Because you do it at the same time it always gives the same time, do it at a different time that solves your problem
2007-07-16 15:29:57
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
You've just gotten in the habit of looking at the clock at the exact same time everyday. During the summer, I wake up at exactly 6:40 every day, without an alarm, because I'm used to waking up then for school with an alarm. And I probably look at the clock every day at the exact same time (maybe 6:32), but don't remember it because it's not a number I remember. But if I look at the clock at 11:34, 11:11, 1:11, or 3:11 (band), I always do a double take, because I associate with that number. I probably look at 6:32 just as much as 11:11, but I only remember 11:11 because it's easy to remember. You only find these things when you're looking for them (or have some kind of connection or previous knowledge like knowing 11:34=hell), I read an article on it, it happens a lot in every day life with many things. It's not that the number is special, it's that the number is memorable. Try thinking of a time like 8:43, and you'll find you see 8:43 on the clock more.
2007-07-16 15:32:24
answer #2
answered by camof2009 2
honestly 23reasons, I think it's that you have trained your mind to be alert at that paricular time.
It's happened to me before - Iwould look at the clock for a few days in a row and it would always be 4:00 or something. I was expecting my husband home "any minute", but it would always be the same time no matter when he came home... or something like that.
I think it's a total coincidence that 11:34 spells hell upside down.
Don't pay it any mind but to say a little prayer each time you see it from now until the subliminal message stops. And don't think about what it says upside down. I agree with the first poster - "look up" to the face of Jesus.
blessings dear :)
2007-07-16 15:38:41
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
Personally...around 11:30 is a time people are commonly doing some routine daily thing, either some activity at work, some morning routine, or settling down at's pretty easy to 'feel' when it's around that time of night or morning and you could be so used to looking at the clock around that time that you do...though 11:34 in particular just happens to like you it seems, though it still could be a coincidence because you are used to looking at the clock around that time.
Btw, I'm an atheist 111er...though mine also happens with license plates and elsewhere, not just the clock.
2007-07-16 15:31:09
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
there is no place on this earth where God isnt, so you cant run from God, its just a matter of how much you ignore him. nothing is a coincidence. that is just a word we made up to hide from the fact that Gods hand is everywhere and he really does care about our everyday 'mundane' lives. this might be Gods way of reminding you hes there and you have a choice to make. the fact that you remembered this for so long and are concerned at the connection it made with you, sounds like you believe, on some level, that God is trying to get your attention. if you didnt feel that to some extent, then the numbers wouldnt bother you. if it has concerned you this much then dont let someone blow it off. ask others about it. ask christian friends or relatives or coworkers what their take is on the matter. and let them know this really matters to you, so they dont say any old thing, but stop to think of an answer for you.
2007-07-16 15:39:12
answer #5
answered by super_corrie 2
Yes, definitely means something to your subconscious.
- don't just look at the 'message' in isolation and panic - it's sort of like a recurring dream.
It definitely is a message to you to catch your attention about something. Try linking it with the circumstances and thoughts that you encounter when you see it. Think what frame of mind you were in when you first saw it or what was and still is happening in your life.
If you think it means 'hell' - look at where you are and how you feel and who you are with - maybe the traffic conditions are 'hell' or maybe the weather is as hot as 'hell', or the way you feel is bad as 'hell', or maybe someone is as angry as 'hell' or what you see in the papers shows people living in 'hell'.
The fact that what you see is 'upside down' could mean that something in your life is or could be 'like hell' and turned 'upside' down.
Could be a message or warning - that you need to see, just in 'time,' that what is 'written' at this 'time' could be 'hell' if you allow it to be turned upside down.
When you find your link - my guess is that you will stop seeing the 'message'.
Happens to me with songs. Sometimes when i think of something - a song will play on the radio with exactly the same thought and sometimes it will play over and over in my mind until i 'get it' and see the link..
2007-07-16 17:46:23
answer #6
answered by feath 2
It's a combination of coincidence and fantasy.
You've built this up in your mind so much that you go out of your way to forget the dozen or so times you've looked at the clock at another time, yet focus on the one or two that you have seen it at that time.
2007-07-16 15:33:57
answer #7
answered by Yoda Green 5
I get 11:11 am and pm
That's something that must have meaning. My Mom get's the same and so do a lot of other people.
2007-07-16 15:32:11
answer #8
answered by Marla ™ 5
In Islam we have certain prayers that protect us from this creepy stuff. I could give you one if you'd like. I believe what u r saying and that there must be something weird behind it. I know what it's like to have a weird coincidence that no one else believes.
2007-07-16 17:37:09
answer #9
answered by justmyinput 5
My son and I both have that. His is 1010 and mine's 1111. He was even born at 10:10pm at night!
2007-07-16 15:31:24
answer #10
answered by AVAB 2