Matthew 27:46 And about the ninth hour Jesus cried with a loud voice, saying, Eli, Eli, lama sabachthani? that is to say, My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?
Jesus is god, correct? He had to know before creation he'd be nailed to a cross, right? Because god is omnipotent, right?
So why is he asking himself why has he forsaken himself?
Was he nuts?
19 answers
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Society & Culture
➔ Religion & Spirituality
Ray, are you telling me that this trinity has NO IDEA what each other is doing?
But aren't each god?
Therefore aren't they all omnipotent?
If not, then maybe one is Satan and the other 2 just don't know....
14:17:03 ·
update #1
Someone may have asked this question bwlobo, but it wasn't me (unless it was months ago & I don't remember, so I'm entitled to ask again). Besides, what difference does that make to you answering the question?
14:18:25 ·
update #2
Perhaps one of the less popular ideas about Jesus will satisfy your doubt...
Jesus could be speaking as a mere man, believing of himself that he's mortal rather than an immortal and believing also that son of god is equal to son of man...
Jesus and the story of Jesus could be a complete fraud...
Jesus could be merely a prophet as it was later told by Muhammad and believed by the Muslim faith...
Jesus could just be lamenting in pain...
But, of course, you could be right... he could have been a nutter and perhaps that's a true enough statement.
[][][] r u randy? [][][]
2007-07-16 22:16:15
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
Philippians 2:6 Who, being in the form of God, thought it not robbery to be equal with God:
Jesus was in the form of God, but came to earth in the form of a man. He left all of His Godly power in heaven and limited himself to those things that man can do through the Holy Spirit. At that point in time the presence of the Father could not be felt by Him. He bore the separation that believers would feel if He did not bare it. All those that reject Jesus will have to experience the separation.
2007-07-16 21:32:19
answer #2
answered by wordoflifeb216 3
One God, three Persons (God the Father, God the Son, the Holy Spirit). NOT three separate Gods, but one God in three Persons. Therefore, Jesus was talking to God the Father. They are not the same Person of the Trinity.
2007-07-16 21:20:48
answer #3
answered by Deof Movestofca 7
There is two sides to Jesus. There is the spiritual and there is the human. What you heard was the human. What you saw was the spiritual on the cross. John 17 Jesus said, And now, O Father, glorify thou me with thine own self with the glory which I had with thee before the world was. Does this sound like a man that thought he was being forsaken?
Jesus wanted us to know that as long as we are obedience to the Father we have nothing to worry about, but it doesn't mean our human side won't come out from time to time.
2007-07-16 21:23:28
answer #4
answered by I Wanna Know 3
One he was the son of God and had taken on all the sins of mankind.
Two God is holy and cannot accept sin so God turned his back on his son UNTIL he rose again from the dead. By that seperation and taking on of all our punishment is there the hope of salvation! God wants a relationship with the stubborn, sinful, etc. humans bad enough that he sent his son to take the punishment we couldn't pay and give us that hope of salvation... Love... makes people (and God) do the strangest things..
Third... it was for this purpose he was sent and God knows the beginning and the ending and if you think about it maybe your asking these questions is his way of trying to get your attention.
"100 per cent of us die, and the percentage cannot be increased." - C.S. Lewis
"Christ died for men precisely because men are not worth dying for; to make them worth it." - C.S. Lewis
2007-07-16 22:27:13
answer #5
answered by Pilgrim in the land of the lost 5
When Jesus came to earth in human form, he was separate from God in the same way we are. Yes, they are three parts of the same whole, but in this miraculous time, Jesus was truly as the humans are. And at that pivotal moment he felt as we do sometimes, alone.
2007-07-16 21:18:04
answer #6
answered by B 4
Yes, Christ knew that he would be cruified and this was from the beginning. For the word says he was crucified before the foundation of the world. As one of my beloved teachers commonly said that before creation they had a divine meeting, that Christ agreed to become the Savior of man, after his fall, and the Spirit agreed to make men born of God, born of the Spirit, so that He might indwell them. God the Father agreed to send the Son into the World - His Only Begotten Son who came from the Father full of grace and truth, He allowed man to do their worst, and not send them to Hell prematurely, or destroy them outright. the Father planned the Son died and rose again for and the Holy Spirit made every one quickened, that they may walk with Him forever.
