that was written 2000 years ago??? not even monkeys do that...
we have a monkey (more or less "intelligent being) and it evolves into a christian (more less than more "intelligent being") where is the evolution in here???
wouldnt it be better to talk about unevolution or disvolution or backvolution or whatever the opposite to evolution is?
37 answers
asked by
Society & Culture
➔ Religion & Spirituality
you answers are proof of my theory of mine how can people be so very "bright" (note- the used of inverted commas (") displays an ironic sense.)
13:27:28 ·
update #1
lindsay hahahhaha you are if you cannot understand me the problem is mine...why not yours??? ´may it not be that you are not the brightest girls around??? (just asking)
13:29:01 ·
update #2
pierre very well!!!! at least someone showing a bit of brains...of course christians are lesser beings...i didnt want to tell it all myself
13:30:37 ·
update #3
vorenhutz..of course there is an opposite to evolution and it is called involution but that would be too difficult a concept for you to understand...i dont want to offend you but i seriously doubt anyone in here will understand a phylosophical concept
13:33:37 ·
update #4
Please rephrase your question so that it is somewhat intelligible. Thank you.
2007-07-16 13:23:10
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
What about intelligence, it can't be taught. But it is sometimes inherited. If a person has a parent with a high IQ, more than likely that individual with also. I have watched many specials, in which, researchers are trying to get chimps to "learn" numbers and the alphabet; so far the results are dismal.
In one of these specials, the researchers could not get the chimps to settle down enough to get through even one exercise. Another shown us that the chimp only pressed the correct response - after - being shown the right one by a researcher.
2007-07-16 13:35:30
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
Answer me this question... How did single cell organisms evolve into multicellular creatures with complicated organs such as hearts and lungs and eyeballs? Evolution is a nice theory and it has certain limited applications, but it can't explain that.
Further, it can't explain certain statistical impossibilities of the simultaneous occurrence of the 20 protein strands necessary for life.
While I am violently against teaching Biblical creationism in science classes, those who believe that evolution is the answer to the question: How did human beings get to be here? are just as naive as those who think that God created the universe in 7 days 4600 years ago.
The answer is... there is something else to it... and we don't know what it is... yet.
2007-07-16 13:35:19
answer #3
answered by Jimee77 4
We are sparks of God. After our initial creation, we evolved to communicate. When we learned to communicate, writings was one way, the bible was compiled. Everything evolves and continues to evolve in all aspects...physical and intelligence. The bible is a compilation of personal diaries, maybe stories (or feelings). The bible has also evolved (rewritten), that is why ( I feel) it can't be trusted. Toooo many manmade changes have been made. Tooo many conflicts in the writings. The bible has some wonderful stories that do, in fact, help us evolve spiritually, not necessarily to be taken as actual facts. There are many other writings that are helpful also. If it speaks to your heart then that is between you and God (s), no others.
2007-07-16 13:40:13
answer #4
answered by kys 4
I love monkeys
whats the best way to test a true Christian?
1. ask them if they are truly Christian
2. pull back hand with palm flat
3. slap them as hard as you can on the cheek
4. see if they turn the other to you..
if not tell them to F off
don't get so worked up man. you'll never get an answer to this question, its impossible. even with all the scientific evidence.
Science is solid the word is put down and changed and changed again. You believe and thats it. Fact or a good ficitional story...
2007-07-16 13:26:18
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
Not only that but some actually believe the universe is only 5000 years old which would throw the dinosaurs right in the toilet. What silly person would think that the dinos were million of years old? Some Christians would.
2007-07-16 13:27:42
answer #6
answered by jason h 3
Cor, blimey! Brilliant! I can't fault your logic. But there are not just Christians in the world, so maybe the Christian is one of the "lesser forms" that may persist even though evolutionary forces make new species, in our evolution from slime molds and wolverines and eventually to Italians...sure the Christian is not going to think straight, but he can still learn a trade, do a job, pay taxes and be kind to his family so the government tolerates them...
2007-07-16 13:26:38
answer #7
answered by PIERRE S 4
I believe in both evolution and a Divine Creator/Creatrix. As proof to evolution, humans have actually evolved physically in the past 100 years let alone the past several centuries. Don't mistake physical evolution for mental evolution though! LOL!
2007-07-16 13:26:07
answer #8
answered by Keltasia 6
Evolution does exist, but the theory about gorillas becoming humans is just absurd. Even Darwin knew his theory was a "theory", not proven. Said so himself if you study his research.
However, like I said, evolution does exist. People change over large courses of time in order to adapt to their environment. Evolution is a very slow process.
Also, I could be considered a fellow Christian for believing in God, but I do not deny the possibilities of evolution. In my own thoughts, God must have created evolution as a way for things to grow on their own. =]
2007-07-16 13:25:36
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
all you could say is you've disproved your misunderstood version of evolution, which you probably don't believe anyway... maybe this is what you're getting at: there is no 'opposite' to evolution. it's not progress. it's just change - whether the changes are good, bad or neutral for the organism in its environment, it's still all evolution. perhaps religion is good for something, or at least used to be good for something.
2007-07-16 13:28:56
answer #10
answered by vorenhutz 7
I believe in evolution, but I also believe in the bible. I do believe we've evolved, but not from monkeys. Whoever said that is crazy. I don't think we looked like we do now back in the day, I think our bodies have adjusted, adapted, and EVOLVED into what we are now. I think it happens to every species.
2007-07-16 13:23:55
answer #11
answered by I really hate my job... 4