LOL- you get a star. My daughter once asked when we put money in the collection plate "What does Jesus need money for?" When we left, they were selling cookies outside. She said "I don't like this place- you got to pay to sit down, you got to pay to eat."
I stopped tithing immediately after that. Since then I have donated my money to charities that I feel passionate about.
2007-07-16 13:22:29
answer #1
answered by Pangloss (Ancora Imparo) AFA 7
LOVE of money is the root of all evil. You will probably find that if you really want to know what churches spend their money on, you can get access to their accounts. It would surprise you to find out how expensive church buildings are to maintain. Electrical bills can be very high. Just as with any house, maintenance is ongoing and costly. Money goes to support regular charities and missionaries abroad. The love of money is the root of all evil but there is nothing wrong with having money when it is used wisely. Few churches are rich.
2007-07-16 13:27:19
answer #2
answered by lix 6
No. The 9/11 hijackers weren't stimulated by money, yet what they did became evil. the muse of maximum evil is believing which you're properly worth extra effective than everyone else. which could come out as believing you deserve or want extra money, or that your ideals are extra suitable and correctly worth killing for, or merely which you would be able to bounce a queue interior the food market with impunity. Selfishness and egocentricity ultimately impoverish the two the sufferer and their neighbour.
2016-10-03 23:18:34
answer #3
answered by ? 4
in the bible, what is written is "love of money.....
therefore evil things will start if u love money
if u work hard for money for some unknown reasons, preparing for college etc
then this is not loving money, we need money, but loving money is a different thing
now about the church asking for money, some use the money in a biblical way, then theres no problem with that
the problem comes when church people use money for their personal things
if a church ask for money but is clearly seen that they use it according to what is written in the bible then this is not loving money but obeying god,i know many church people, even pastors love money
2007-07-16 13:25:24
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
the bible doesn't say the pursuit of money.. it says the love of money... nothings wrong with wanting to have some money in your pocket.. it's just what you choose to do with it... do you worship it? and your own achievments?.. money can be an awesome thing to help others and to show how you've been blessed by god. not to gloat.. but to help those in need. Jesus was a very rich man... he had a treasurey, and had so much money judas stole from him for 3yrs.. and his other disciples didn't even realize it... he must've had more than a few bucks.. but he chose to help others...the ministry is not free.. it takes people..that's why god instructed to give 10% of your wages to the church... i'll put it this way... when you go out to eat .. do you pay? ... how much more should you when someone has devoted their lives to gods work..and are trying to help you.. ? .. now i admit some preachers are doing it for the wrong reasons.. but some are not..
2007-07-16 13:24:18
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
"The LOVE of money is the root of all evil". It seems you misquoted the verse. It sort of changes the meaning. A Church needs to ask for money , because that's the only way they can do the work of the Lord.
2007-07-16 13:32:20
answer #6
answered by The Count 7
The LOVE of money is the root of all have the vers wrong,dude.
I Timothy 6: 10 New American Standard Version
YOU READ IT! Friend, you have a different version.
It means to WORSHIP money is evil.
FYI, the church uses money to send to poor people and to help out folks who need food. The building has to be maintained, the pastor's salary has to be paid, as well as that of the organist, the custodians, etc.
2007-07-16 13:22:23
answer #7
answered by batgirl2good 7
it's all about putting money before God, and not using that money for His purposes. The church I belong to is very open about where our money goes, and it goes to help the less fortunate, and to bless the community and to help our friends in poorer countries. The church is right to ask because we believe that our money is given to us by God, so we are being faithful to give back a proportion of his gift, and many people have amazing testimonies along the lines of 'you can't out-give God.' In Malachi God says to 'test' him with our finances, and when we do he is faithful. Money is the biggest barrier to knowing God, it's no wonder those who can't let go of it don't get far spiritually speaking.
2007-07-17 05:17:45
answer #8
answered by good tree 6
10 percent should be given to charity as said in the bible but if you would rather give elsewhere then that would be a good deed, the church helps people every day but there are many charities who could do with a little bit of help, you will go to heaven
2007-07-16 13:26:07
answer #9
answered by tra 6
The church is a business like any other. They have to pay the priests a wage for food and entertainment. There's the secretary, maintenance workers, gardeners, utilities, etc.
2007-07-16 13:27:02
answer #10
answered by Jen 3
the money that goes in to church is for doing good, it helps members at the church if they have fiance; problems it pays for the fun days for children which is free. and our church needs a new roof. so the money is all ways spent well.
2007-07-16 13:24:22
answer #11
answered by sweetie 6