formerly smoked cigarettes and was sitting upon my lanai one Sunday morning doing the crossword puzzle from the newspaper and chain smoking when suddenly the thought occurred to me, probably as I was coughing, that I might just as well be burning dollar bills as smoking tobacco. I decided at that moment to quit, and I have never smoked again even though I had two unopened packs of cigarettes in my apartment for years after I stopped smoking which was one of the best decisions I've ever made. I would not ever consider smoking; at this point, it's as if I never had.
2007-07-16 16:08:42
answer #2
answered by Lynci 7
It is up to the Government's to stop the sale of all these thing's,we on the other hand pay the Government's to do this job.BUT there are some people out there who are not honest and want a lot more money SO,they use the governing bodies to help them rip us off,and the drug pusher's to get more money.Let's look at Columbia,in this area they grow drug's supposedly for medicinal purposes
in certain areas,but under the guise of this they exploit the
locals into selling there wares to minor's,then when the minor's can't afford to get the drug for themselves,they start
selling them to get the money to get their next" fix" and so on
& so fourth,it's the same in every other country,and it's the same with tobacco,the seller's don't care about anything bar money,our health is our own and we alone have the control over it ,but drug's such as tobacco,heroin,cocaine,and all other drug's put the mind on hold.Once addicted we are at their mercy,we have to have WILL POWER and an uncorruptable governing body Who will stand up to be Counted!!
2007-07-16 16:06:41
answer #3
answered by the-Devil-is-King 2
We can't stop them. Speaking as a reformed smoker, I know that for a fact. Only people themselves can do this, and it is hard. What nonsmokers can do is lend support and encouragement. Moralizing and outlining all the health hazards and economic costs will do not one bit of good. Every smoker knows about them. They aren't dumb; they're addicted. I quit because I surrendered. Call it ridiculous if you'd like but, each day for about two years, I prayed this prayer: "Lord, I have tried to quit smoking more times than I can remember. I have failed miserably. I can't do it, so you will have to. I need a miracle, Lord, and I need one fast (I was 52 at the time with a family history of heart disease). Please help me." Then one day a colleague at work told me about a friend of hers who was in the same boat as I. This person got a prescription for a drug called Zyban. It was initially prescribed for people as an anti-depressant. However, many people who took it claimed cigarette smoking had lost its appeal, and they wound up quitting. Her friend quit when nothing else had worked. I talked to my doctor who wrote me a prescription. Long story short - I quit and haven't had a smoke of any kind since September 8, 2000. That's how God worked His miracle. So, why not spread that story to anyone you know who smokes? Perhaps this drug will help them. I share it with smokers I know, and some have quit because of it. It doesn't work for everyone, but it works for enough to make it worth the try. Good luck!
2007-07-16 16:02:31
answer #4
answered by Caesar 3
simply put, you cannot.
drugs are illegal. and could be stopped if the penalties became such that the reward for selling them was no longer worth the risk.
cigaretts may one day be illegal. but Tobacco usage is protected under the religious freedom laws. and it is a part of my religion. thus you can not stop me from smoking.
you can stop people from smoking in enclosed public spaces (which i support)
you can stop them from smoking in certain areas of a city, like near schools and doctor's offices (which i support)
but in my home, or in my car, i will smoke whenever i want to.
granted that because it is mostly fro spiritual reasons that i smoke this happens on rare occasion. but i still have the right to do it.
2007-07-16 15:53:10
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
You cannot... People will do what they will do. They do not care if things are bad for them.
To those who say, make them illegal.. you are young and unstudied. Go look up "prohibition"... By trying to make alcohol illegal it raised the prices, created a crime problem, and didn't stop drinking. The same can be said for the current "war on drugs". If they were legal, they would cost less, so there wouldn't be any crime associated with getting money to pay for them, there wouldn't be criminal interest in production and sales because there wouldn't be any money in it, and the government wouldn't spend every more money trying to stop it.
2007-07-16 15:57:33
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
You can't stop people from doing what they want.
Many atheists want to stop the religious from believe in what they call myths and "sky daddy" the most radical of these are the communists who will put you up against a wall and execute you for holding on to your beliefs.
How far will you go to stop smokers. Execute them.
There's a lot of people out there who say the religious ABUSING their children with this GOD stuff and they would like to STOP IT, by any means possible.
Does that make you one of their kindred!
2007-07-16 15:52:40
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
That's the million dollar question. If we could answer that then the world would be a much healther place!
My parents both died of smoke related illnesses. A tragedy since my brother, sister and I begged them to stop smoking.
You can't make someone stop if they don't want to.
2007-07-16 15:50:11
answer #8
answered by Clueless 5
100% Natural Quit Smoking Magic :
2016-01-30 01:28:12
answer #9
answered by Hilda 3
Maybe you should stop believing the government lies about cigarettes and drugs and let people live their lives. What other people put into their bodies is none of your business.
2007-07-16 15:49:13
answer #10
answered by anonymous 6