baptists and lutherans are christians. they are protestant denominations. anyone who believes in christ is a christian. there are different church names because for some reason people find it necessary to reinterpret the bible's teachings and make it fit what they want it to
2007-07-16 16:28:12
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
A very good question. Baptists and Lutherans are very much Christian. The only difference is that they follow many guide lines that the denomination sets up for them. A non denominational Christian follows the Bible literally without some of the rituals and such that religions follow. This doesn't make them bad, as a matter of fact I was raised as an ELCA Lutheran before I was educated at Moody Bible Institute. I know many wonderful Lutherans and Baptists among many other denominational Christians.
2007-07-16 20:10:56
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
I've also asked the same question myself. I think every religion is an "off shoot" of other Christian religions. Also, a lot of Christian churches have other beliefs that another church might not have. For example, the Seventh-Day Adventist Church is a Christian church, but what makes them different is that they go to church on Saturday vs Sunday. And, the Seventh-day Baptist Church believes in going to church on Saturday but a lot of their beliefs are different from the Seventh-Day Adventist. Most religions have "founders" that broke away from the so-called "Mother" church because of some disagreements with points or meaning of some scriptures (which is sad because all christian churches are supposed to be the body of Christ). Also, in history, all protestant religions are off-shoots of the Catholic Church. There were a lot of doctrine that the Catholic Church incorporated that people disagreed with...Thats how the protestant churches were formed because they protested against the Catholic Church. Then it went crazy from there...In fact, the Lutheran Church was founded by Martin Luther in the early years...He was the main protester against the Catholic Church back a few centuries ago.
2007-07-16 20:31:44
answer #3
answered by VALERIE C 1
The difference is in direction...
The Lutherans direct their stones in the direction of the Baptists and the Baptists direct their stones at the Lutherans... both being Christian means they also cast stones at the Mormons and the Roman Catholics, the Church of Christ folks, and at every other christian denomination, etc., etc., and it's all done because there are minor differences in how each group thinks they ought to behave and emulate a Christ-like love for others.
Do you get it now....?
Knowing which direction to cast ones stones and why one ought to hate another is what makes the difference between christian denominations.
[][][] r u randy? [][][]
2007-07-16 20:15:39
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
Most of the Christians out there that claim Jesus as the savior and that we are saved by grace through faith, may be a Christian. Various Christian groups or sects may claim to be Christian in word only. Those same groups or sects don't believe in Jesus as the Messiah, or they believe they could be saved by any other means.
A Baptist, Catholic and a Lutheran can be a true believer. No specific denomination can claim to be the true church or religion. That is utterly false and the idea of a "true one" is of man not God.
2007-07-16 20:20:28
answer #5
answered by from above 2
Because each has different philosophies about minor matters of the Christian religion. Baptists are the more fundamentalists. They don't believe in drinking alcoholic beverages, smoking or dancing. They strongly believe in total immersion when someone is baptized. Lutherans are more tolerant since these activities are usually considered acceptable. Luthers usually sprinkle, rather than totally immerse the person during baptism.
2007-07-16 20:12:52
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
Honestly not a whole lot! I am Baptist, we feel that in order to be saved you must accept Christ as your savor, and then be baptized in watter. That means submerged in watter the way Christ was baptized in the bible. We feel once saved you are always saved, as long as you know and feel that Christ died for your sins. There are some denominations that feel a person can be lost after they are saved, some feel that unless you are baptized you will not go to heaven, some believe that sprinkling of water is the way to baptize, and not submerging. Some even believe that we are all predestined who will be saved and who will be sent to hell. The fact is, we all believe that Christ was and is the son of God, who was crucified for our sins, and arose on the 3rd day, then went back to heaven. Like with Baptists we think it is not right to drink, Catholics do not share this idea. It seems to me that over all, the things that make denominations different are how each of us interprets the bible. The thing is that's man made, not God made. Just believe in Christ and what he did, then read the bible and study it and find out what you feel in your heart is right.
2007-07-16 20:19:12
answer #7
answered by Prof. Dave 7
There's another reason I don't like Christianity, too many Christian sects all spouting different interpretations from the same book.
Oh, and Baptist and Lutheran are offshoots of Catholicism, which is an offshoot of Christianity, which was started by some people that followed a Jewish Rabbi...
2007-07-16 20:09:39
answer #8
answered by ? 6
If one believes in Christ there are a Christian, plan and simple. As far as to why there are so many different names...
Well specifically you'd have to research each religion and found out why they are called that particular name. Generally, every different religion has it's own interpretation. Some closer to the truth then others, but all offer peace to God. Because there are so many different versions of the Gospel, there are different names associated with the different versions.
2007-07-16 20:07:33
answer #9
answered by Coool 4
A Baptist and Lutheran is a religion a Christian is not a religion. A Christian is a person.
Kisses Betty B.
2007-07-16 20:10:52
answer #10
answered by Anonymous