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Do you feel god?

Does god actually talk to you with words?

One of the intial reasons I became atheist is because I felt no "presence" and felt like I was talking to a wall when I was praying.

I just want to know if it's just me. Yes I talked to a pastor. Yes I asked god to come before me. Perhaps I'm an empty shell =P

2007-07-16 13:36:05 · 30 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

30 answers

I'm an Atheist, too, and have never felt a presence from God. I have to say, though, that I had a Christian once tell me that God, a supernatural being, operates through mankind, human beings. Although I don't believe in God, I have to say I like this thinking. If God exists, he exists in the good and decent actions of good and decent people.

2007-07-16 13:43:15 · answer #1 · answered by Jack B, sinistral 5 · 2 0

I am a proud pagan, i left the catholic church because i felt that i was being called to serve a differant faith and that the God of the catholic faith was not talking to me or doing much for me or those i asked him to help. Maybe it was that God that told me to go to a new faith either way im happy with having left the church.
I feel God, I feel many Gods and even Goddesses. I feel their presence around me all the time I see them everywhere i see them in nature.
They do talk to me alot, at least when i have opened myself up and am willing and ready to receive what they have to say to me. When i dont hear the words i feel them push me towards a certain objective.
Sometimes talking to a pastor or religious figure wont be able to do you any good because they cant fully relate to you since they see you only so often, and its usually when a ritual is in progress or just ended. They are good advisors but they cant help you with everything. There are many people in your position in the world and everyone handles it differantly. I dont think your an empty shell, i think maybe you have not fully found a way to access the core of your soul and let it speak to you. Once that happens it will show you what it believes and you can choose what to do from there. I too talked with a priest before i left the church, and he even confirmed my thinking of leaving, he said that the night before i made my decision he was making a sermon and that the holy spirit spoke to him saying that someone would approach him and say they were leaving the church and that he must accept it and not try to bring this person back to church because its something that must be done. The next day i approached him after mass and told him i made the choice to leave the church and he said are you sure and i simply said yes, and he then told me about what was said to him the night before. In the end i was the only person to leave the church that day, even that year. I look back on it and think it was one of the best days for me. I hope that if you are meant to be part of a religion that you find it if not, then so be it but always know the Gods and Goddesses will always be there trying to speak to you. One day your path will become clear for you. Have Faith(i know thats kinda ironic to say) and Good luck.

2007-07-16 20:53:26 · answer #2 · answered by Benotafraid 3 · 1 1

Dear Lindz:

I would say that God does not talk to us with words but certainly with guidance. What you are feeling (talking to a wall) I would have to say is natural if you are looking for a quick response. God is not a magician and in my case I am to insignificant for him to come before me moreover; I could only hope that when it is my time I could come before him. Of course when I read your question my first thought was that he is already present in your life and more than likely always has been. I applaued you for having courage enough to ask. And I would further say that you are far from being an empy shell. Let him be your guide and friend. After all how many friends do you have that just listen?

Best wishes,

2007-07-16 21:07:17 · answer #3 · answered by Fresh choice 4 · 0 0

No where are we told that we will feel God. What we are told is to have faith. Trust a being that you can't prove is even there. I can give you the reasons for faith God has shown me.. I was a Christian for years before I felt anything. When I finally did it was a sweet affirmation of my faith not a reason to for it. I guess it is easier to abandon the reason for faith God shows us in His word and jump into an idea the life could as if by magic POP into existence.. I have PROOF that shows that life had to be created that spontaneous life is impossible. Maybe you have never considered these things most that affirm atheism have not Maybe to "feel" God the way you say you need to you might start thinking about it... Jim

2007-07-16 21:52:45 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

God is not out there, he is every where.
You know that feel you get when you see a beautiful sunset, that is God, when you see a new baby, when you run and get a good work out and feel fit and healthy that too is GOD.

Many will not agree with me but, God is not a person, a place far away. He is the source of all things. Every aspect of the universe is a reflection of his light.

And we delight when we witness, and are aware of this light where ever we see it. In my opinion maybe you feel it so naturally that you don't even know when you are doing it.

And when you try to do it you think it shoudl feel different.
Like you can't get to the moon if you are already on it!

Just relax, don't try to figure it out, just feel that energy that connects you to all things, and delight in it when you see it around you!

In Peace!

2007-07-17 07:39:39 · answer #5 · answered by Delighted 3 · 0 0

In words? God talks in so many ways. He even speaks through people by the power of his Holy Spirit. We need to look and reflect on who God realy is, and how great he is. Ok God never verbaly talked to me in words that I could hear but he did send a Angel to me once that spoke to me. The Angel awoke me in the midle of the night from my sleep. the Angel hoverd over the door of my room above the house. He sounded like a trumpet with the tone of midle-C, and out of the sound I understood what he said. He said Jesus Christ is God and he came to the earth in the flesh, FAST! That was all he said, I never herd anything else. I sure did see a lot of spiritual ware fare after that though. True story.

2007-07-16 20:49:46 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

No, it's not just you. I feel the same way. So many people in my church say or at least imply that they sense God or "hear" God, and I have never experienced that. I figure I'm not spiritual enough or I sin too much for Him to even want to associate with me. Even when I feel like a half decent person trying to spend time with Him, I feel empty. I envy people who can sense God.

2007-07-16 20:43:47 · answer #7 · answered by Starfall 6 · 0 0

OMG whoever told you that god is within you or god actaully talks to you is nutso. And i'd like to know what they are "feeling or hearing". Anyway, the bible is whats left for us human being to Keep in touch with him and get to know him. Praying DOES feel weird. You shouldnt have talked to the pastor btw cuz he's not going to be helpful. Read the bible BY YOUR SELF starting from matthew because The hebrew scriptures are hard at first. Atheism is something i personally will never truly get. I have felt like you but i read into history and the bible to make it real to me. Jesus did exit BTW. And whoever says before jesus there wasnt a big deal about god...ARE liars. The whole Isrealite account clarifies that!! I dont believe in the trinity. I dunno why i said that but yea...anyway. Hope i helped. Your not an empty shell, i felt like that for a while.

2007-07-16 20:44:33 · answer #8 · answered by jrichelled 3 · 0 1

Yes and yes.

Listen, if you got Born-Again, your Still BORN-AGAIN.
Your still GOD's Kid if you ever Asked Jesus to come into your Heart (spirit) and Save (Recreate your spirit) YOU!
What you need to Study is PART TWO of being a Child of GOD (this is where you FEEL GOD's Presence)
Part Two: Getting Filled with the Holy Spirit

Kenneth Copeland Ministry
Fort Worth, Texas

They got the Info. on How to be Filled with the Holy Spirit (and Stay Filled too!).
Hope this helps.

2007-07-16 20:44:11 · answer #9 · answered by maguyver727 7 · 0 0

You are not empty dear.
Born again Christians ask the Lord to come into their hearts. They admit to being a sinner and they repent and ask Jesus to forgive them.
Trust me I know how foreign this sounds.

Yes, I've felt God's presence AND I've heard His voice.
I have several whopper stories that I really should write down, but a "cut and paste" isn't usually read here.
If you would like a story or two, email me and I can give you the scaled down version.

yes I'm serious :)

blessings :)

2007-07-16 20:58:10 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

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