When Jesus cried out "Eloi Eloi lama sabacthani" He had just taken upon Himself the sins of the world, and God the Father turned his back and rejected his cries because He was bearing the sins of the world yours and mine, Christ was forsaken for my sins, he was cast off, he took my punishment he took your punishment your death your hell and paved the way that by Grace you can be saved and this not of yourself lest any man should boast
Yes Jesus is the Almighty God, He created all that was made that has been made He is the Eternal God.
Christ identified himself with mankind.
Christ took our hell so we may take his heaven
Christ took our death so we may have his Life - eternal life
Christ took our sins so that we may have his righteousness
Christ took our humanity so that we may be partakers of God's divine nature
Christ took our nature though he did not sin, so that we may become children of God.
What an exchange!
Who would not want that!
What is keeping you?
He is holding all of this out to them that believe in His name for the forgiveness of sins
2007-07-16 21:37:00
answer #7
answered by ? 7
a part of God was hanging on the cross and all the burden of the worlds sins were on Him...... He was feeling lost and hopeless and so far away from the spiritual life.... for the first time .... and He experienced the way we feel when we realize how far away we are from God
2007-07-16 21:22:21
answer #8
answered by zee zee 6
Perhaps it will help to know several things were going on on that cross at one time. First, God sent His Son, Jesus, to earth on a mission. Jesus lay down His Godly powers to be born in human form. While on earth, He didn't use His own powers but prayed to God the Father for help in all He did, even the miracles. While in human form, He never sinned. This qualified Him to be the blood sacrifice on the cross for the sins of mankind (a perfect, sinless, spotless blood sacrifice was required). His humanity and His perfection made Him an acceptable sacrifice. So, His mission basically was to die for mankind, to be buried and to rise again, conquering death, hell, and the grave on behalf of mankind. He did that.
Now, at the moment all went dark and Christ cried out to the Father, "Why have you forsaken me?"....this is what's going on: At that moment, Christ took on all the sins of mankind, past, present, and future. He became sin on that cross. God cannot look upon sin and He turned away for that moment in time. Christ truly was alone on that cross at that moment. The only time He prayed to His Father and God was not available to answer Him. It was a horrible moment for God the Father and God the Son. It was a sacrifice they both made in order to redeem mankind from hell. Our salvation was bought with the highest price ever made on behalf of another.
You're right to assume Christ knew what sacrifice He would make. It is evident when He prays in the garden that He knows what is required of Him. He could have refused, but He didn't. He went to the slaughter as a lamb.....willingly. No, He wasn't nuts. He just loves with a Godly love that humans can't fully understand. The scripture says He could have called 10,000 angels to free Him from the cross.....but, remember He willingly lay down all His Godly powers when He came to earth in the form of a human baby. For 33 years he lived on earth depending only on His heavenly Father for all His needs. In obedience to the Father's request, He lay down His life for mankind. In that ninth hour, He gave up His life for us.......alone......without God's presence.........willingly.
That's the crux of the salvation message.....Christ died for us. Believe and receive Him as your Savior.....He is the only way to God.\
I hope that helps in your understanding of this passage. God bless you.
2007-07-16 21:44:19
answer #9
answered by Joyful Noise 5
You are right , Jesus was the firstson of God or first angel of God, all angels are sons of God if you read the book of Job 1:6 and 2:1 you will see how the bible call angels "sons" and the bible says in John 3:16 that God sent his son, so he was a son before came to earth, now which one? the first of them according to Colossians 1:15-17. the first angel was the one that God almighty sent, yes he is a god cause all angels the bible call them "gods" in Psalms 82:1-6 you can read it, and he is the most powerful angel you can see it in Revelation 10:1.
Have you notice how many thumbs down from Christians ? they think that they believe in the bible but they don´t believe in the whole bible only in the part that fit their belief, no matter if is right or wrong.
That is why they talk about Jesus and God like two different persons cause they are different, but even that they don´t admit it.
But of course the Catholic Church invented this lie, also the concept of hell (Which they changed 8 years ago) , Limbo, etc but if you notice they are receiving a punishment for been lying all this centuries, also Protestants support this lie, If I show you the verse on John 1:1 in greek you will see that wasn´t written in the way that in the majority of bibles are translated it, would you like to see it? it is easy.
2007-07-16 21:15:31
answer #10
answered by Anonymous